Saturday, November 21, 2009
Glory in Tribulation
The whole Bible is filled throughout with the theme of the glory of God. God does everything for His own glory, and everything He does is glorious. Our lives as Christians are defined by the glory of God.
God reveals His glory to us in the person and work of Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior. He also reveals His glory in us as Christians, His dearly loved children, who are His co-heirs with Jesus Christ.
Glory comes in many forms. There is the glory of battle, in which the victors share the spoils. There is the glory of creation, the beauty of the natural world and of the human race, which was made in the likeness and image of God. There is the glory of God Himself, His brightness, His power, majesty, and splendor.
Then there is the glory to be found in suffering. Of all the glories, this one seems the hardest for us as humans to understand. One of my favorite verses has always been Hebrews: 2:10--
Hebrews 2:10 For it was fitting for Him, for whom are all things and by whom are all things, in bringing many sons to glory, to make the captain of their salvation perfect through sufferings.
Jesus Christ is a being totally unique in all the universe. As an entirely homogenized person, He is both fully God and fully man. As man, He lived the life of men; everything that men do and suffer, He did, with the one exception of sin. Jesus never sinned, nor was there ever any sin in Him.
But He experienced hunger, thirst, tiredness, sadness, grief, joy, and all the other human emotions of which we are all familiar. When I hear the Psalmist crying out in the Old Testament, so very often in my heart I hear the voice of my Savior crying out as a man.
The above verse in Hebrews tells us that Jesus the man was made perfect, or complete, through the things He suffered. Jesus is the captain of our salvation. As captain, His goal is to bring many sons into the glory of the living God. That means that Jesus makes His followers both able to see and appreciate the glory of God and also to experience and be part of God's glory as well.
2 Corinthians 3:18 But we all, with unveiled face, beholding as in a mirror the glory of the Lord, are being transformed into the same image from glory to glory, just as by the Spirit of the Lord.
When we see loved ones suffering in any of a million different ways, our hearts go out to them, and we cry with them. The Lord Jesus while on earth also cried for the death of his good, good friend Lazarus. It is ok to grieve and mourn for the pain of those whom we love.
But the good news is that the crying over Lazarus' grave turned into cries of joy as Lazarus emerged, transformed, new and whole, healthy, and able to continue his life to the glory of God.
Not everyone who dies is returned to this life; in fact, such an event, though recorded in the Bible more than once, is extremely rare. But in the spirit, there is a resurrection of heart that does indeed change the mourning of sadness and sorrow into triumphant shouts of joy, even in the face of great tribulation. This is the perfection of spirit that Hebrews tells us Jesus learned in His sufferings here on earth. This is the work of grace in the heart which God promises to all those who believe in Jesus Christ.
The good news is Psalm 37:28 For the LORD loves justice, And does not forsake His saints; They are preserved forever, But the descendants of the wicked shall be cut off.
Heavenly Father, I thank You that You have not left us as orphans, but that You have given us Your Spirit within us to comfort and strengthen us when the going gets rough. I thank You that You have given us a Great High Priest, Jesus, who is able to sympathize with our weaknesses, having suffered in all things, except sin, as we do. I thank You for Your great and awesome power over men's hearts. Lord, I pray that You Yourself, by the living Spirit of Jesus Christ within us, will give our spirits the resurrection victory of Lazarus, even in the midst of our sufferings and sorrows. Thank You, O Lord, for Your promise to keep us. Keep us, O Lord, for Your glory, and bring us into Your eternal habitation with shouts of triumph and joy. Bring spiritual revival into our hearts, even this day, O Lord. In Jesus' name, Amen.
Saturday, November 14, 2009
Book Review: Romans Exposition of Chapter 8:5-17 The Sons of God and Charismatic Chaos
Anyone who reads Charismatic Chaos by John MacArthur should also read Romans Exposition of Chapter 8:5-17 The Sons of God by D. M. Lloyd-Jones before coming to any final conclusions on the topic of the Baptism of the Holy Spirit in our times. I am writing this review to encourage people to read D. M. Lloyd-Jones' extremely thorough theological exposition of this important topic.
John MacArthur has been pastor-teacher of Grace Community Church in Sun Valley, California, since 1969. He has written numerous books and articles in a Reformed tradition. Wikipedia labels him "a conservative Baptist". He can be heard daily on the radio program "Grace to You". He is president of The Master's College and Seminary, a Christian university in Santa Clarita, California. John MacArthur is a deservedly well-respected authority in his field.
D. M. Lloyd-Jones was born in South Wales in 1899. First serving as a medical physician, he became a minister of a Welsh Presbyterian Church until 1938, when he went to London to serve with Dr. G. Campbell Morgan as minister of Westminster Chapel. He remained at this post for 30 years, long after Morgan's retirement in 1943. He retired from that post in 1968, but still continued to preach and write. He died in 1980. Lloyd-Jones has written volumes of evangelical/reformed theological works, many of which are compilations of his sermons. He was and is very widely read, an authority in his field.
MacArthur wrote Charismatic Chaos for the specific purpose of warning against and refuting what he perceives to be dangerous, biblically unsound teachings regarding the manifestations of the Holy Spirit in our times. His topics include speaking in tongues, experiential evidence of God's truth, prophecies today, miracles and other topics of a similar vein.
Lloyd-Jones wrote Romans-Exposition of Chapter 8:15-17-The Sons of God as one of a series of highly expository sermons given between the years of 1955 and 1968. Lloyd-Jones' book is a biblical exposition, a digging out, of the meaning of the text stated in the title.
Many people today are interested in the topic of the Holy Spirit in the Christian life. Both Lloyd-Jones and MacArthur's books speak on this topic. MacArthur's is a negative presentation dealing with what he sees as excesses and pitfalls in the charismatic segment of the church today. Lloyd-Jones' is a positive expounding of the word of God. Both can be useful in their respective spheres. They need to be read together.
If I had to choose one book over the other, I would choose Lloyd-Jones'. Compared to Lloyd-Jones' book, MacArthur's book has relatively few direct scriptural quotations. Lloyd-Jones' book is packed with them. Of course, the books were written for different reasons. I would not be encouraged to seek the Holy Spirit in my own life after reading Charismatic Chaos, but after reading Romans Exposition of Chapter 8:5-17 The Sons of God, I am highly encouraged to pray and seek out this marvelous Being, who does manifest Himself inside a person in mysterious, yet very concrete and real ways.
Lloyd-Jones is anything but a charismatic. I have read several of his books, including his exposition of Romans 7. Lloyd-Jones is a perfectionist in the field of biblical exposition. His thoroughness is extreme, often tedious, and seemingly repetitive. He examines scripture with a fine tooth comb. He is passionate, but not flamboyant. He expounds with the thoroughness of a lawyer whose own son was on trial. His presentation is flat, dry, scholarly, thoroughly non-autobiographical. In all of Romans 8:5-17, he never once gave the slightest hint of any experiences he himself may or may not have had.
And yet, Lloyd-Jones gives a great exposition of scriptural evidence for the experiential manifestation of the Holy Spirit inside the believer today. But not only today, he traces the manifestation throughout New Testament times, early church times, pre-Reformation times, post Reformation times, and throughout the last century. He quotes extensively from church fathers and famous theologians and respected preachers of all eras, who themselves experienced directly the manifestation of the Holy Spirit within themselves. He includes theologians and preachers of all denominations. He quotes extensively from all, or very nearly all, the books and letters of the New Testament.
It's not about speaking in tongues. Lloyd-Jones barely mentions that topic. He does not deny the existence of tongues today, but his purpose is very different than to expound upon phenomena. There are only one or two sentences in the whole book about tongues, although he talks extensively about the Baptism of the Holy Spirit.
Lloyd-Jones' main arguments concerning the presence of the Holy Spirit in Christian experience are presented in the eighteen chapters (Yes! Eighteen entire chapters!) dealing with the assurances of sonship given in verses 14, 15, and 16 of chapter 8. He presents the assurances in three tiers, or levels.
Before going into those verses, Lloyd-Jones states that all Christians, true Christians, born-again believers, have the Spirit of Christ, the Holy Spirit, dwelling within them. Verse 9 of Romans 8 states this very clearly. But how does a Christian become assured, or certain, of his or her salvation, since an eternity in either heaven or hell is at stake?
Verses 14 through 16 address the issue of assurance of salvation. Lloyd-Jones expounds verses 14, 15, and 16 as three distinct and separate levels of assurance. Tier one in verse 14 presents sonship in terms of the Christian's walk, his or her daily obedience to the precepts and commandments of God. Obedience to God's word indicates the presence of the Holy Spirit within. This first level is where the greatest emphasis of MacArthur's teaching resides. Both authors greatly emphasize the importance of obedience to God's word as a proof and assurance of genuine salvation. One cannot be a genuine Christian without enduring obedience to God's written word.
But Lloyd-Jones moves on to verse 15 and presents it as a distinct tier of assurance, that is, the Spirit of sonship within, which cries out, "Abba, Father". The Holy Spirit who dwells within believers impassions them to have filial feelings of affection towards God the Father. This is a level of assurance distinct from the walk of obedience to God's word. Christians indwelt by the Holy Spirit have love towards God, similar to the love of a child towards his father. This love expresses itself by crying out to God the Father in prayer, in worship, and in praise.
Verse 16 is a yet higher tier of assurance distinct from the first two. Verses 14 and 15 show what the believer expresses towards God (obedience, worship, prayer, and praise), while verse 16 shows what God Himself expresses towards the believer. It is this last tier, verse 16, which is entirely absent from MacArthur's book, Charismatic Chaos. But Lloyd-Jones presents this last tier as the crowning joy, the highest of all possible experiences a person can have in this life.
Verse 16 says in the New King James version, "The Spirit Himself bears witness with our spirit that we are children of God,". Lloyd-Jones spends eight chapters expounding this verse. He carefully shows that this verse is not a repetition in different words of either of the other two verses, 14 or 15. He expounds from scripture, comparing scripture with scripture throughout all parts of the New Testament. And, as I indicated above, he quotes from the autobiographies and writings of church theologians and preachers of all denominations and of all church ages. Clearly, something is happening in the hearts of Christians of which MacArthur's book gives no hint at all.
Lloyd-Jones states directly in more than one place that not all Christians experience this witness of the Holy Spirit within themselves. In fact, many do not. He expounds the witness of the Holy Spirit within believers as coming wholly of God. There is nothing anyone does to earn, merit, or convince God to give him or her this witness. But the Holy Spirit does so manifest in many, many Christian both today and throughout the church ages.
Based on an abundance of comparative scriptural evidence and the autobiographical writings of numerous well-respected and highly significant Christians throughout church history, Lloyd-Jones presents the conclusion that the witness of the Holy Spirit within a believer is both real and much to be desired. Therefore, he encourages all Christians to eagerly and earnestly seek this witness for themselves, mainly through prayer.
The witness does not take the form of phenomena, such as speaking in tongues, although Lloyd-Jones does not deny that such a phenomenon may exist. But the witness is much more wonderful than any external phenomena, since it is a manifestation within the heart and subjective experience of a believer of the very Person of God Himself.
In conclusion, anyone interested in knowing the Holy Spirit should read Charismatic Chaos by John MacArthur, but more importantly, Romans Exposition of Chapter 8.5-17 The Sons of God by D.Martyn Lloyd-Jones. The former book may spare the reader from falling into certain pitfalls, but the latter book will ground the believer in biblical and historical reasons for pursuing an intimate knowledge of this great and Holy person of the triune God.
John MacArthur has been pastor-teacher of Grace Community Church in Sun Valley, California, since 1969. He has written numerous books and articles in a Reformed tradition. Wikipedia labels him "a conservative Baptist". He can be heard daily on the radio program "Grace to You". He is president of The Master's College and Seminary, a Christian university in Santa Clarita, California. John MacArthur is a deservedly well-respected authority in his field.
D. M. Lloyd-Jones was born in South Wales in 1899. First serving as a medical physician, he became a minister of a Welsh Presbyterian Church until 1938, when he went to London to serve with Dr. G. Campbell Morgan as minister of Westminster Chapel. He remained at this post for 30 years, long after Morgan's retirement in 1943. He retired from that post in 1968, but still continued to preach and write. He died in 1980. Lloyd-Jones has written volumes of evangelical/reformed theological works, many of which are compilations of his sermons. He was and is very widely read, an authority in his field.
MacArthur wrote Charismatic Chaos for the specific purpose of warning against and refuting what he perceives to be dangerous, biblically unsound teachings regarding the manifestations of the Holy Spirit in our times. His topics include speaking in tongues, experiential evidence of God's truth, prophecies today, miracles and other topics of a similar vein.
Lloyd-Jones wrote Romans-Exposition of Chapter 8:15-17-The Sons of God as one of a series of highly expository sermons given between the years of 1955 and 1968. Lloyd-Jones' book is a biblical exposition, a digging out, of the meaning of the text stated in the title.
Many people today are interested in the topic of the Holy Spirit in the Christian life. Both Lloyd-Jones and MacArthur's books speak on this topic. MacArthur's is a negative presentation dealing with what he sees as excesses and pitfalls in the charismatic segment of the church today. Lloyd-Jones' is a positive expounding of the word of God. Both can be useful in their respective spheres. They need to be read together.
If I had to choose one book over the other, I would choose Lloyd-Jones'. Compared to Lloyd-Jones' book, MacArthur's book has relatively few direct scriptural quotations. Lloyd-Jones' book is packed with them. Of course, the books were written for different reasons. I would not be encouraged to seek the Holy Spirit in my own life after reading Charismatic Chaos, but after reading Romans Exposition of Chapter 8:5-17 The Sons of God, I am highly encouraged to pray and seek out this marvelous Being, who does manifest Himself inside a person in mysterious, yet very concrete and real ways.
Lloyd-Jones is anything but a charismatic. I have read several of his books, including his exposition of Romans 7. Lloyd-Jones is a perfectionist in the field of biblical exposition. His thoroughness is extreme, often tedious, and seemingly repetitive. He examines scripture with a fine tooth comb. He is passionate, but not flamboyant. He expounds with the thoroughness of a lawyer whose own son was on trial. His presentation is flat, dry, scholarly, thoroughly non-autobiographical. In all of Romans 8:5-17, he never once gave the slightest hint of any experiences he himself may or may not have had.
And yet, Lloyd-Jones gives a great exposition of scriptural evidence for the experiential manifestation of the Holy Spirit inside the believer today. But not only today, he traces the manifestation throughout New Testament times, early church times, pre-Reformation times, post Reformation times, and throughout the last century. He quotes extensively from church fathers and famous theologians and respected preachers of all eras, who themselves experienced directly the manifestation of the Holy Spirit within themselves. He includes theologians and preachers of all denominations. He quotes extensively from all, or very nearly all, the books and letters of the New Testament.
It's not about speaking in tongues. Lloyd-Jones barely mentions that topic. He does not deny the existence of tongues today, but his purpose is very different than to expound upon phenomena. There are only one or two sentences in the whole book about tongues, although he talks extensively about the Baptism of the Holy Spirit.
Lloyd-Jones' main arguments concerning the presence of the Holy Spirit in Christian experience are presented in the eighteen chapters (Yes! Eighteen entire chapters!) dealing with the assurances of sonship given in verses 14, 15, and 16 of chapter 8. He presents the assurances in three tiers, or levels.
Before going into those verses, Lloyd-Jones states that all Christians, true Christians, born-again believers, have the Spirit of Christ, the Holy Spirit, dwelling within them. Verse 9 of Romans 8 states this very clearly. But how does a Christian become assured, or certain, of his or her salvation, since an eternity in either heaven or hell is at stake?
Verses 14 through 16 address the issue of assurance of salvation. Lloyd-Jones expounds verses 14, 15, and 16 as three distinct and separate levels of assurance. Tier one in verse 14 presents sonship in terms of the Christian's walk, his or her daily obedience to the precepts and commandments of God. Obedience to God's word indicates the presence of the Holy Spirit within. This first level is where the greatest emphasis of MacArthur's teaching resides. Both authors greatly emphasize the importance of obedience to God's word as a proof and assurance of genuine salvation. One cannot be a genuine Christian without enduring obedience to God's written word.
But Lloyd-Jones moves on to verse 15 and presents it as a distinct tier of assurance, that is, the Spirit of sonship within, which cries out, "Abba, Father". The Holy Spirit who dwells within believers impassions them to have filial feelings of affection towards God the Father. This is a level of assurance distinct from the walk of obedience to God's word. Christians indwelt by the Holy Spirit have love towards God, similar to the love of a child towards his father. This love expresses itself by crying out to God the Father in prayer, in worship, and in praise.
Verse 16 is a yet higher tier of assurance distinct from the first two. Verses 14 and 15 show what the believer expresses towards God (obedience, worship, prayer, and praise), while verse 16 shows what God Himself expresses towards the believer. It is this last tier, verse 16, which is entirely absent from MacArthur's book, Charismatic Chaos. But Lloyd-Jones presents this last tier as the crowning joy, the highest of all possible experiences a person can have in this life.
Verse 16 says in the New King James version, "The Spirit Himself bears witness with our spirit that we are children of God,". Lloyd-Jones spends eight chapters expounding this verse. He carefully shows that this verse is not a repetition in different words of either of the other two verses, 14 or 15. He expounds from scripture, comparing scripture with scripture throughout all parts of the New Testament. And, as I indicated above, he quotes from the autobiographies and writings of church theologians and preachers of all denominations and of all church ages. Clearly, something is happening in the hearts of Christians of which MacArthur's book gives no hint at all.
Lloyd-Jones states directly in more than one place that not all Christians experience this witness of the Holy Spirit within themselves. In fact, many do not. He expounds the witness of the Holy Spirit within believers as coming wholly of God. There is nothing anyone does to earn, merit, or convince God to give him or her this witness. But the Holy Spirit does so manifest in many, many Christian both today and throughout the church ages.
Based on an abundance of comparative scriptural evidence and the autobiographical writings of numerous well-respected and highly significant Christians throughout church history, Lloyd-Jones presents the conclusion that the witness of the Holy Spirit within a believer is both real and much to be desired. Therefore, he encourages all Christians to eagerly and earnestly seek this witness for themselves, mainly through prayer.
The witness does not take the form of phenomena, such as speaking in tongues, although Lloyd-Jones does not deny that such a phenomenon may exist. But the witness is much more wonderful than any external phenomena, since it is a manifestation within the heart and subjective experience of a believer of the very Person of God Himself.
In conclusion, anyone interested in knowing the Holy Spirit should read Charismatic Chaos by John MacArthur, but more importantly, Romans Exposition of Chapter 8.5-17 The Sons of God by D.Martyn Lloyd-Jones. The former book may spare the reader from falling into certain pitfalls, but the latter book will ground the believer in biblical and historical reasons for pursuing an intimate knowledge of this great and Holy person of the triune God.
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Psalm 119 A Meditative Prayer
Psalm 119:1-8 Conversion
Psalm 119:1 Blessed are they whose ways are blameless, who walk according to the law of the LORD.
2 Blessed are they who keep his statutes and seek him with all their heart.
3 They do nothing wrong; they walk in his ways.
4 You have laid down precepts that are to be fully obeyed.
5 Oh, that my ways were steadfast in obeying your decrees!
6 Then I would not be put to shame when I consider all your commands.
7 I will praise you with an upright heart as I learn your righteous laws.
8 I will obey your decrees; do not utterly forsake me.
1 Blessed are they whose ways are blameless, who walk according to the law of the LORD.
I see and observe the Lord's people, and I watch those who bear His name. I see that they love Him and obey His law. His people go about their day to day affairs; they have good times and bad. They have times of plenty and times of want, times of joy, and times of sorrow.
The Lord's people have trials, just like others; they suffer as others do. They have personal afflictions, relational afflictions, physical, financial, and circumstantial afflictions. They also have good seasons in their lives, as other people do.
But what I notice about those who love the Lord completely is that they are blessed. They have a peace about them in all kinds of weather, both good and bad. There is a joy that abides in those who obey the Lord's law, those whose walk is guided by Him. They have a hope and a purpose for living that transcends the daily trials of life. They are not shaken by bad news when it comes. Like Job, there is no calamity that can be announced to them that causes them to despair utterly. Yes, I can see that those who walk in God's law are blessed.
2 Blessed are they who keep his statutes and seek him with all their heart.
The ones who follow the Lord's statues, actually living according to His law, readily obeying His commandments, spending time regularly in prayer, visiting and worshiping with like-minded people, these are blessed. They are happy. They seem fulfilled, having found what others only hope to see but dimly.
3 They do nothing wrong; they walk in his ways.
I know people who seem to do nothing wrong. I do not find them congregating with the scornful. They always seem to have moved on and away before any trouble starts. I know people who use the word "sin". They also seem to make concrete plans to avoid what they call "sin" in their own lives. They don't pretend that everything under the sun is a lawful choice for them to be making. But their lives seem very orderly, settled, secure. Their relationships with their families and friends seem to be so sweet.
Oh Lord! I think I am beginning to see!
4 You have laid down precepts that are to be fully obeyed.
Lord, it's You! You are there! You are behind Your laws. It is You who have given them to us as a gift, that we should know how to please You! You are real, Lord. Your law is a proof, and the people who follow Your law are a testimony, a witness, to the rightness of Your ways! Your precepts are orderly, sure, and true, because You have ordained them. It is You, Lord!
5 Oh, that my ways were steadfast in obeying your decrees!
Lord! I want to be like these people. I want to have what these people have. May I, Lord? May my ways also be established to keep Your statutes? Oh Lord, with my whole heart I give myself to You. In the past I have disregarded You and Your Word. I have even laughed and scorned You. I have walked and sat with scoffers and "sinners".
But I am not happy, Lord. I am not happy like these other people I see who obey Your precepts. But I want You, Lord. It's a relationship with You that I want. I am helpless on my own. My life is adrift. I want to obey You, my Lord, so that I, too, may be blessed by You. I want the ways of my life to be established, so that I can obey You. I want to follow You. I want You to be my God. Will You help me in this, my Lord?
6 Then I would not be put to shame when I consider all your commands...because I, too, will be following them. I will look into Your word and see what You desire, and I will no longer feel naked and unclothed as I confess that I have broken this one and that one, here one, there one, and yet another and another.
Oh Lord, is it possible that I, too, may live a godly life in obedience to Your commandments? Oh what joy the very thought, Lord, to be free of guilt and shame as Your law is read in the assembly of all the people! Oh Lord, with all my desire I want to follow You.
7 I will praise you with an upright heart as I learn your righteous laws.
What joy! What freedom! What peace! What lightness of mind! What hope! Oh Lord, how I shall thank You, how my heart shall be fixed. How straight and tall I shall stand. How proud and happy I want to make You, Lord, when my heart is made right by Your grace alone in teaching me to obey Your righteous judgments!
Oh what joy! Lord, I thank You! I worship You! I praise You! I love You! Thank You, Lord, for including me among those who know and follow and love Your righteous decrees.
Oh, Lord, I am so eager to learn of You and to follow Your decrees, now that I know what blessings reside in them, what blessings accrue to those who love and follow Your law.
8 I will obey your decrees; do not utterly forsake me.
I have decided. My thought is clear. My resolve is firm. My intention is of my own will. My mind is made up. Yes! I shall keep Your statutes all the days of my life. From this moment on until the day I die, I will keep Your decrees.
2 Blessed are they who keep his statutes and seek him with all their heart.
3 They do nothing wrong; they walk in his ways.
4 You have laid down precepts that are to be fully obeyed.
5 Oh, that my ways were steadfast in obeying your decrees!
6 Then I would not be put to shame when I consider all your commands.
7 I will praise you with an upright heart as I learn your righteous laws.
8 I will obey your decrees; do not utterly forsake me.
1 Blessed are they whose ways are blameless, who walk according to the law of the LORD.
I see and observe the Lord's people, and I watch those who bear His name. I see that they love Him and obey His law. His people go about their day to day affairs; they have good times and bad. They have times of plenty and times of want, times of joy, and times of sorrow.
The Lord's people have trials, just like others; they suffer as others do. They have personal afflictions, relational afflictions, physical, financial, and circumstantial afflictions. They also have good seasons in their lives, as other people do.
But what I notice about those who love the Lord completely is that they are blessed. They have a peace about them in all kinds of weather, both good and bad. There is a joy that abides in those who obey the Lord's law, those whose walk is guided by Him. They have a hope and a purpose for living that transcends the daily trials of life. They are not shaken by bad news when it comes. Like Job, there is no calamity that can be announced to them that causes them to despair utterly. Yes, I can see that those who walk in God's law are blessed.
2 Blessed are they who keep his statutes and seek him with all their heart.
The ones who follow the Lord's statues, actually living according to His law, readily obeying His commandments, spending time regularly in prayer, visiting and worshiping with like-minded people, these are blessed. They are happy. They seem fulfilled, having found what others only hope to see but dimly.
3 They do nothing wrong; they walk in his ways.
I know people who seem to do nothing wrong. I do not find them congregating with the scornful. They always seem to have moved on and away before any trouble starts. I know people who use the word "sin". They also seem to make concrete plans to avoid what they call "sin" in their own lives. They don't pretend that everything under the sun is a lawful choice for them to be making. But their lives seem very orderly, settled, secure. Their relationships with their families and friends seem to be so sweet.
Oh Lord! I think I am beginning to see!
4 You have laid down precepts that are to be fully obeyed.
Lord, it's You! You are there! You are behind Your laws. It is You who have given them to us as a gift, that we should know how to please You! You are real, Lord. Your law is a proof, and the people who follow Your law are a testimony, a witness, to the rightness of Your ways! Your precepts are orderly, sure, and true, because You have ordained them. It is You, Lord!
5 Oh, that my ways were steadfast in obeying your decrees!
Lord! I want to be like these people. I want to have what these people have. May I, Lord? May my ways also be established to keep Your statutes? Oh Lord, with my whole heart I give myself to You. In the past I have disregarded You and Your Word. I have even laughed and scorned You. I have walked and sat with scoffers and "sinners".
But I am not happy, Lord. I am not happy like these other people I see who obey Your precepts. But I want You, Lord. It's a relationship with You that I want. I am helpless on my own. My life is adrift. I want to obey You, my Lord, so that I, too, may be blessed by You. I want the ways of my life to be established, so that I can obey You. I want to follow You. I want You to be my God. Will You help me in this, my Lord?
6 Then I would not be put to shame when I consider all your commands...because I, too, will be following them. I will look into Your word and see what You desire, and I will no longer feel naked and unclothed as I confess that I have broken this one and that one, here one, there one, and yet another and another.
Oh Lord, is it possible that I, too, may live a godly life in obedience to Your commandments? Oh what joy the very thought, Lord, to be free of guilt and shame as Your law is read in the assembly of all the people! Oh Lord, with all my desire I want to follow You.
7 I will praise you with an upright heart as I learn your righteous laws.
What joy! What freedom! What peace! What lightness of mind! What hope! Oh Lord, how I shall thank You, how my heart shall be fixed. How straight and tall I shall stand. How proud and happy I want to make You, Lord, when my heart is made right by Your grace alone in teaching me to obey Your righteous judgments!
Oh what joy! Lord, I thank You! I worship You! I praise You! I love You! Thank You, Lord, for including me among those who know and follow and love Your righteous decrees.
Oh, Lord, I am so eager to learn of You and to follow Your decrees, now that I know what blessings reside in them, what blessings accrue to those who love and follow Your law.
8 I will obey your decrees; do not utterly forsake me.
I have decided. My thought is clear. My resolve is firm. My intention is of my own will. My mind is made up. Yes! I shall keep Your statutes all the days of my life. From this moment on until the day I die, I will keep Your decrees.
But Lord...How can I do this alone? I cannot, my Lord! I am totally destitute of any ability in myself whatsoever at all to keep even the least of any of Your commandments! Oh Lord! Help! Do not forsake me utterly! Lord, I need You. Help me, please, Lord, to live a holy life in You. Oh my Lord, do not leave me alone. I am totally dependent upon You and Your good grace to live the life that You desire for me. You have shown me that Your law is good. You have shown me the blessings that come to those who obey You. Oh Lord, now that I know You, now that You have lightened my eyes, now I know that I cannot live without You, and not to feel Your presence in me is the worst misery I have ever known. Help me, Lord, to stay close to You by obeying Your word. Do not forsake me utterly!
John 7:38 He that believeth on me, as the scripture hath said, out of his belly shall flow rivers of living water.
Psalm 119:9-16 The New Life Under Way--Becoming Established in God's Word
Psalm 119:9 How can a young man keep his way pure? By living according to your word.
10 I seek you with all my heart; do not let me stray from your commands.
11 I have hidden your word in my heart that I might not sin against you.
12 Praise be to you, O LORD; teach me your decrees.
13 With my lips I recount all the laws that come from your mouth.
14 I rejoice in following your statutes as one rejoices in great riches.
15 I meditate on your precepts and consider your ways.
16 I delight in your decrees; I will not neglect your word.
9 How can a young man [woman] keep his [her] way pure? ...
What is the path to holiness, dear God? How shall I know what is right in Your sight and what is wrong? How shall I know how to behave and what to choose as various situations arise? How shall I stick with my choices in the face of opposition? How can I keep from sinning and keep my way pure?
9...By living according to Your word.
Your word will lead and guide me. Your word, my Bible, comes from You. It has Your name written upon it; Your name is inscribed all over it. Your word is trustworthy, Oh God, because of who You are. You are behind Your word. It is Your gift to me. Oh thank You, Lord, for Your word.
Your word will lead and direct me. Your word will tell me what I need to know. It will point me towards You and show me the good and the false, the right and the wrong. Your word will light my path before me and show me where to place my feet. Then my walk will be good and sound; my feet will not stumble, and my way shall be pure, as I obey and follow Your word.
10 I seek you with all my heart; ...
Oh Lord! You are my one desire, my hope, my dream when I lie on my bed at night. It is You, Lord, my soul eagerly wants to know. It is Your intimacy I desire above all else. My heart is Yours, Lord.
10 ...Do not let me wander from Your commandments.
I do not trust myself, Lord. You've given me Your commandments; they are written in Your word; they are a light to my feet. By them I shall keep my way pure. But, what if my footsteps wander? What if my heart refuses to obey? What if I take my eyes off Your path? Oh Lord, forbid the thought--what if my heart should desire another?
Lord, with all my heart I have sought You; do not let me wander from Your commandments. I need You to help me. I need You to keep me. It is by Your grace alone, Lord, that my feet will stick to Your path; the path my heart has chosen. My spirit is oh so willing, Lord, but my flesh is oh so very, very weak. And my eyes are weak, Lord. I don't always see clearly. My eyes wander and search out what is unlawful. Oh, Lord, I implore You, by Your grace, my Lord, do not let me wander from Your commandments.
11 I have hidden your word in my heart that I might not sin against you.
But You have helped me, Lord. You have shown me how to keep Your way. For You have given me Your word, and Your word I have treasured in my heart, that I may not sin against You.
You have not left me helpless, nor alone. You have given me Your word, and it is priceless treasure, for by studying it, meditating upon it, asking You concerning it, keeping it always before me, learning its very commas and capitals by heart, Oh Lord, its every jot and tittle, I know that You very graciously by it have given me the means to not sin against You.
You have not been stingy, Lord; You are not deceptive, nor do You employ trickery, but very openly You have fully explained in Your word what pleases You and what does not. It is exciting, Lord, that You have revealed Yourself to us this way. And Lord, I have received Your gift wisely; I have esteemed and valued Your word. I have made a good, strong, solid choice here, Lord, because Your word I have indeed treasured in my heart, that I may not sin against You.
When I sin against others, Lord, they suffer on account of my sin. But, Lord, ultimately it is against You I sin. You alone are my judge, my creator, my Lord. It is You to whom I am answerable. You have saved me, not they. It is Your word I follow, not theirs.
12 Praise be to you, O LORD; teach me your decrees.
Blessed are You, Lord; I praise You. Yours alone, Oh Lord, is the glory, honor, thanksgiving, and adoration. Blessed are You; Oh Lord. I give You my allegiance.
Teach me your statutes. I am Your servant. Teach me Your ways. You have given me Your word. Now Lord, I humbly bow and pray, that You would enlighten Your word by Your Holy Spirit unto me, that You would teach me Your decrees in my heart. Enlighten my heart, my understanding, that I may see and know and convert into action what Your word prescribes. For all You word is a closed book to me without You as teacher! Your word is gibberish to me, mere letters on a page, only a dull, vague, even boring noise in my ear, unless You Yourself reveal to my inner hearing, my heart, what You have written.
Lord, I have treasured Your word; it is my chief delight, Lord, in all my life, my very most chief delight is to study and know and understand Your word, for through it, by means of Your written word, Your law, You bring delight to my heart. Oh Lord, blessed are You. Teach me Your statutes, that I may please You and bring delight to Your heart, my Lord. I love You.
13 With my lips I recount all the laws that come from your mouth.
Not only have I believed, Lord, in my heart, but I have also confessed with my lips all the pronouncements of Your mouth, Oh my God. Had I believed in my heart only, but kept my knowledge secret before man, I would be denying Your name. I would be deceiving myself as to the sincerity and strength of my belief, Lord. But my heart has believed You utterly, and my lips are servants of my heart. I am single, not divided. My will and my heart are one, Lord. I believe to the extent that I am willing to go before both my friends and my enemies and say, "This is what I believe and know to be true about the Lord."
Oh Lord, thank You for Your word. It is my chief pleasure and delight to tell others of Your great goodness. And Lord, it is not my lips alone that speak, but it is Your mouth, Lord. Your ordinances are not of me, Lord; I did not invent them. They came from Your mouth. When I speak of You, I am merely telling others what Your mouth has spoken in the principles You have laid down for us in Your holy word.
14 I rejoice in following your statutes as one rejoices in great riches.
Oh Lord, the blessings I observed others receive who walk according to Your testimonies are now mine as well. For I have rejoiced in the way of Your statutes as much as in all riches! Your testimonies are my chief delight, Lord. Studying Your word and walking in the way of Your statutes brings me more joy, satisfaction, and gladness than all my worldly wealth put together. Ah, Lord, Your word is alive, and in it You Yourself commune with my heart. But gold and silver are dead. The things they buy are also dead. The activities they purchase are fleeting and they vanish like ashes on a windy day.
But Your word builds upon itself. It increases daily in my heart. It feeds me and changes me from within. I am strengthened, Lord--I can feel it--I am strengthened by meditating on Your word. Its effect is cumulative. I feel my heart settling down into peace as I consider Your ways. Oh Lord, Your walk is a good walk. Your joy is a daily strength to me. Your joy bubbles up within me at the most unlikely moments of trial and difficulty, and I am reminded by gladness of Your presence within me. Riches have no comparison, Lord, to the abundant riches of Your testimonies.
15 I meditate on your precepts and consider your ways.
I renew my vows to You, my Lord. My mind has not changed. I have tasted and seen for myself that Your ways are good. Therefore, I will continue in the good path I have chosen. I will give time to Your word. I will not go whizzing through it, nor chomp it down quickly, swallowing it almost whole. But I will meditate.
I will ruminate each line thoughtfully, prayerfully in my mouth before I swallow. I will taste its goodness and discern its nuances.
You are holy, God. What great love You have displayed for Your creation by giving Your word. What great, good fortune is mine that You have given even me Your word! Oh the blessings I have found in it. I am satisfied, Lord; I am content. There is nothing I have found on earth better than Your word. Nor am I empty that I keep on looking! Your word fills me, Lord.
So I will meditate on Your precepts and regard Your ways. I will live all my life with You in mind--I will take You into account in all I do, say, and think. I will obey You in every area of my life. I shall not only meditate, Lord, but I shall do. I shall do what You command, as I regard Your precepts.
16 I delight in your decrees; I will not neglect your word.
I delight in Your statutes. They are not burdensome to me. Before I knew You, Your word was a burden. It was heavy, dull. But now, Lord, now that You have quickened my heart and called me by my name to Yourself, now Your word is my delight. I am amazed at how You open it up to me! Lines of verse which before made no sense at all are now precious to me.
I will not meditate upon Your word as a burden, a chore to be gotten through quickly, like all the other necessary but tedious chores of the day. No, Lord, Your statutes are my delight! Considering them will be the best part of my day, every day. Thank You for Your word, Oh gracious Lord.
I will not forget Your word. I shall guard and keep it as my greatest treasure. I will earnestly try to obey every line. I will not fall asleep and then awaken unmindful of You, but Your word will always be in my heart and at the front center of my vision.
Psalm 119:17-24 Trials Begin; Longing Deepens
GimelPsalm 119:17 Do good to your servant, and I will live; I will obey your word.
18 Open my eyes that I may see wonderful things in your law.
19 I am a stranger on earth; do not hide your commands from me.
20 My soul is consumed with longing for your laws at all times.
21 You rebuke the arrogant, who are cursed and who stray from your commands.
22 Remove from me scorn and contempt, for I keep your statutes.
23 Though rulers sit together and slander me, your servant will meditate on your decrees.
24 Your statutes are my delight; they are my counselors.
17 Deal bountifully with Your servant, Lord, that I may live and keep Your word.
I do not want a small blessing, Lord, but a large one. I am very needy, Lord. I can do nothing without you. I want and need Your big blessing, my Lord. I am Your servant, Lord. I am engaged in Your work; I spend my time involved in Your tasks. Why should Your servant be ill-prepared, ill-equipped to do Your pleasure?
Oh Lord, be gracious to me and give me what I need, so that I may live. So often, Lord, so very often I come but this close to death. Death will very readily swallow me up apart from Your good graces. And it is not for myself that I ask, Lord. It is for You. I am Your servant. Why should Your servant die? Let me live, my gracious Lord, that I may keep Your word!
18 Open my eyes that I may see wonderful things in your law.
I am blind without You. It is not my spirit that sees great things in Your word; it is Your Spirit within me. Open my eyes, Lord. I am poor and needy. I have no skills nor talents. Your word is locked, Lord, unless You open it to me. The treasure is there, but I cannot see it, I cannot find it, unless You help me, my Lord.
You have hidden Your heart from those who do not love You. The riches of Your word cannot be taken by force. But I love You, my Lord; help me to love You more! Bless me, Lord; bless me, even me. Open my eyes, Lord. That is the blessing I desire.
19 I am a stranger on earth; do not hide your commands from me.
I am not like those who do not love You, who have no regard for Your way. My home is not here. I listen, and they are laughing, but I do not laugh with them. "Why am I here?" I ask. They are not my kinsmen who neither know nor love You.
I want to be alone, Lord. I want to be alone with You. do not hide Your commandments from me. I cannot find them on my own. I look, and I read, but they are cold letters on the page apart from You. I look, I read aloud, but they are like fleeting strangers in the night, like those who pass by quickly without a glance. Unless You unlock for me the secrets of Your love, I will not know them.
20 My soul is consumed with longing for your laws at all times.
I am crushed within. I long for You, for Your word. I am weak and afraid, I am lonely without You, my Lord. I am desperate for breath; I cannot breathe. I am heavily weighed down with a load that threatens to kill me. Lord, help me! I die!
Oh Lord, I long for Your word. I long for a breath of fresh air, for a cool breeze upon my face, for the sweet dew of morning in my mouth. For it is hot and dry and dusty and tired without You.
Oh Lord, save me. My desire for Your ordinances does not dissipate with time. It does not grow less, but it increases. It grows greater and greater until I cannot stand the pain. Oh Lord, save me soon. I long to hear Your word in my heart. You are my life, Lord. You are my breathing, my air. Oh come quickly, Lord, or else I die. There is no satisfaction for my soul apart from You. Come quickly, oh Lord.
21 You rebuke the arrogant, who are cursed and who stray from your commands.
Your rebuke is like a deep, deep cold. Lord, I cannot live without You. It is hell, Lord, without the smile of Your face upon me. Do not number me, Lord, with the arrogant, who are cursed, who stray from Your commands, not knowing they are far from You and not caring if they are not close.
But I need You, Lord. I am miserable apart from You. Forgive me for the times when I take You lightly, when I hear You knock, but turn the other way. Forgive me, Lord. How soon I repent of my coldness to You, for being apart from You is a coldness I cannot bear.
22 Remove from me scorn and contempt, for I keep your statutes.
They mock me. They insult me. They laugh and jest when they see my love for You. Remove from me their scorn and contempt, Lord. It is is like a hard sentence of condemnation, but I am innocent! I keep Your statutes! What fault in me merits derision?
23 Though rulers sit together and slander me, your servant will meditate on your decrees.
Nevertheless, Lord, I know whose I am. Even though those of high station and authority sit together and slander me, even so, Lord, I will yet meditate on Your decrees. I am Your servant. Your will be done.
Not only that, I love Your law!
24 Your statutes are my delight; they are my counselors.
Why wouldn't I meditate on Your decrees? They are my chief pleasure and delight! Slanderers and scoffers have no knowledge of You; they are indeed blind; they have no vision. But I, by Your great grace, see Your beauty. I see the beauty of Your law, and Your comeliness delights me. Your law counsels me and comforts me. I am content, Lord, in You. Thank You, precious Lord, for loving me.Their words have no power over me. Your statutes protect me.
Psalm 119:25-32 Travail Continues; Tenacity Toward God's Word Increases
Psalm 119:25 My soul cleaves to the dust; Revive me according to Your word.
26 I have told of my ways, and You have answered me; Teach me Your statutes.
27 Make me understand the way of Your precepts, So I will meditate on Your wonders.
28 My soul weeps because of grief; Strengthen me according to Your word.
29 Remove the false way from me, And graciously grant me Your law.
30 I have chosen the faithful way; I have placed Your ordinances before me.
31 I cling to Your testimonies; O LORD, do not put me to shame!
32 I shall run the way of Your commandments, For You will enlarge my heart.
25 My soul cleaves to the dust; Revive me according to Your word.
Lord, I am earth-bound. Where is the free flowing flight of joy I once knew? Lord, I am hard pressed on every side. My loved ones hate me. Even Your own people look upon me strangely. I have no strength. My mouth is dry and my tongue is stuck to its roof. Lord, I perish if You do not save me.
My stomach churns within me, and my food tastes like dry cardboard in my mouth. I can barely swallow. I must force myself to eat, for I have no appetite within me.
How long, Oh my God? During the day my soul longs for night, but nights are torment to me; I find no rest, as my eyes search eagerly for dawn.
But You, Lord, You are eternal, and You hold my life in Your hand. Oh Lord, revive me according to Your word! Don't leave me here, my Lord. I perish. I cannot breathe. I ache, and all is heaviness and deep darkness within me.
Lord, don't let this be my resting place. May this not become my home, my habitation for life. May my journey not end here. Let this not be where I stop. Lord, revive me!
You are my sure hope, Lord, and Your word makes steadfast, enduring, eternal promises to me. Revive me, Lord, according to Your word.
I cling to Your word, my Lord. I sleep with Your book upon my chest, my only comfort, my only hope. In early morning, Lord, I turn to Your word and find strength for my soul. Your word is sure, and Your promises of everlasting love and peace in Your presence do not lie. Lord, I need You. I need You, Lord. Come quickly, Lord. Revive me again.
26 I have told of my ways, and You have answered me; Teach me Your statutes.
Lord, in my despair and my great, great need I cried out to You, Lord. You heard my cry and You have answered me! Praise You, Lord God Almighty! Praise You for Your glorious mercies to the sons of men. Oh Lord, You are God; You are He who hears in the night; You hear me from the deep, deep recesses of my soul. Praise You, Lord, You have answered me! I shall live, and I shall not die. Oh Lord, thank You! Thank You again and again oh my Lord!
Oh Lord, in my despair I told You all there is to know about me. You know it all. There is nothing hidden from Your sight. I ran to You, my Lord. I fell at Your feet gasping and panting for breath. The enemy pursued me day and night, accusing me of all wrongdoings.
But You, Lord, are my safety and my shield. In You is safe haven. You shield me and spread Your cloak around and upon me. What need I fear from the enemy? I have told You all of my ways, not holding back on one single sin within me.
Oh, Lord, see? See the pus in my wounds? See the sore that has no chance to heal, because it opens afresh every day? See the atrophied limb and the cankerous growth? Can you smell the putrid foulness, Lord, that lingers even in the brightest daylight?
Lord, I have showed You it all, because You are my Hope, my Savior, my Strong Physician, my Mighty Friend, my Healer, my Comforter, my Protector. You alone, Oh Lord, are trustworthy. I have nothing to hide from You, for I have told of all my ways, and You have answered me at great cost to Yourself. You have spared nothing for me.
Oh Lord! Teach me Your statutes! Yours is the good Way and the right Way. There is healing and goodness and strength in all Your commandments. Your word is truth and righteousness, and he who finds them finds gladness and peace. Oh Lord, You are my God, my Savior, my Great Joy, and my Friend. Teach me Your statutes, that I may please You.
27 Make me understand the way of Your precepts, So I will meditate on Your wonders.
It is not a passing acquaintance with You I desire, Lord. It is not a greeting from afar, a smile, a wave, an occasional hello that will satisfy my soul. I long to know You deeply, thoroughly, completely, utterly. I want to have close ties with You everyday and all the days of my life.
Lord, I would meditate upon Your wonders. I would have You hide me in the cleft of Your rock to see Your glory pass by. I would know You as the hymnist does, as the psalmist who writes with passionate pen concerning Your great deeds.
Oh Lord, teach me Your statutes. Make me understand the way of Your precepts. So I will meditate on Your wonders.
28 My soul weeps because of grief; Strengthen me according to Your word.
I am like a woman in labor, Lord. I am like one who stands at the shore of the great sea. The billows come and break over me. Briefly You rest me, then a new onslaught rapidly appears. My soul weeps because of grief.
Sin abounds, both within me and without. Those who do not know Your ways, who do not love You, those who reject and mock You also reject and mock me. Those who commit atrocities, those who laugh derisively, all these abound, Lord, everywhere.
Whoever sees men sees sorrow and suffering on every side. Loud wailings of despair, darkness, and confusion fill the air. But oh Lord, strengthen me according to Your word. Breathe life into me. Invigorate me with the meat of Your word. Water my soul and feed my heart with the meditations of Your great presence.
29 Remove the false way from me, And graciously grant me Your law.
How is one to move in this life of perilous temptation and abounding sin? How can one not be swept away in the torrents of humankind flowing towards the pit? How can I see through all the dark gloom around me? How can I know the way? How can I avoid the hazards and downfallings common to all men? Oh, Lord, how can I escape the temptations and deceit present in my own heart?
Where is home, oh God? Where is safe haven? Where rest, bed, and lodging in the crowded city of loud wailings, gnashing of teeth, and utter misery?
Oh Lord, in Your word! Your word is light and peace and breath and hope. Your word is a sure pathway through confusion. Your word is a solid rock that cannot be shaken, and it guides to a secure, eternal habitation. How I long for the courts of Your house, my God. How I long to be home safe at last.
Oh Lord, remove the false way from me, and graciously grant me Your law. I cannot deal with anything on my own, Lord. I cannot save myself, nor can I find my own way. I tried, Lord. I searched and I looked and I wept, but all was deep, deep darkness and deadly gloom all around me, no hope ever, day after day the same, until I cried out to You.
You heard my cry and answered me. You lifted me and rescued me. You set my feet on solid ground and placed a lamp before me. Oh Lord, I bow before You in gratefulness. My soul rests beside still waters, and I praise Your name.
But Lord, even now, deceitful, lying tongues beckon me from many crossroads. Even now, false deceivers with sweet sounding voices coo serenely from beside the road. But they lie, Oh God. Behind every falsehood are sharp teeth that long to bite and tear and chew. Every false way leads back to destruction.
Lord, I need You. I need Your grace constantly, every moment. Lord, I need Your grace to keep me safe, to lead, direct, reprove, discipline, and guide me. Your rod and staff, they comfort me. Oh Lord, be gracious to me. Grant me Your law, that I may live, that I may know the right from wrong and choose wise steps for my feet.
30 I have chosen the faithful way; I have placed Your ordinances before me.
I have committed my soul to following You. I have set my face toward the light of Your law. I choose the path that leads to Your city; and I have Your ordinances in my heart to guide me at all times. But more than this, Lord, more than this, ...
31 I cling to Your testimonies; O LORD, do not put me to shame!
I cling to Your testimonies. I clutch them tightly in my fist and cement my arm to my chest. My hands have no fingers, Lord. My fingers grip Your word, the word of Your great promises to me, they grip Your word so tightly that they have melded to my fist.
The gale howls. The wind blows. The enemy roars. They all seek to loose my grasp upon Your word. They long to have at me and tear me to pieces. But I cling to Your testimonies, my Lord. They are my life. They are my song. They are my hope.
Oh Lord, do not put me to shame! I have leaned my full weight upon You. I have held nothing back. All my hopes, all, are in Your hand. I have no hope besides You. If You do not save, I perish.
All who see me know, Lord. They all know that my trust is in You. Oh Lord, for the sake of Your great name, do not put me to shame. May I not bring shame upon You. My life is in Your hands.
32 I shall run the way of Your commandments, For You will enlarge my heart.
Oh, Lord, I love You. I shall run the way of Your commandments, for You will enlarge my heart. You heard my cry and answered me in my greatest hour of need. You called me and said, Come quickly! Over here! You rescued me and lifted me out of the grasp of the grave. You gave me honey from Your rock. You strengthened me and gave me fresh air to breathe. You anointed my head with oil and calmed my troubled soul. You led me beside Your still waters.
Oh Lord! What can I give You in return?
Time and time again You have rescued my precious life from the pit. You have rescued me from the destroyer's hand. You have given me great and enduring promises, promises of pure gold, a reward of great glory among those who receive Your inheritance, the inheritance of Your household, Your family. All this awaits me at the end of my days.
Lord, You have given me the wings of an eagle to fly far, far above the outstretched claws of all my enemies. Lord, You have pulled my feet from out of the muck and the mire, and Your strong arm held me tight and kept me securely bound to You as I slid through the slick, wet, slimy clay toward the pit.
Lord, You have done all this for Your own good pleasure. I deserve none of it. What a great, good God You are! You are God; You are my God! You hear the cries of the lowly, the pressed down, the loud calls for help from the needy and despised, the forsaken of the world. You are a God of goodness and grace, splendor and majesty!
Oh Lord, You have renewed me again! You have restored to me the vigor of my youth! My heart sings; and joy, peace, and happy gladness are my daily companions.
Oh Lord, You have done all this. You have made all this possible for me. I worship and praise You, oh my God, for You are the God of my life.
Oh Lord, I shall run the way of Your commandments, for You will enlarge my heart. I will not hold back, Lord! Eagerly I will embrace You, and my steps shall be light and secure. Oh Lord, Your paths are good paths, and they are the delight of my heart. Thank You, Oh my great, good God for loving me and causing my heart to grow in You.
Psalm 119:33-40 Praying Against the Moral Weakness Within
Psalm 119:33 Teach me, O LORD, the way of Your statutes, And I shall observe it to the end.
34 Give me understanding, that I may observe Your law And keep it with all my heart.
35 Make me walk in the path of Your commandments, For I delight in it.
36 Incline my heart to Your testimonies And not to dishonest gain.
37 Turn away my eyes from looking at vanity, And revive me in Your ways.
38 Establish Your word to Your servant, As that which produces reverence for You.
39 Turn away my reproach which I dread, For Your ordinances are good.
40 Behold, I long for Your precepts; Revive me through Your righteousness.
Psalm 119:33 Teach me, O LORD, the way of Your statutes, And I shall observe it to the end.
34 Give me understanding, that I may observe Your law And keep it with all my heart.
35 Make me walk in the path of Your commandments, For I delight in it.
36 Incline my heart to Your testimonies And not to dishonest gain.
37 Turn away my eyes from looking at vanity, And revive me in Your ways.
38 Establish Your word to Your servant, As that which produces reverence for You.
39 Turn away my reproach which I dread, For Your ordinances are good.
40 Behold, I long for Your precepts; Revive me through Your righteousness.
33 Teach me, O LORD, the way of Your statutes, And I shall observe it to the end.
Lord, Your ways are so vast, and Your comings and goings are eternal. Who can say, Lord, that they know Your way? Teach me, Oh Lord, the way of Your statutes, and I shall observe it to the end.
Your statutes are more than stand alone tidbits of law, Lord. Each one is perfect, and together they are life to the one who hears and obeys. Your statutes, Lord, are a landscape unto themselves. They are a country. They are a way of life. To follow them is to abide in the land of the living, to have fellowship with living souls who love You.
Oh Lord, thank You for Your word. Teach me the way of Your statutes, and I shall observe it to the end. I am committed, Lord. I cannot learn Your statutes on my own. You must teach me, but I am committed, Lord, to practice them. My feet are ready to walk. Only show me Your ways, and I will do them.
I do not say, Lord, that I will just try them, or taste them for awhile and see how it goes. No, but Lord, I seek to follow the way of Your statutes all the days of my life.
I am committed to following them, and so I give You my whole heart, all my mind, all my passion, all my endeavor, all the days of my life, Lord, to the end--to the end of my life, and to the end of time. Only hold my hand, Lord. Lead and guide me all the days of my life, for I am totally blind without You, and without You, I can do nothing.
Lord, my life is held in Yours, and You, Lord, are eternal. Oh praise be to God!
34 Give me understanding, that I may observe Your law And keep it with all my heart.
Lord, I have no understanding of my own. I am weak and poor and needy, thick of hearing, and my vision is all murky and filled with clots, so that I cannot see at all.
Lord, apart from You, I confess to You my utter inability to learn and to know Your way. I need You, Lord God. I need Your Spirit of Holiness to lead, teach, and guide me. I need You, Spirit, to enlighten my mind, that I may see and understand.
Lord, my heart also is dependent upon Your grace, that I may keep Your law. Lord, You and You alone have placed this desire in me to obey Your commandments. I was not born with a desire to follow You, but You graced my heart with knowledge of the Most High, and You gave me as a free gift a heart that seeks to know and follow You.
Oh Lord! Enlarge my understanding, that I may go deeper into Your way! Show me more and more, Lord, for I want You with all my heart.
35 Make me walk in the path of Your commandments, For I delight in it.
Lord, I am ready! My heart is eager. My will desires that my feet would move! Oh Lord, make me walk! I would not stand still, Lord. I would move and make progress.
Lord, I would not be one who stands inside and looks out, as it were, through a window at others who follow Your way. Lord, I want to walk! I want to move and know Your landscape. I want to see for myself Your hills and valleys, Your little streams by the way. Oh Lord, You have created a world; You have given us Your kingdom. Oh Lord! Make me walk; make my feet move, Lord. Use me, Lord, for I delight in Your way!
But I need Your help, Lord! Open doors, Lord, that I may enter in!
36 Incline my heart to Your testimonies And not to dishonest gain.
Lord, You have answered my prayer, and my feet have begun to walk. But this is what I find--
Your ways are not always easy ways. The ways of my flesh are enemies of Your ways, and my flesh by nature finds Your ways burdensome and distasteful. In the short run, Lord, Your ways do not lead to material gains, and many of Your ways do not lead to open approval from men.
But, on the other hand, Lord, any gain I might receive that is not from Your hand is not based on truth. It is only deception, because You alone are truth. Gain from following Your testimonies is the only eternal reward.
You require modesty and humility from Your servants, not loud boasting of deeds well done. Works done in obedience to Your testimonies are most often quiet and go unnoticed and unwatched by men. They bring no harvest of praise, nor even quiet thank-yous.
Incline my heart to Your testimonies, Lord! Help me not to desire gain through boasting or through taking what is not given to me by You. Your rewards are eternal, and You have promised to provide all my needs in abundance and beyond.
Lord, incline my heart to the thin air of obedience to Your testimonies. My heart needs Your firm hand upon it. I know You watch my every move, and You require honesty down to the tiniest jot and tittle, Lord. A lie told concerning a mote is no less a lie because of its size. All known and willful lies are an offence to You, my Lord.
Lord, grant me Your censure always; chastise me quickly, Lord, as You so very often do, when I tend toward any known dishonesty to take what is not mine. Goods or praise gained through robbery are no blessing. You do not bless misdeeds done under a cloak of secrecy.
Lord, I pray You, incline my heart to Your testimonies and not to dishonest gain.
37 Turn away my eyes from looking at vanity, And revive me in Your ways.
Lord, there are so many things in the life of man that are corruption, that do not persist, that die and remain dead in the grave. They have no life, nor do they give life, nor do they lead to life. But they appear colorful on the outside when one looks at them.
They entice and seek to rob the affections. They weaken, dilute, cloud, and split apart into many pieces the will, Lord, so that one becomes ineffective, like an epileptic puppet on strings who lies fallen, jerking its limbs quiveringly upon the ground.
Lord, turn my eyes from gazing upon vanity, Lord! Vanities are like flickering lights designed to pull one's attention and keep it fixed away from You.
Lord, the enemy is strong, and I am weak. Lord, I am so very, very weak in my flesh. I have no strength apart from You. Oh Lord, help me! Turn my eyes away, Lord, from all that is false, temporary, puffed up, prideful; from all that deceives, corrupts, and leads to wickedness.
Lord, I am weak. Help me, Lord. Turn my eyes away from all that distracts from You. Help me to see clearly, Lord. Your ways are good. Your ways are true. Revive me, Lord, in Your ways! May I not look at the world. May I
Lord, Your ways are so vast, and Your comings and goings are eternal. Who can say, Lord, that they know Your way? Teach me, Oh Lord, the way of Your statutes, and I shall observe it to the end.
Your statutes are more than stand alone tidbits of law, Lord. Each one is perfect, and together they are life to the one who hears and obeys. Your statutes, Lord, are a landscape unto themselves. They are a country. They are a way of life. To follow them is to abide in the land of the living, to have fellowship with living souls who love You.
Oh Lord, thank You for Your word. Teach me the way of Your statutes, and I shall observe it to the end. I am committed, Lord. I cannot learn Your statutes on my own. You must teach me, but I am committed, Lord, to practice them. My feet are ready to walk. Only show me Your ways, and I will do them.
I do not say, Lord, that I will just try them, or taste them for awhile and see how it goes. No, but Lord, I seek to follow the way of Your statutes all the days of my life.
I am committed to following them, and so I give You my whole heart, all my mind, all my passion, all my endeavor, all the days of my life, Lord, to the end--to the end of my life, and to the end of time. Only hold my hand, Lord. Lead and guide me all the days of my life, for I am totally blind without You, and without You, I can do nothing.
Lord, my life is held in Yours, and You, Lord, are eternal. Oh praise be to God!
34 Give me understanding, that I may observe Your law And keep it with all my heart.
Lord, I have no understanding of my own. I am weak and poor and needy, thick of hearing, and my vision is all murky and filled with clots, so that I cannot see at all.
Lord, apart from You, I confess to You my utter inability to learn and to know Your way. I need You, Lord God. I need Your Spirit of Holiness to lead, teach, and guide me. I need You, Spirit, to enlighten my mind, that I may see and understand.
Lord, my heart also is dependent upon Your grace, that I may keep Your law. Lord, You and You alone have placed this desire in me to obey Your commandments. I was not born with a desire to follow You, but You graced my heart with knowledge of the Most High, and You gave me as a free gift a heart that seeks to know and follow You.
Oh Lord! Enlarge my understanding, that I may go deeper into Your way! Show me more and more, Lord, for I want You with all my heart.
35 Make me walk in the path of Your commandments, For I delight in it.
Lord, I am ready! My heart is eager. My will desires that my feet would move! Oh Lord, make me walk! I would not stand still, Lord. I would move and make progress.
Lord, I would not be one who stands inside and looks out, as it were, through a window at others who follow Your way. Lord, I want to walk! I want to move and know Your landscape. I want to see for myself Your hills and valleys, Your little streams by the way. Oh Lord, You have created a world; You have given us Your kingdom. Oh Lord! Make me walk; make my feet move, Lord. Use me, Lord, for I delight in Your way!
But I need Your help, Lord! Open doors, Lord, that I may enter in!
36 Incline my heart to Your testimonies And not to dishonest gain.
Lord, You have answered my prayer, and my feet have begun to walk. But this is what I find--
Your ways are not always easy ways. The ways of my flesh are enemies of Your ways, and my flesh by nature finds Your ways burdensome and distasteful. In the short run, Lord, Your ways do not lead to material gains, and many of Your ways do not lead to open approval from men.
But, on the other hand, Lord, any gain I might receive that is not from Your hand is not based on truth. It is only deception, because You alone are truth. Gain from following Your testimonies is the only eternal reward.
You require modesty and humility from Your servants, not loud boasting of deeds well done. Works done in obedience to Your testimonies are most often quiet and go unnoticed and unwatched by men. They bring no harvest of praise, nor even quiet thank-yous.
Incline my heart to Your testimonies, Lord! Help me not to desire gain through boasting or through taking what is not given to me by You. Your rewards are eternal, and You have promised to provide all my needs in abundance and beyond.
Lord, incline my heart to the thin air of obedience to Your testimonies. My heart needs Your firm hand upon it. I know You watch my every move, and You require honesty down to the tiniest jot and tittle, Lord. A lie told concerning a mote is no less a lie because of its size. All known and willful lies are an offence to You, my Lord.
Lord, grant me Your censure always; chastise me quickly, Lord, as You so very often do, when I tend toward any known dishonesty to take what is not mine. Goods or praise gained through robbery are no blessing. You do not bless misdeeds done under a cloak of secrecy.
Lord, I pray You, incline my heart to Your testimonies and not to dishonest gain.
37 Turn away my eyes from looking at vanity, And revive me in Your ways.
Lord, there are so many things in the life of man that are corruption, that do not persist, that die and remain dead in the grave. They have no life, nor do they give life, nor do they lead to life. But they appear colorful on the outside when one looks at them.
They entice and seek to rob the affections. They weaken, dilute, cloud, and split apart into many pieces the will, Lord, so that one becomes ineffective, like an epileptic puppet on strings who lies fallen, jerking its limbs quiveringly upon the ground.
Lord, turn my eyes from gazing upon vanity, Lord! Vanities are like flickering lights designed to pull one's attention and keep it fixed away from You.
Lord, the enemy is strong, and I am weak. Lord, I am so very, very weak in my flesh. I have no strength apart from You. Oh Lord, help me! Turn my eyes away, Lord, from all that is false, temporary, puffed up, prideful; from all that deceives, corrupts, and leads to wickedness.

not see those things that are not of You.
Oh Lord, I confess I have no strength in myself, Lord. I confess I am helpless apart from You. I am like a child fascinated by baubles. Lord, I need You. I want You. Turn my eyes, Lord, away from looking at vanity and revive my heart, Lord, according to Your word.
38 Establish Your word to Your servant, As that which produces reverence for You.
Oh Lord, Your servant is poor and needy. Establish Your word to Your servant, as that which produces reverence for You. Indeed, I am Your servant, Lord. I have been Your servant and always will be your servant. You have bought me for a price, and I am Yours.
But establish me, Lord. Cause me, Lord, to be useful to You. Feed me and fill me with Your word. Bind my feet to Your rock, that I may not be shaken. Lord, I do not want to be an unprofitable servant, nor one who slanders her master. Lord, I do not want to stand idly by, talking the time away, but I want to give You my full devotion.
Oh Lord, Your word is what establishes me. Establish Your word to me, that I may be established to You. Your word is the light of my life. Bolt Your word to Your servant, Lord, that I might reverence You, for Your word is that which produces reverence in me for You.
Lord, I want to do for You, but even more than that, Lord, I want to be for You! May the attitude of my heart be pleasing to You at all times. May my heart be soft and pliable in Your hand. May I quickly hear Your voice and move promptly to respond.
Lord, I want to reverence You. I want to worship and honor You, and I would that my lips might only speak good of You. Oh Lord, establish Your word in my heart, that I might at all times be filled with Your presence. May the final outcome be that I would deeply revere You as my holy God with all my being, always, Lord.
39 Turn away my reproach which I dread, For Your ordinances are good.
Lord, I would hear Your voice and Your voice alone. The enemy speaks to me and tells me I am condemned. But when You speak, Lord, even when You chastise and correct me, there is no condemnation. Your word does not call forth a craven fear. Your ordinances are good!
I run to You, Lord. I throw myself at Your feet. I cannot wait to confess my sin to You, for You are good. You know all about me, Lord. You know all the foolishness of Your servant; You know all my puffed-up pride; You know all my sinful ways; You know my divided heart, my vanities; Lord, You know all these things, but Your love is gentle, kind, pure, patient, forbearing. Lord, You already poured Your wrath out upon One who died for me.
And so, Lord, when we meet upon the ground of my sin, You always forgive, admonish, lift up, lighten, make secure, encourage, animate, inspire, love. Lord, You are good!
The enemy is not so. He hurls accusations, abuses. He seeks to destroy, tear down, annul, make void, annihilate, rob, steal, plunder, shatter, incapacitate, enslave. He lies, Lord, and his ways are cold and vicious.
Lord, when you command me to obey Your commands, it is because You are good, Your ways are good, Your ordinances are good, and in following them there is much blessing.
When the enemy exerts his authority, it is because he wants to take Your place. It is for his own self-aggrandizement he gives commands.
When You ask me for submission, that submission brings freedom, peace, and joy. When the enemy asks for submission, that submission brings bondage, craven fear of punishment, and slavery.
Lord, I am guilty; I have and do sin. Truly, Lord, there is no good thing in me apart from You. Oh Lord, turn away my reproach which I dread, for Your ordinances are good! There is no need to fear You cravenly, Oh God, for You have spent Your wrath on Another! The sooner I confess to You and repent, the sooner am I free.
You are the lifter of my soul, and my heart's great contentment. There is rest and ease of spirit in Your presence, my Lord, for all Your ways are righteous.
You shine, Lord, and You are strong and firm. Your countenance brings delight and pleasure. As my great physician, You bring all my sins to scrutiny under the light of Your word and Your presence. And then You heal. Your ways are cheerful, and You nourish. You do not ignore Your sinful ones. You speak to the sinner daily, minute by minute.
You do not allow the sinner to be alone in a vacuum, but You speak constantly Your word in my heart. You feed me daily and inquire always as to my well-being. You are like a mother hen clucking over me.
You do not say, "Do this", and then never talk to me again until I have done it. You remind me patiently of my obligation to You. You find ways for my soul to obey You. You remind me constantly of my need to follow Your commandments. Your firm presence does not remove Your command from my heart until I obey. You bring me such great pain that it becomes impossible not to obey You.
But when I finally obey, Your love is like soothing oil flowing down upon all the wounds my sin has brought me. Your oil of love mingles with my tears of joy at the tenderness and kindness of Your presence. Your love is active, alive, and visible.
My soul never grows weary of seeking Your advice, and You Yourself never grow weary of me. You are the God of relationship. It is relationship with me that You desire above all else. And I give You my honor, my grateful thanksgiving, my praise, my worship, my all. Lord, thank You for taking away the reproach, which I dread, and for replacing it with the warm love of Your everlasting presence. Do not abandon me, oh Lord, to the destroyer, for Your ways are good.
40 Behold, I long for Your precepts; Revive me through Your righteousness.
Lord, I long for Your precepts; I die without You. Revive me through Your righteousness! It is a wasteland without You, Lord. My world heaves and shakes when I cannot see Your face.
When I have lost my way, when I am far from You, I fear for my sanity. Everything appears jagged and crooked. I am sick within.
Oh Lord, how I need You. I need You right now, my Lord. Now is when I need You. Do not be far from me, Lord. Remember Your former kindnesses to Your servant, for Your name's sake, for the glory of Your great name.
Feed me, Lord, with the good food of Your word. Restore in me, Lord, the confidence of my salvation. Lord, I cannot live without You for even one second. The enemy waits to shatter and crush me, to devour me whole. I need Your love, oh loving God. I need Your righteousness, Oh righteous King.
Without You as a shield about me, the enemy's arrows would find my heart right quick and pierce me through and through to a speedy death. Hide me under the shield of Your great and righteous love.
Save Your servant, Oh Lord, for I am so very, very weak apart from Your saving hand of grace. My eyes falter and become dim. Revive me, Lord, according to Your word. Enlighten my eyes to see and know Your presence. Establish my footsteps in Your path of righteousness, that my steps might be firm beneath me.
Oh Lord, I perish without You. I am naked and afraid without You to cover me. I need You, my Lord. It is very, very dark and cold and extremely frightening without You. Revive me, Oh my God, through Your righteousness. I have no righteousness of mine own. I am a weak and a very foolish woman.
Let me hear Your voice, which I love, amid the loud cries and accusations of the enemy. Your righteousness, Lord, is sufficient for all those whom You love, for all Your people of all times and places.
Lord, cover me with Your righteousness. Make me clean without and within. Establish me in Your word, that I might not bring shame upon You and upon Your people. Fix my heart upon Your word and create a right spirit within me.
You are my Teacher and my Guide. Oh Lord, teach and guide me!
Cleanse me of all impurities. Do for me now, Lord, what I cannot do for myself, that I might please You and worship You again in the great assembly of the people all the days of my life.
You are worthy, Lord. Establish Your word in me, that I might see and know and reverence You more. Forgive me for all the wanderings of my wayward, sinful heart. Show me Your path and teach me to walk in the righteousness which You alone can give.
Revive me, Lord. Don't allow Your servant to go down into the pit. Save me, Lord. I cry unto You. There is no other Savior but You.
Oh Lord, I confess I have no strength in myself, Lord. I confess I am helpless apart from You. I am like a child fascinated by baubles. Lord, I need You. I want You. Turn my eyes, Lord, away from looking at vanity and revive my heart, Lord, according to Your word.
38 Establish Your word to Your servant, As that which produces reverence for You.
Oh Lord, Your servant is poor and needy. Establish Your word to Your servant, as that which produces reverence for You. Indeed, I am Your servant, Lord. I have been Your servant and always will be your servant. You have bought me for a price, and I am Yours.
But establish me, Lord. Cause me, Lord, to be useful to You. Feed me and fill me with Your word. Bind my feet to Your rock, that I may not be shaken. Lord, I do not want to be an unprofitable servant, nor one who slanders her master. Lord, I do not want to stand idly by, talking the time away, but I want to give You my full devotion.
Oh Lord, Your word is what establishes me. Establish Your word to me, that I may be established to You. Your word is the light of my life. Bolt Your word to Your servant, Lord, that I might reverence You, for Your word is that which produces reverence in me for You.
Lord, I want to do for You, but even more than that, Lord, I want to be for You! May the attitude of my heart be pleasing to You at all times. May my heart be soft and pliable in Your hand. May I quickly hear Your voice and move promptly to respond.
Lord, I want to reverence You. I want to worship and honor You, and I would that my lips might only speak good of You. Oh Lord, establish Your word in my heart, that I might at all times be filled with Your presence. May the final outcome be that I would deeply revere You as my holy God with all my being, always, Lord.
39 Turn away my reproach which I dread, For Your ordinances are good.
Lord, I would hear Your voice and Your voice alone. The enemy speaks to me and tells me I am condemned. But when You speak, Lord, even when You chastise and correct me, there is no condemnation. Your word does not call forth a craven fear. Your ordinances are good!
I run to You, Lord. I throw myself at Your feet. I cannot wait to confess my sin to You, for You are good. You know all about me, Lord. You know all the foolishness of Your servant; You know all my puffed-up pride; You know all my sinful ways; You know my divided heart, my vanities; Lord, You know all these things, but Your love is gentle, kind, pure, patient, forbearing. Lord, You already poured Your wrath out upon One who died for me.
And so, Lord, when we meet upon the ground of my sin, You always forgive, admonish, lift up, lighten, make secure, encourage, animate, inspire, love. Lord, You are good!
The enemy is not so. He hurls accusations, abuses. He seeks to destroy, tear down, annul, make void, annihilate, rob, steal, plunder, shatter, incapacitate, enslave. He lies, Lord, and his ways are cold and vicious.
Lord, when you command me to obey Your commands, it is because You are good, Your ways are good, Your ordinances are good, and in following them there is much blessing.
When the enemy exerts his authority, it is because he wants to take Your place. It is for his own self-aggrandizement he gives commands.
When You ask me for submission, that submission brings freedom, peace, and joy. When the enemy asks for submission, that submission brings bondage, craven fear of punishment, and slavery.
Lord, I am guilty; I have and do sin. Truly, Lord, there is no good thing in me apart from You. Oh Lord, turn away my reproach which I dread, for Your ordinances are good! There is no need to fear You cravenly, Oh God, for You have spent Your wrath on Another! The sooner I confess to You and repent, the sooner am I free.
You are the lifter of my soul, and my heart's great contentment. There is rest and ease of spirit in Your presence, my Lord, for all Your ways are righteous.
You shine, Lord, and You are strong and firm. Your countenance brings delight and pleasure. As my great physician, You bring all my sins to scrutiny under the light of Your word and Your presence. And then You heal. Your ways are cheerful, and You nourish. You do not ignore Your sinful ones. You speak to the sinner daily, minute by minute.
You do not allow the sinner to be alone in a vacuum, but You speak constantly Your word in my heart. You feed me daily and inquire always as to my well-being. You are like a mother hen clucking over me.
You do not say, "Do this", and then never talk to me again until I have done it. You remind me patiently of my obligation to You. You find ways for my soul to obey You. You remind me constantly of my need to follow Your commandments. Your firm presence does not remove Your command from my heart until I obey. You bring me such great pain that it becomes impossible not to obey You.
But when I finally obey, Your love is like soothing oil flowing down upon all the wounds my sin has brought me. Your oil of love mingles with my tears of joy at the tenderness and kindness of Your presence. Your love is active, alive, and visible.
My soul never grows weary of seeking Your advice, and You Yourself never grow weary of me. You are the God of relationship. It is relationship with me that You desire above all else. And I give You my honor, my grateful thanksgiving, my praise, my worship, my all. Lord, thank You for taking away the reproach, which I dread, and for replacing it with the warm love of Your everlasting presence. Do not abandon me, oh Lord, to the destroyer, for Your ways are good.
40 Behold, I long for Your precepts; Revive me through Your righteousness.
Lord, I long for Your precepts; I die without You. Revive me through Your righteousness! It is a wasteland without You, Lord. My world heaves and shakes when I cannot see Your face.
When I have lost my way, when I am far from You, I fear for my sanity. Everything appears jagged and crooked. I am sick within.
Oh Lord, how I need You. I need You right now, my Lord. Now is when I need You. Do not be far from me, Lord. Remember Your former kindnesses to Your servant, for Your name's sake, for the glory of Your great name.
Feed me, Lord, with the good food of Your word. Restore in me, Lord, the confidence of my salvation. Lord, I cannot live without You for even one second. The enemy waits to shatter and crush me, to devour me whole. I need Your love, oh loving God. I need Your righteousness, Oh righteous King.
Without You as a shield about me, the enemy's arrows would find my heart right quick and pierce me through and through to a speedy death. Hide me under the shield of Your great and righteous love.
Save Your servant, Oh Lord, for I am so very, very weak apart from Your saving hand of grace. My eyes falter and become dim. Revive me, Lord, according to Your word. Enlighten my eyes to see and know Your presence. Establish my footsteps in Your path of righteousness, that my steps might be firm beneath me.
Oh Lord, I perish without You. I am naked and afraid without You to cover me. I need You, my Lord. It is very, very dark and cold and extremely frightening without You. Revive me, Oh my God, through Your righteousness. I have no righteousness of mine own. I am a weak and a very foolish woman.
Let me hear Your voice, which I love, amid the loud cries and accusations of the enemy. Your righteousness, Lord, is sufficient for all those whom You love, for all Your people of all times and places.
Lord, cover me with Your righteousness. Make me clean without and within. Establish me in Your word, that I might not bring shame upon You and upon Your people. Fix my heart upon Your word and create a right spirit within me.
You are my Teacher and my Guide. Oh Lord, teach and guide me!
Cleanse me of all impurities. Do for me now, Lord, what I cannot do for myself, that I might please You and worship You again in the great assembly of the people all the days of my life.
You are worthy, Lord. Establish Your word in me, that I might see and know and reverence You more. Forgive me for all the wanderings of my wayward, sinful heart. Show me Your path and teach me to walk in the righteousness which You alone can give.
Revive me, Lord. Don't allow Your servant to go down into the pit. Save me, Lord. I cry unto You. There is no other Savior but You.
Psalm 119:41-48 Trials Continue; Love for God's Word Deepens and Grows
VavPsalm 119:41 May Your lovingkindnesses also come to me, O LORD, Your salvation according to Your word; 42 So I will have an answer for him who reproaches me, For I trust in Your word.
43 And do not take the word of truth utterly out of my mouth, For I wait for Your ordinances.
44 So I will keep Your law continually, Forever and ever.
45 And I will walk at liberty, For I seek Your precepts.
46 I will also speak of Your testimonies before kings And shall not be ashamed.
47 I shall delight in Your commandments, Which I love.
48 And I shall lift up my hands to Your commandments, Which I love; And I will meditate on Your statutes.
41 May Your lovingkindnesses also come to me, O LORD, Your salvation according to Your word;
Lord, You have known me, and I have committed my way to You; I have committed my steps to walk in Your path. Yet, Lord, sometimes I stumble; sometimes I slip; at times I even fall, though You are always there to set me on my feet again.
My ways are not perfect, as Yours are. And all day long, Lord, the enemy reproaches me and seeks to find my ruin. Many times, Lord, it is difficult for me to keep my head above the angry, surging waters, and it seems I shall soon be swept away by the dreadful flood. May Your lovingkindness also come to me, Oh Lord, Your salvation according to Your word.
It is so good, Lord, so very, very good to have Your written word. There are times when my heart fears, when fear grips my heart like a cold, cold vise with sharp teeth. My mind reels and staggers and I cannot breathe.
Oh Lord, Your written word is there before me like a beacon in the night. Salvation belongs to You, Oh Lord. Have mercy upon me, Oh Lord, and send Your salvation to rescue me from the deep, deep waters, according to Your word.
42 So I will have an answer for him who reproaches me, For I trust in Your word.
Of myself, Lord, I have no reply. I am helpless before the enemy, for I am guilty as charged; I have sinned, Lord.
But You are my salvation. You are righteous and holy, just and true; in You there is no sin to be found. Blessed is the man [woman] whom You pardon, to whom Your mercy is revealed. Blessed, Lord, is the one to whom You impute Your own righteousness.
Your salvation, Lord, is a shield about me, as I square myself off before the enemy, whenever he confronts me with reproaches. I have an answer in You; I have a reply, for I trust in Your word.
Lord, I have owned Your word. You gave it to me, and I have kept it, pressed tightly in my bosom. Your word carries Your assurance with it, for Your Spirit dwells in Your word. Your word strengthens me and gives me full assurance before the enemy.
43 And do not take the word of truth utterly out of my mouth, For I wait for Your ordinances.
But sometimes, Lord, I waver. Sometimes my eye grows dim and my heart wearies. I seem like dry bones and my tongue stiffens and lies rigid on the roof of my mouth. Sometimes, Lord, I barely know Your presence in me, and my soul quakes with dread. Ah, Lord, do not take the word of truth utterly out of my mouth, for I wait for Your ordinances.
I am fixed, Lord, my heart is fixed on You, but it is a battle, Lord. How I am dependent on You for my strength! I need You, Lord; it is by Your grace, and Your grace alone that I am saved.
Do not become wrathful at the weaknesses of Your servant. Do not turn upon me, Lord, nor forsake me in my need. I long to see Your day in the land of the living.
When I am weak, Lord, when my heart lies faint within me and I scarce can lift my hand against the foe, Oh Lord, do not take Your word of truth utterly out of my mouth, for Your word is my sure reply to all the accusations the enemy hurls at me.
I wait for Your ordinances. I hope in them; for salvation abides in Your word.
44 So I will keep Your law continually, Forever and ever.
Lord, there is no turning back. Nor is there any middle ground. All is either black or white, death or life. If I leave You for an instant, death is there by my side, ready to slay me.
There is no neutral ground, Lord. There is only Your ground, the ground of Your word, or the enemy's ground, death. If I step aside from Your path for even an instant, Lord, vicious dogs soon surround me, ready to tear me to pieces.
And so, Lord, I will keep Your law continually, forever and ever. I love Your law, my Lord. I love to abide in Your presence. Your land is a vast land; spacious and wide are the halls of Your mansion. There is no want or need in Your presence. You supply every good thing.
45 And I will walk at liberty, For I seek Your precepts.
Obedience to Your word is liberty for my soul. It is the enemy who binds and takes captive, who sets a snare for my feet, who seeks to clip my wings and keep me bound in a tight cage.
Lord, Your way is liberty. There is freedom in Your heart. There are wide, open spaces in Your land, and here I am free to move. Oh Lord, Your gates are the gates of heaven, and in Your presence I am rested and made well and whole.
Oh, how my soul longs for freedom! The precepts of men bind and restrict, keeping one pinned, closed in, shut down. But Your ways are pure ways, and the air is clear in Your presence. Hope flows freely, and love beckons with shouts of joy. Oh Lord, I long to be free in You!
And so I love Your word, and I will walk at liberty, for I seek Your precepts. With my whole heart, Lord, I seek to understand Your way, and with my whole heart, Lord, I desire to obey.
46 I will also speak of Your testimonies before kings And shall not be ashamed.
I will also speak of Your testimonies before kings and shall not be ashamed, for You are my strength and my shield. You have filled my mouth with Your word, Lord. My utterances are a gift from Your hand.
Oh grant me access, Lord, grant me access to the hearts of kings. Grant, Lord, that those mightier than I may hear Your word that my mouth shall speak. May they stop and listen as they hear of You and Your great goodness.
There is no shame in proclaiming Your word, Lord, before the powerful, the rich, and the famous, those who have, and to whom all the world bows at their feet.
For Your word is a sure word, a good word, a strong word, and a true word. Everything Your word declares shall come to pass.
I need not be ashamed in their presence, Lord, for You are mightier than they, and You abide in Your word. Your testimonies are sure and simple, food fit for kings and sons of kings.
Indeed, Lord, Your word is more than worthy. It is we who are unworthy to receive Your word. But You give amply, Lord, to those who love Your law, and You heap blessing upon blessing from the fatness of Your land upon those who seek to obey Your statutes.
47 I shall delight in Your commandments, Which I love.
By Your grace I love Your commandments; by Your own love for them do I love them; I love them by the love which You Yourself have placed in my heart.
Your commandments are mine. You have given them to me, that I should obey them and live. And I shall live; I shall not die, but I shall live, and I shall delight to hear Your voice.I shall delight in Your commandments, which I love.
Oh Lord, You are the keeper of my soul, and Your testimonies watch over me through all the dark hours and deep shadows of my life. Yea, Lord, even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I fear no evil, for You are with me.
This You have given me, Lord, for which I am ever and always so very, very grateful: You have placed in my heart a deep, deep long and abiding love for Your word, which You have made mine. No one, and no thing can take this love for Your word from me, for You alone have given it to me.
Oh Lord, You have given me this love for Your word! Your word, Lord, is my sure confidence to the very end, and I shall dwell in Your house forever.
48 And I shall lift up my hands to Your commandments, Which I love; And I will meditate on Your statutes.
And, Oh Lord, I lift my hands to receive, to receive a gift of fullness from You, a gift that comes through Your word. Oh Lord, I shall lift up my hands to Your commandments themselves, which I love, which You have given me.
Words fail me, Lord, to tell of Your great, overwhelmingly great goodness and mercy and love for those whom You choose to bless.
Oh Lord, I love Your law, for Your statutes are life to me. They are air and hope, and in keeping them is Your servant blessed. Oh Lord, I love Your commandments. Receive my blessing, and praise, and honor, Lord; and may I be praising You still at Your coming, Oh my gracious, good Lord, my Savior, my Friend. I bow before You, Oh my God.
Psalm 119:49-56 Deep Trial and Testing Give Way to Victory and Assurance
Psalm 119:49 Remember the word to Your servant, In which You have made me hope.
50 This is my comfort in my affliction, That Your word has revived me.
51 The arrogant utterly deride me, Yet I do not turn aside from Your law.
52 I have remembered Your ordinances from of old, O LORD, And comfort myself.
53 Burning indignation has seized me because of the wicked, Who forsake Your law.
54 Your statutes are my songs In the house of my pilgrimage.
55 O LORD, I remember Your name in the night, And keep Your law.
56 This has become mine, That I observe Your precepts.
49 Remember the word to Your servant, In which You have made me hope.
Lord, when first I believed, when first You graced my heart with knowledge and desire for You, You spoke a word to me, in which You made me hope, my Lord. My name was on Your lips, and in Your heart, and in Your eternal will.
Oh Lord, such knowledge is too wonderful for me! It almost bursts my heart !
Oh Lord, remember the word to me, Your servant, Lord, in which You have made me hope. When I grow old, when my eyes are dim, when my ear is wooden and layers of fat surround my heart, Lord, remember the word with which You greeted and hugged Your servant so many years ago.
Your word is my hope, Lord. I am poor and needy and naked and despised. I have no other hope but You. And You, my God, are sufficient to meet all my needs. You have never let me down. Many times, Lord, the cords of death have fallen upon me, but each time, Lord, each and every time I cried out to You and You saved me. You have never failed me. That is why I am alive today, Lord. If it weren't for You, and the strength of Your word, I would be dead.
Oh Lord, be merciful to Your servant, and remember the word of faith You spoke to me, in which You have made me hope. Remember it to the end, my Lord, and I shall live.
50 This is my comfort in my affliction, That Your word has revived me.
When I think of You and all Your goodness to me, goodness with which You bless me for no reason except Your own goodness, Lord, I am comforted. When my heart is downcast, and my soul is somber within me, I remember all the days of my salvation, all the days when Your word has revived me, and my heart is lifted. My countenance smiles.
Lord, You have been faithful; You have been good; and by Your word has Your servant been healed.
51 The arrogant utterly deride me, Yet I do not turn aside from Your law.
Lord, sorrows abound. The arrogant utterly deride me. They heap insults upon me. They curse and call me names. They belittle me with coarse laughter in front of their friends. They curse and call me names.
But it is You they hate, Lord. They hate You in me. The blows they aim at me are meant for You, and indeed, Lord, You do take them; so I am not hurt. Like water off a duck's back, just like water flowing quickly from off the feathers of a duck, Lord, so are their derisions of me. And I am not hurt, nor do I care, Lord, what they say, for I am hidden in You.
They deride me, yet I do not turn aside from Your law. They deride me, but I do not join their ranks. They have no attraction to me, and their countenances are not filled with joy. They speak without knowledge; their eyes are blind. They neither know nor understand Your justice, nor Your mercy, and they deny Your grace.
Oh Lord, I will continue with what is tried, tested, and proven, as being healthful for all my well-being, especially my soul. I will not turn aside from Your law.
52 I have remembered Your ordinances from of old, O LORD, And comfort myself.
Generations and generations have come and gone. Some have loved You, many have not. But Your word abides, Lord. It is ever present, and You have given Your word as precious treasure to sustain and feed Your people.
As I lie in the night watches, Lord, I remember Your past mercies to me. I remember the battles, and I remember this ordinance and that ordinance which sustained me. I comfort myself in this, Lord, that Your word testifies of You. Your word is alive, and it is filled with Your presence. As I read Your ordinances, I know You are here, I know You see me, and Lord, Your word assures me of Your deep, deep love for me.
53 Burning indignation has seized me because of the wicked, Who forsake Your law.
Lord, the wicked do not see, nor do they want to see. They will not see, and they fight against seeing. Darkness covers their way, and they prefer greatly their darkness to Your light.
But more, Lord. They fight against You. In their hearts they hate You, and they hate Your people. Pride fills them, and they deride the innocent.
Oh Lord, burning indignation has seized me because of the wicked who forsake Your law. It is not enough for them that they hide in their own wickedness, but they wear their wickedness as an outer garment. They flaunt and parade up and down and demand in loud, strident voices that men call them beautiful. They desire adoration which belongs to You.
Oh Lord, deliver me I pray You from such as these. Keep their hands far from me. Indeed, Lord, I shun their very words and will continue to do so, by Your grace.
54 Your statutes are my songs In the house of my pilgrimage.
But as for me, Lord, Your statutes are my songs in the house of my pilgrimage. Your statutes are comfort and hope for mjy soul. They fill me with thoughts of morning and light, fresh air, arising well-rested with strength to praise You.
Your statutes are ever with me. They comfort and strengthen me. They bubble up from deep within me of their own accord, blessed by, and given by You.
Oh thank You, Lord! I love to sing Your praises, and Your statutes are my theme wherever I lodge. I have no real home here, Lord, apart from You. There is no final resting place here, Lord, nothing I desire. Your statutes are my home, Your pathways my kingdom. Be my constant companion, Lord, for I love to converse with You, and Your ways are gentle on my heart.
55 O LORD, I remember Your name in the night, And keep Your law.
Oh Lord, how long? How long must I wait? Sleep evades me. I lie wide awake, and I hear two sides calling--fears and doubts on one side, but strength and fortitude in You on the other.
Oh Lord, I remember Your name in the night, and keep Your law. I hold fast Your name, I clutch it tightly to my bosom, and I fill my mouth with the honey of the name of my God.
I am weak and miserable, but You are strong. There is strength in Your name, Lord, strength against the shifting shadows of fear and doubt. Oh Lord, in the night, even in the deep, deep hours of the long, long night, Lord, even then, I keep Your law. I hold fast to that which has held me.
You are my refuge and my strength, my great shield and my protector. Your law is good, Lord. I will not abandon Your law, for it is all I have. Wild lions would rip me to pieces immediately if I were to abandon Your law for even one hour.
Oh my Lord, You are my keeper.
56 This has become mine, That I observe Your precepts.
They have tried, Lord, to tear me from You, but they have not succeeded. Indeed, they cannot succeed, for it is You who keep me. I do not keep myself. Lord, we have become so much one, that it is difficult for me to know where I stop and You begin.
I have fought, Lord. I have fought many difficult battles, and this has become mine, that I observe Your precepts. My heart is characterized by Your law. Obedience to Your statutes is like breathing to me.
Oh Lord, it is a long night. Thank You my ever present, good, good, gracious and loving Lord, thank You for Your presence in my life. Thank You for all Your many kindnesses to me.
Do not depart from me, Lord, for I am Yours.
Psalm 119:57-64 The Harvest of Righteousness and Peace that Follows God's Training of Discipline
Psalm 119:57 The LORD is my portion; I have promised to keep Your words.
58 I sought Your favor with all my heart; Be gracious to me according to Your word.
59 I considered my ways And turned my feet to Your testimonies.
60 I hastened and did not delay To keep Your commandments.
61 The cords of the wicked have encircled me, But I have not forgotten Your law.
62 At midnight I shall rise to give thanks to You Because of Your righteous ordinances.
63 I am a companion of all those who fear You, And of those who keep Your precepts.
64 The earth is full of Your lovingkindness, O LORD; Teach me Your statutes.
57 The LORD is my portion; I have promised to keep Your words.
You are my inheritance. I have no need of any but You. I am satisfied in You, my Lord, and in You alone. It would not always have been true for me to say this, my loving Lord, but now it is true. Oh, do not leave me suddenly, Lord, for I have promised to keep Your words.
I said in my heart, "From now on, I will live my life as though God exists." You do exist, Lord, and day after day You show forth Your mercy.
Lord, I have promised to keep Your words. By Your grace, my Lord, grant me grace to do so. I have taken vows, Lord. There is no turning back. I have pledged myself to You. All other roads have been sealed off forever.
Lord, the way is often hard. The hills are very steep, and sharp rocks protrude on all sides. There are few trees, and the sun rises threateningly from a cloudless sky...therefore,...
58 I sought Your favor with all my heart; Be gracious to me according to Your word.
I did not hold back, Lord. I gave You my all. I held no small or large treasure in my side pocket, saying, "If He does not hear me, I will use this."
Lord, I have nothing. I am nothing. I have not prospects aside from You. I seek Your favor with all my heart; be gracious to me according to Your word.
Why should You be gracious to me, Lord? There is nothing in me that You should desire me. No, Lord, it is Your character alone that calls forth grace. Your word alone is sufficient.
Oh Lord, Your word has been my hope, my light, my strength, my food, my keeper for all these many years. Oh Lord, be gracious to me according to Your word.
Your word is steadfast and true, and it has the seal of Your name and character in every line. Oh Lord, I am poor and needy. I am naked and without friends. Lord, I need You!
What glory is it, Lord, if Your servant goes down to the pit? There is nothing in me, Lord, that anyone should desire me.
But there is this, Lord: I am called by Your name.
Your name is upon me, and all men know that I am Your servant. Lord, be gracious to me, according to Your word. May my Lord's servant not be ashamed.
59 I considered my ways And turned my feet to Your testimonies.
Do You remember, Lord? I will never forget that day when first I turned my feet from off my own path of destruction and onto Your path of righteousness, Lord. I considered my ways, and they were false, Lord, full of turmoil, daily upheavals, sadness, pain, and misery all around. I needed Your help, Lord, immediately, and there was none to help but You.
Oh Lord, how often since that first blessed day have I considered my ways and found them wanting! How many times, Lord, have I turned my feet from following my own way to following after Your testimonies! Your ways are higher than my ways, and Oh Lord, how much better for me are Your thoughts than my thoughts!
60 I hastened and did not delay To keep Your commandments.
There is only one time to obey You, my Lord, and that time is now. Lord, I did not say in my heart, "I have heard You speak, but I will try this other way first, and if that does not work, then I will keep Your commandment."
No, Lord, but I hastened to follow Your written word. As soon as I knew that it was Your voice calling me unto this written commandment and not the voice of the deceiver, then Lord, I knew and understood Your will for me. I followed You, Lord, where You led me. And blessings and peace are mine, gifts of grace from Your hand.
61 The cords of the wicked have encircled me, But I have not forgotten Your law.
The wicked lie, Lord. They say that if I follow Your commandments, I will not live. They say it is too much, impossible, not wise, outrageous, to follow the commandments of Your love for me.
Indeed, Lord, at times Your commandments seem very strange to a natural way of thinking. But then, Lord, even as I hesitated, I felt the cords of their deceit around my neck and arms, and I did not forget Your law, my Lord.
For You have been my delight and my strength. I said in my heart, "The Lord has never failed me. He will not fail me now."
I ran quickly, Lord, to obey You, before their cords of death could strangle my resolve. I hid myself in You. I died to myself.
Lord, Your ways are marvelous to behold! For Your thoughts are not my thoughts, nor are my ways Your ways. You make a path where there is no path, and You shine Your light in places where before there was only darkness. You turn my darkness into light for me.
Ah Lord, so often, when I moved my foot through seeming air to follow Your commandment, I did not fall. I did not go hurtling down to an empty pit; but no, Lord, my foot soon came to solid ground.
Lord, to obey You is the only wise choice. The wicked are the ones who lie. Your way is truth.
Lord, I thank You for the grace You give Your loved ones to hear and know Your voice, to follow You. For Your voice is a clear voice that leads invariably to green pastures of peace, joy, and rest. You are a good shepherd, Lord, unlike the others, whose only thought is to rob and plunder what rightfully belongs to You.
62 At midnight I shall rise to give thanks to You Because of Your righteous ordinances.
Lord, I shall not be afraid, though the shadows lengthen and my lights grow dim. Lord, I keep Your commandments ever before me, and at midnight I shall rise to give thanks to You because of Your righteous ordinances.
Blessings and peace are the portion of Your servant, and this gift You have given me: that Your tender lovingkindnesses have produced in me a sweet love for You that expresses itself against all odds.
Throughout the longest hours of darkness, Lord, the deepest trials of despair, Lord, Your joy bubbles up as from a bottomless well of freshness in my stomach, and I am made glad by You and praise Your name.
Even at midnight, Lord, when others sleep around me, even in the dead of night when fears prowl like wild animals, even then, Lord, I am wakened by Your song in my heart, Lord; and at midnight, I shall rise to give thanks to Your blessed name, because of Your righteous ordinances.
63 I am a companion of all those who fear You, And of those who keep Your precepts.
Who are my friends, Lord, but those who love Your name? How good it is to be surrounded by the righteous, by those who speak Your name with voices of trumpets, those who delight in Your goodness as other men delight in a room full of jewels.
Lord, You are our peace. And though, Lord, I suddenly meet a stranger who is a servant of Yours, we recognize each other, and our footsteps fall in time together. Our mouths work in harmony to grace the history of Your praise.
Blessed is the sweet fellowship of those who love You; and this, too, Lord, is a gift from Your hand.
Oh Lord, when I die, may my bed be surrounded with loud shouts of joy from Your servants' lips, from the lips of those who know You and praise Your name, from those who keep Your precepts to the uttermost; for sweet is the companionship of those who love You.
64 The earth is full of Your lovingkindness, O LORD; Teach me Your statutes.
The earth is full of Your lovingkindness, Oh Lord; teach me Your statutes, that I may dwell in Your house forever and walk in Your way all the days of my life!
It is not enough for me, Lord, that I knew and followed Your statutes yesterday; but Lord, I need to know and follow Your statutes right now, Lord, each minute of each and every day. Teach me Your statutes, Lord, that I may dwell in Your house forever.
The earth, Lord, sings forth Your glory. All creation speaks Your name with joy and wonder. Lord, Your servant does not need to walk far nor use a piece of iron to find Your goodness. Your mercy is very close at hand, and Your lovingkindness is not hidden.
Everywhere I look, Lord, I see the splendor of Your majesty. You have brought me into a very, very wide space, Lord, and my heart is bulging with lines of blessing Your hand has drawn for me.
Indeed, Lord, the earth is full of Your lovingkindness. Lord, teach me Your statutes, for they are the road that leads to Your table of pleasures.
Sovereign Almighty, I am not so naive as to think that I can follow You for even one moment apart from Your grace, apart from Your hand upon mine to lead and guide me. Oh, Lord, help me please, I pray You, to use my time wisely, to invest my entire being, all my waking moments, in pursuit of Your holiness.
For all Your treasure is here, Lord; all Your goodness is spread before Your servant. Lord, teach me Your statutes, that my foot may not slip nor wander from Your path.
Lord, I would follow You. Teach me Your way, Oh God of my salvation, that I might know You more and more and please You more and more each day.
61 The cords of the wicked have encircled me, But I have not forgotten Your law.
62 At midnight I shall rise to give thanks to You Because of Your righteous ordinances.
63 I am a companion of all those who fear You, And of those who keep Your precepts.
64 The earth is full of Your lovingkindness, O LORD; Teach me Your statutes.
57 The LORD is my portion; I have promised to keep Your words.
You are my inheritance. I have no need of any but You. I am satisfied in You, my Lord, and in You alone. It would not always have been true for me to say this, my loving Lord, but now it is true. Oh, do not leave me suddenly, Lord, for I have promised to keep Your words.
I said in my heart, "From now on, I will live my life as though God exists." You do exist, Lord, and day after day You show forth Your mercy.
Lord, I have promised to keep Your words. By Your grace, my Lord, grant me grace to do so. I have taken vows, Lord. There is no turning back. I have pledged myself to You. All other roads have been sealed off forever.
Lord, the way is often hard. The hills are very steep, and sharp rocks protrude on all sides. There are few trees, and the sun rises threateningly from a cloudless sky...therefore,...
58 I sought Your favor with all my heart; Be gracious to me according to Your word.
I did not hold back, Lord. I gave You my all. I held no small or large treasure in my side pocket, saying, "If He does not hear me, I will use this."
Lord, I have nothing. I am nothing. I have not prospects aside from You. I seek Your favor with all my heart; be gracious to me according to Your word.
Why should You be gracious to me, Lord? There is nothing in me that You should desire me. No, Lord, it is Your character alone that calls forth grace. Your word alone is sufficient.
Oh Lord, Your word has been my hope, my light, my strength, my food, my keeper for all these many years. Oh Lord, be gracious to me according to Your word.
Your word is steadfast and true, and it has the seal of Your name and character in every line. Oh Lord, I am poor and needy. I am naked and without friends. Lord, I need You!
What glory is it, Lord, if Your servant goes down to the pit? There is nothing in me, Lord, that anyone should desire me.
But there is this, Lord: I am called by Your name.
Your name is upon me, and all men know that I am Your servant. Lord, be gracious to me, according to Your word. May my Lord's servant not be ashamed.
59 I considered my ways And turned my feet to Your testimonies.
Do You remember, Lord? I will never forget that day when first I turned my feet from off my own path of destruction and onto Your path of righteousness, Lord. I considered my ways, and they were false, Lord, full of turmoil, daily upheavals, sadness, pain, and misery all around. I needed Your help, Lord, immediately, and there was none to help but You.
Oh Lord, how often since that first blessed day have I considered my ways and found them wanting! How many times, Lord, have I turned my feet from following my own way to following after Your testimonies! Your ways are higher than my ways, and Oh Lord, how much better for me are Your thoughts than my thoughts!
60 I hastened and did not delay To keep Your commandments.
There is only one time to obey You, my Lord, and that time is now. Lord, I did not say in my heart, "I have heard You speak, but I will try this other way first, and if that does not work, then I will keep Your commandment."
No, Lord, but I hastened to follow Your written word. As soon as I knew that it was Your voice calling me unto this written commandment and not the voice of the deceiver, then Lord, I knew and understood Your will for me. I followed You, Lord, where You led me. And blessings and peace are mine, gifts of grace from Your hand.
61 The cords of the wicked have encircled me, But I have not forgotten Your law.
The wicked lie, Lord. They say that if I follow Your commandments, I will not live. They say it is too much, impossible, not wise, outrageous, to follow the commandments of Your love for me.
Indeed, Lord, at times Your commandments seem very strange to a natural way of thinking. But then, Lord, even as I hesitated, I felt the cords of their deceit around my neck and arms, and I did not forget Your law, my Lord.
For You have been my delight and my strength. I said in my heart, "The Lord has never failed me. He will not fail me now."
I ran quickly, Lord, to obey You, before their cords of death could strangle my resolve. I hid myself in You. I died to myself.
Lord, Your ways are marvelous to behold! For Your thoughts are not my thoughts, nor are my ways Your ways. You make a path where there is no path, and You shine Your light in places where before there was only darkness. You turn my darkness into light for me.
Ah Lord, so often, when I moved my foot through seeming air to follow Your commandment, I did not fall. I did not go hurtling down to an empty pit; but no, Lord, my foot soon came to solid ground.
Lord, to obey You is the only wise choice. The wicked are the ones who lie. Your way is truth.
Lord, I thank You for the grace You give Your loved ones to hear and know Your voice, to follow You. For Your voice is a clear voice that leads invariably to green pastures of peace, joy, and rest. You are a good shepherd, Lord, unlike the others, whose only thought is to rob and plunder what rightfully belongs to You.
62 At midnight I shall rise to give thanks to You Because of Your righteous ordinances.
Lord, I shall not be afraid, though the shadows lengthen and my lights grow dim. Lord, I keep Your commandments ever before me, and at midnight I shall rise to give thanks to You because of Your righteous ordinances.
Blessings and peace are the portion of Your servant, and this gift You have given me: that Your tender lovingkindnesses have produced in me a sweet love for You that expresses itself against all odds.
Throughout the longest hours of darkness, Lord, the deepest trials of despair, Lord, Your joy bubbles up as from a bottomless well of freshness in my stomach, and I am made glad by You and praise Your name.
Even at midnight, Lord, when others sleep around me, even in the dead of night when fears prowl like wild animals, even then, Lord, I am wakened by Your song in my heart, Lord; and at midnight, I shall rise to give thanks to Your blessed name, because of Your righteous ordinances.
63 I am a companion of all those who fear You, And of those who keep Your precepts.
Who are my friends, Lord, but those who love Your name? How good it is to be surrounded by the righteous, by those who speak Your name with voices of trumpets, those who delight in Your goodness as other men delight in a room full of jewels.
Lord, You are our peace. And though, Lord, I suddenly meet a stranger who is a servant of Yours, we recognize each other, and our footsteps fall in time together. Our mouths work in harmony to grace the history of Your praise.
Blessed is the sweet fellowship of those who love You; and this, too, Lord, is a gift from Your hand.
Oh Lord, when I die, may my bed be surrounded with loud shouts of joy from Your servants' lips, from the lips of those who know You and praise Your name, from those who keep Your precepts to the uttermost; for sweet is the companionship of those who love You.
64 The earth is full of Your lovingkindness, O LORD; Teach me Your statutes.
The earth is full of Your lovingkindness, Oh Lord; teach me Your statutes, that I may dwell in Your house forever and walk in Your way all the days of my life!
It is not enough for me, Lord, that I knew and followed Your statutes yesterday; but Lord, I need to know and follow Your statutes right now, Lord, each minute of each and every day. Teach me Your statutes, Lord, that I may dwell in Your house forever.
The earth, Lord, sings forth Your glory. All creation speaks Your name with joy and wonder. Lord, Your servant does not need to walk far nor use a piece of iron to find Your goodness. Your mercy is very close at hand, and Your lovingkindness is not hidden.
Everywhere I look, Lord, I see the splendor of Your majesty. You have brought me into a very, very wide space, Lord, and my heart is bulging with lines of blessing Your hand has drawn for me.
Indeed, Lord, the earth is full of Your lovingkindness. Lord, teach me Your statutes, for they are the road that leads to Your table of pleasures.
Sovereign Almighty, I am not so naive as to think that I can follow You for even one moment apart from Your grace, apart from Your hand upon mine to lead and guide me. Oh, Lord, help me please, I pray You, to use my time wisely, to invest my entire being, all my waking moments, in pursuit of Your holiness.
For all Your treasure is here, Lord; all Your goodness is spread before Your servant. Lord, teach me Your statutes, that my foot may not slip nor wander from Your path.
Lord, I would follow You. Teach me Your way, Oh God of my salvation, that I might know You more and more and please You more and more each day.
Psalm 119:65-72 Affliction Works Repentance and Praise
Psalm 119:65 You have dealt well with Your servant, O LORD, according to Your word.
66 Teach me good discernment and knowledge, For I believe in Your commandments.
67 Before I was afflicted I went astray, But now I keep Your word.
68 You are good and do good; Teach me Your statutes.
69 The arrogant have forged a lie against me; With all my heart I will observe Your precepts.
70 Their heart is covered with fat, But I delight in Your law.
71 It is good for me that I was afflicted, That I may learn Your statutes.
72 The law of Your mouth is better to me Than thousands of gold and silver pieces.
65 You have dealt well with Your servant, O LORD, according to Your word.
Everything You said You would do, You have done. All Your promises have been fulfilled; not one of them is lacking. Your goodness is beyond measure, Oh Lord. Your kindness overflows, Lord, and surpasses all expectation.
Lord, Your servant is humbled before You, but Your have exalted me to receive gifts of joy from Your hand. I bow myself prostrate before You, my great good Lord, for who can comprehend such love to a human, who is no more than dust?
You speak, Lord, and Your word is good; You say, and You perform it. Oh Lord, I worship You and bow before Your throne of grace.
Such goodness, Lord, is awesome. You are awesome. You are holy beyond words, and magnanimous beyond measure to those whom You love, to those who obey Your commandments.
66 Teach me good discernment and knowledge, For I believe in Your commandments.
I know Your commandments are good, Lord, for in my very own life and in the lives of Your servants around me, Your commandments have been tried, tested, and proven. I believe in Your commandments, Lord. I know they are life and richness of blessing to those who follow them.
Lord, teach me good discernment and knowledge, for I would be blessed of You, Lord, and I seek with all that is in me to follow Your word.
Lord, enlighten my footsteps in front of me, that I may know Your path and place my foot properly in the way You would have me go. Lord, show me Your way. Help me, Lord, to discern between the good and the better, between the better and the best. I would have none but Your best for me, Lord.
Show me, Lord, and teach me good discernment and knowledge, for I believe, Lord, in all Your commandments; not one would I omit or ignore.
67 Before I was afflicted I went astray, But now I keep Your word.
Oh righteous Father, before I was afflicted I went astray, but now I keep Your word. I did not always follow You, my Lord. As long as life was happy and there were no consequences for my sin, Lord, I went my merry way. I did not keep Your word.
But then, You laid Your hand upon me, and You afflicted me with deep sorrows and heavy travails. You lay Your rod upon my back, and thorns grew round my feet, so that I could not move even one inch without great pain.
Lord, I did not know it then, but as a kind Father, as a Good Shepherd, You were calling Your lost sheep home. I mourned, Lord. I wailed and I cried. Every night, Lord, my pillow became soaked to wringing with the wetness of my tears, and I could not sleep at all, for deep sobbing wracked and shook my body.
How great, Lord, was the affliction with which You afflicted me. How horribly strong the weight of Your rod upon my back!
But Lord, how kind and loving of You to so afflict me, for my heart was stubborn and proud beyond all measure. Me eyes were blinded to Your goodness, and I had lost my way so completely, so totally, that soon I would die.
My feet became ensnared; thick vines encircled me and pulled me to the ground. They wrapped around my neck and choked me, until I cried out in my pain, "Oh God! Save me!"
You heard my cry, Lord, and You answered me. You cut the cords of death wrapped around my neck, and You loosed the bands from off my feet. You lifted me, washed me, fed me, and set my feet on solid ground. You anointed my head with the soothing oil of Your very own presence, and soft, soft words of love You spoke into my ear. You gave me Your garment of righteousness to cover my shame.
Oh Lord, when I was afflicted, I did not know or recognize that it was Your hand that afflicted me. But now, Oh Lord, I see and understand, for You have revealed this to Your servant through Your word.
Now, Oh my God, my loving Lord and Father of my soul, now Oh Lord, I keep Your word, for I have learned the way of wisdom.
68 You are good and do good; Teach me Your statutes.
Lord, all Your ways, all Your ways--even the way of painful discipline, even the way of Your rod and staff, even the way of seeming doubt and confusion, darkness and distress, even the way of thick clouds and deep gloom, even these, all these, Oh Lord--are good for the soul You love, for the soul You have chosen for Your very own pleasure, because You, Lord, are good and do good.
I will say it again: Oh Lord, You are good and do good! All Your ways are righteousness, joy, and peace, because in Your very essence, Oh Lord, You are good. Everything You do is good and cannot help but be good, because You are good. You cause all things to work together for good to those whom You love.
No discipline seems pleasant at the time, but painful, Lord. Later, however, it produces a harvest of righteousness and peace for those who have been trained by it. And the work of righteousness shall be peace; and the effect of righteousness quietness and assurance forever.
Those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not faint.
Give thanks to the Lord, oh my soul, for He is good, His love endures forever.
Oh Lord, You are good; and so, Lord, I have proposed in my heart that I will not worry about anything! But I will pray and ask You for everything I need, for You are good and do good.
But this one thing I ask of You, my great, good God, this one thing I pray, Lord, with all my heart and soul--teach me Your statutes. Give me knowledge of Your ways, that I may continue to walk in the good path which You have chosen for me.
Then, and only then, will I dwell in the house of the Lord forever. Lord, I am totally, utterly, completely, unendingly, unswervingly, one hundred percent dependent upon Your grace to continue the good work You have begun in me and to bring me home.
Teach me Your statutes, Lord, for in keeping them there is great reward and by them is Your servant healed. I would be warned, Oh Lord, I would be warned, my God, by Your word. Teach me Your states, that my foot might not slip. Help me, Lord, by obedience to Your commandments to walk with You forever, forever, Lord, forever and always, Oh my King, for my heart is fully content in You and in Your way.
Oh Lord, this day, I stand and testify that You are good and do good. Oh Lord, teach me Your statutes.
69 The arrogant have forged a lie against me; With all my heart I will observe Your precepts.
The arrogant have forged a lie against me. They are blind and without knowledge; therefore, they hate Your name, Oh Lord. They mock You and scorn You, and they deride me for worshiping You.
They have no knowledge nor understanding of Your great goodness to me, and they deny the work You have done in my heart. They tell tales about my motives, and their thought is to pull me down, to knock me over, to cause me to deny Your name. They impute hate, Lord, where there is none, and they make up stories of wrongs towards the ungodly.
But Lord, my heart is fixed--with all my heart I will observe Your precepts.
The arrogant speak lies without knowledge. They reason with their mouth out of the hatred in their heart, but they do not know You.
I will stand firm, Lord. Though my tongue be silent before them, Lord, with my heart I will observe Your precepts. The arrogant know this full well about me.
Lord, You are my salvation, my hope, my deliverance. How should they think that I might desecrate Your name, who have given life to me?
70 Their heart is covered with fat, But I delight in Your law.
They do not see, and they do not hear, but it is the wickedness of their heart that deceives them, that robs their eyes of vision and makes their ears deaf.
They hide from You and they hide from knowledge of self, for they fear the light. Fat covers their heart. They do not want to know that they are sinners. Their heart is stiff and unwieldy. It is not in them to be humbled nor to bow before their Maker.
"I have made myself," they say, "and before that, it was nature's processes alone that made me."
How foolish, Lord, is their lie, and how destructive to themselves is their arrogance. I detest their ways, Oh God, and I will not be led astray. They follow the devices of their own wayward mind, but I delight in Your law.
I used to be blind and foolish like they are. I used to be deaf to the voice of Your wisdom, so I know that their path leads to darkness, deep gloom, confusion, chains, and death. Only a fool desires to kill himself.
Lord, You have been kind and gracious to me. You have placed Your love in my heart and laid Your hand upon me. By Your grace, Lord, You have given me knowledge of You and Your ways. You have saved me from corruption, the stink and corruption of sin, Lord.
For this I worship You forever. Further, I delight in Your law, for it is the way of peace between You and me. To deny Your law is to deny You, and who can stand against You? None, Oh Lord.
Besides, You law brings life. Your path leads to green pastures and still waters, to the fat portions of the land that flows with milk and honey. A single day in Your courts is better than a thousand in the halls of the wicked.
And so, I love Your law, Oh Lord.
71 It is good for me that I was afflicted, That I may learn Your statutes.
It is not so with the arrogant, Lord. They have no need in their heart for You, since by their own measure, all goes well with their soul. They propose to plant a field, and it prospers. They say, "I will do this and that," and their plans succeed. They move themselves this way and that way, wherever they want to go, and they are happy and content with their own will, for what they desire, they receive.
But not so with me, Lord. In Your grace and lovingkindness You afflicted me, so that my fields were barren. What few plans I had did not succeed. My rudder led me only from bad to worse, and everything my hand touched to perform crumbled into powder, only to be blown away by the wind.
Lord, my will was faulty. I had no power at all to achieve nor accomplish, not even one single thing. Fear gripped me, and night closed deeper and deeper upon my soul.
Lord, in my despair and great pain, losing my life, falling down into the endless abyss, I cried out to You, and You heard me. You rescued me from my sin, that I might not perish with all the other wicked just like me.
Oh Lord, I thank You with all my heart and soul, with all my being, Lord, with every fiber in me.
It is good for me that I was afflicted, that I might learn Your statutes. For my heart was proud within me. I, too, Lord, was arrogant in my heart, too fat to learn, wise in my own estimation. I said in my heart, "There is no God."
Ah, Lord! Had my plans succeeded, I would never have know You! If all I had touched turned to gold, Lord, my back would still be towards You, for there was nothing in me, Lord, that would desire You. I was totally dead, Lord, in my sin and corruption.
It was Your grace, Lord, that afflicted me. And this I know full well.
Thank You, my Lord.
I used to think Your statutes foolish. I despised in my heart the humility of those who followed You. Indeed, Lord, it was You whom I despised.
But Your hand of grace pitied me. You had compassion on this poor, naked, blind fool, who thought she was so very wise, not seeing herself for who she was.
You alone saved me, and You opened Your book to me as one who opens a fountain of fresh water to a soul dying in the desert. You brushed away the scales from off my eyes, and You allowed me to see wonders. You Yourself spoke life to me in the words of Your book.
Lord, You amazed me.
Forever, Lord, I will worship You in the land of the living, for You have rescued me.
Besides, You law brings life. Your path leads to green pastures and still waters, to the fat portions of the land that flows with milk and honey. A single day in Your courts is better than a thousand in the halls of the wicked.
And so, I love Your law, Oh Lord.
71 It is good for me that I was afflicted, That I may learn Your statutes.
It is not so with the arrogant, Lord. They have no need in their heart for You, since by their own measure, all goes well with their soul. They propose to plant a field, and it prospers. They say, "I will do this and that," and their plans succeed. They move themselves this way and that way, wherever they want to go, and they are happy and content with their own will, for what they desire, they receive.
But not so with me, Lord. In Your grace and lovingkindness You afflicted me, so that my fields were barren. What few plans I had did not succeed. My rudder led me only from bad to worse, and everything my hand touched to perform crumbled into powder, only to be blown away by the wind.
Lord, my will was faulty. I had no power at all to achieve nor accomplish, not even one single thing. Fear gripped me, and night closed deeper and deeper upon my soul.
Lord, in my despair and great pain, losing my life, falling down into the endless abyss, I cried out to You, and You heard me. You rescued me from my sin, that I might not perish with all the other wicked just like me.
Oh Lord, I thank You with all my heart and soul, with all my being, Lord, with every fiber in me.
It is good for me that I was afflicted, that I might learn Your statutes. For my heart was proud within me. I, too, Lord, was arrogant in my heart, too fat to learn, wise in my own estimation. I said in my heart, "There is no God."
Ah, Lord! Had my plans succeeded, I would never have know You! If all I had touched turned to gold, Lord, my back would still be towards You, for there was nothing in me, Lord, that would desire You. I was totally dead, Lord, in my sin and corruption.
It was Your grace, Lord, that afflicted me. And this I know full well.
Thank You, my Lord.
I used to think Your statutes foolish. I despised in my heart the humility of those who followed You. Indeed, Lord, it was You whom I despised.
But Your hand of grace pitied me. You had compassion on this poor, naked, blind fool, who thought she was so very wise, not seeing herself for who she was.
You alone saved me, and You opened Your book to me as one who opens a fountain of fresh water to a soul dying in the desert. You brushed away the scales from off my eyes, and You allowed me to see wonders. You Yourself spoke life to me in the words of Your book.
Lord, You amazed me.
Forever, Lord, I will worship You in the land of the living, for You have rescued me.
72 The law of Your mouth is better to me Than thousands of gold and silver pieces.
They perish, and the soul that treasures them will fall into the pit forever. But Your word is truth, and the law of Your mouth leads to life eternal.
Oh Lord, do not take Your Spirit from me. Forgive, Oh Lord, my waywardness, my lazy heart that says, "It is well with me today. I will work much and store up abundant food for tomorrow. Tomorrow I will meditate and praise God."
Oh forgive me, Lord, when on the seventh day I turn on my bed to sleep on the other side. That is the one day I should rise early to fill the dawn with songs of praise to Your great name.
Forgive me, Lord, when I fill my mind and my heart with my own aggrandizement and fail to worship You, my Maker, my Savior, my Friend.
Forgive me, Lord. After all these years, I am still so very, very weak and poor and blind.
But against all this, Lord, against all this, there is that in me which loves You still and calls upon Your name.
Oh Lord, the law of Your mouth is better to me than thousands of gold and silver pieces. Do not take Your Spirit from me, Lord, that I may learn of You forever.
Psalm 119:73-80 Fellowship with the Saints
Psalm 119:73 Your hands made me and fashioned me; Give me understanding, that I may learn Your commandments.
74 May those who fear You see me and be glad, Because I wait for Your word.
75 I know, O LORD, that Your judgments are righteous, And that in faithfulness You have afflicted me.
76 O may Your lovingkindness comfort me, According to Your word to Your servant.
77 May Your compassion come to me that I may live, For Your law is my delight.
78 May the arrogant be ashamed, for they subvert me with a lie; But I shall meditate on Your precepts.
79 May those who fear You turn to me, Even those who know Your testimonies.
80 May my heart be blameless in Your statutes, So that I will not be ashamed.
73 Your hands made me and fashioned me; Give me understanding, that I may learn Your commandments.
Yours was a personal creation of me, Lord. You knew me and had plans for me long before I was born. You knew my inward parts long before one of them came to be, and it was for Your pleasure, Lord, that You made me. Everything there is to know about me, You know, before even one thing comes to pass.
Lord, You designed me for a purpose, and You know the source of all my joy and pleasure. You know my weaknesses, all of them, and You know what makes my heart glad. You know where all my fulfillment lies, having fashioned me for Yourself. You are a personal God, One who personally created me with Your very own hand.
For this cause, Oh Lord, I owe my allegiance to You, and my greatest satisfactions come when I am fulfilling Your purpose for me. You are a good God, and Your motives are good. I trust You, my God, for You have shown Yourself trustworthy to me, marvelously kind and very generous with Your affection and love to me.
Oh Lord, for these causes I want to please You and live out Your plan and purpose for my life. Give me understanding, that I may learn Your commandments. You did not fashion me, then leave me on my own, like a wind-up toy, to see what might fare with me. Nor am I a robot, programmed without a will of my own.
But You have made me in Your image, my Lord. And so I love Your word, which reveals You. I want to be like You. I want to have Your bestowable characteristics and qualities become my own.
Thank You, Lord, that You have not left me an orphaned in this world. Thank You for Your Spirit, who guides and enlightens me. And thank You for Your word, which tells me all I need to know.
Oh hold me fast, my Lord, and teach me Your commandments, that it may go well with my soul. Teach me to read and understand Your instructions for me, which is my daily bread, Your portion each day for me. I am hungry, Lord, and I want to grow.
74 May those who fear You see me and be glad, Because I wait for Your word.
Your people are my people, Lord. May those who know, love, honor, and obey You be gladdened and encouraged in their hearts by what they see in me, because I, too, obey and follow Your word.
May we be encouraged together, Lord, in Your presence. May we strengthen each other and motivate each other onward to more and better works in You. May we build one another up and not tear down. May we freely forgive one another, as we each freely have been forgiven by You. May our mutual examples serve as beacons of hope to each other.
Lord, may my actions and words never cause the foot of another who loves You to stumble. I ask You this, my God, that I might be a blessing to Your people, because I wait for Your word. May I be a blessing to them, Lord, and not an offense.
They see, Lord, that I am called by Your name. I have Your seal of ownership on me. I am Your servant. Your name is on my lips and in my heart. I am Your representative, Lord. Help me by Your grace, Lord, to be a profitable servant to You, that I might gladden the hearts of those others who also bear Your name, those whom You love with an inestimable love. May their faith in You be strengthened, as well, Lord, when they see and believe Your faithfulness to me, for I have hoped in Your word.
You are all my hope, Lord. Everything I desire, Lord, has been gathered into one in You and twisted together like a strong cord. My eye is single, Lord. All my hope is in You. May those who fear You see me and be glad in Your name!
75 I know, O LORD, that Your judgments are righteous, And that in faithfulness You have afflicted me.
Lord, You see all and know all. Nothing is hidden from Your sight. That which appears to men is but the hull, the shell, the outer surface, the skim on the top.
But You see all, loving Lord. You know and hear the thoughts of my mind, and You read the intentions of my heart. Loving are Your ways, Lord, and You never waver in Your purpose for me. You know nothing of Plan A and Plan B. There is only and always has been but one plan with You.
Lord, all Your ways are righteous. There is no sin in You, ever. Lord, all Your thoughts for Your children are good thoughts, and You have planned an eternity of life and love for me with Yourself.
You are pure and holy beyond my narrow comprehension, Lord, and my one desire, Lord, is to know You fully and truly, to see You as You are, to marvel in Your presence, to spend an eternity with You.
Yet I am weak, Lord, so very, very weak, and all my righteousness, apart from You, is filthy rags.
Lord, there is a huge gap between You and me, which You Yourself have bridged. Indeed, Lord, You are the bridge. And I, Lord, if I am to dwell constantly in Your presence, I must be changed, not just according to my legal standing before You, but also, Lord, in practice.
Therefore, my Lord, as You see, You judge; and I know, Oh Lord, that Your judgments are righteous. In Your faithfulness to me, my Lord, because You desire such very great and wonderful things for me, in Your great faithfulness You have afflicted me. Thank You, my Lord, my great, good God.
For affliction stops me. It brings me to a standstill. It causes me to consider all my ways, and I am pruned like a vine.
This indeed is good, Lord, for affliction shapes and molds me into Your likeness. It humbles my pride and softens all my hard, sharp edges. By affliction I am warned and made to fear Your wrath, and as my soul seeks Your comfort, I repent of all my wrong ways: "Anything, I will do anything, my Lord, if only You will remove this great pain from me!"
Your ways are not my ways, nor are Your thoughts my thoughts, though I do want to be like You. I am meek and lowly, and I cannot rightly assess the present nor hope to know what lies ahead.
But this I do know, Lord, and I count on this, that You are faithful--You have never, not even once, let Your servant fall completely into the dust without revival.
And so, Lord, I trust You. Indeed, Lord, because of Your faithfulness to me, that for which I earnestly pray is that You would in fact afflict me here, that I might not perish in hell.
76 O may Your lovingkindness comfort me, According to Your word to Your servant.
Oh Lord, when the appointed trial is past, when Your purpose in me has reached completion, Oh may Your lovingkindness comfort me, according to Your word to Your servant!
For I am hard pressed, my Lord, and I feel as though I might die. Every breath is a stab of sorrow, and every moment an affliction to be endured.
I feel choked, as though I cannot breathe.
Save me, Lord, I pray, for I trust in You!
Comfort me, my Lord, according to Your lovingkindness, according to Your word to Your servant, for I believe in You, and all my hope is placed upon You. My desire is to do Your will. I am Your servant.
77 May Your compassion come to me that I may live, For Your law is my delight.
Oh Lord, may this not be my resting place. May this not be where Your book of my life ends. May this place not be where my pilgrimage stops. Oh Lord! I want to live. I want to grow. I want move on.
Oh Lord, let Your compassion flood over me and fill me with hope. Restore singing to my heart, Oh Lord, and gladness to my bones.
Oh Lord, Your law is my delight. There is nothing that I cling to except Your law. Your word is my lifeline in my affliction, an air hose in my suffocation.
Oh Lord, spare me, please, I pray You, according to Your lovingkindness, according to Your word, for Your word is all my joy and hope, my delight in each new day.
78 May the arrogant be ashamed, for they subvert me with a lie; But I shall meditate on Your precepts.
The arrogant are not God. They do not see my heart, nor do they want to, for their ways are built on lies. There is no truth in them. Their purpose is to mock and destroy.
Because I am Your servant, they want to see me brought to lowness of shame on account of Your name. Their judgments are not true, nor are their purposes pure. Their god is the father of lies, and they are just like him.
Oh Lord, may they be brought to shame.
But I shall meditate on Your precepts. My comfort is this, that Your word, my Lord, speaks to my heart and in it I find life. Your Holy Spirit, Lord, protects me from all evil, and for this am I fully grateful.
I love Your ways, my Lord, and my heart will dwell upon Your goodness. Your book is full of all good words and wisdom, and therein is my delight.
I will meditate on Your precepts, that I may know Your will and live, for all Your ways, Lord, are righteous and true. I will build my life upon the rock of Your word, for Your precepts are wholesome. They water my soul and protect me from all the lying words of my enemies.
Your paths are sure paths; Your ways are true; and Your precepts lead to green pastures of holy pleasure and sheer joy. All Your ways are good, my Lord, and in Your precepts are life.
79 May those who fear You turn to me, Even those who know Your testimonies.
As I am strengthened in Your word, Lord, may those who fear You turn to me, even those who know Your testimonies. As like draws like, as drops of water flow down and join together, even so, Lord, may those who fear You see me and be glad.
May I be a comfort to many, Lord. May Your laws, which have saved me, flow through me, Lord, to enrich, bless, and save others.
In unity is strength, Lord. May those who fear You dwell together in harmony. May we bless, encourage, support, and love each other. May that which You have given me be multiplied as blessings to others, to those who fear You and know Your testimonies.
You have been so very generous with me, my Lord. Your testimonies have nourished and grown me to a great degree. Lord, I love You, and I love Your word. Oh Lord, I long to share Your word with those who love You. I long to be strengthened and have fellowship with those who fear Your name.
By Your good grace, Lord, may those who fear You turn to me, that we may share what You have given us. May we all see Your glory together and worship You with one heart of holy joy.
Oh Lord, be glad in Your people. May we rejoice together in Your presence.
80 May my heart be blameless in Your statutes, So that I will not be ashamed.
Oh, Lord, in the company of Your saints, in the congregation of Your holy ones, may my heart be blameless in Your statutes, so that I will not be ashamed.
After I have taught and encouraged others, Lord, may my heart not be exposed as false. May my own heart be true, Lord, to Your words my mouth has spoken.
May I not be deceived, Lord, as to the state and condition of my own heart. Lord, expose my heart now, today, so that I may be blameless in Your statutes on that great day when all men appear before You in judgment, so that I will not be ashamed on that great day.
All Your judgments are righteous--Lord, I pray You, though Your hand should fall ever so heavy upon me, I pray You, Lord, work with me now, while it is still called today, so that in the great assembly of Your people, Lord, I will not be ashamed. Lord, I am so very small. Hear me, my Lord, and have mercy upon me.
Psalm 119:81-88 The Battle Rages Again

Psalm 119:81 My soul languishes for Your salvation; I wait for Your word.
82 My eyes fail with longing for Your word, While I say, "When will You comfort me?"
83 Though I have become like a wineskin in the smoke, I do not forget Your statutes.
84 How many are the days of Your servant? When will You execute judgment on those who persecute me?
85 The arrogant have dug pits for me, Men who are not in accord with Your law.
86 All Your commandments are faithful; They have persecuted me with a lie; help me!
87 They almost destroyed me on earth, But as for me, I did not forsake Your precepts.
88 Revive me according to Your lovingkindness, So that I may keep the testimony of Your mouth.
81 My soul languishes for Your salvation; I wait for Your word.
My soul languishes for Your salvation, Lord, as on a hot, hot night when morning never seems to come. Without You, Lord, there is no rest; without You, no refreshment.
I become weak and sickly--I wait for Your word. I bow before You, Lord, and ask for Your mercy to fall upon me. Revive me with Your word, Lord, for I wait on You.
I am hungry, Lord. I am weak and pwerless without You. I can do nothing; indeed, I am nothing.
I remember with longing, Lord, better days of sweet, joyful fellowship with You, and I long for those days, my Lord. Visit Your servant with Your word, Lord. My heart is hungry and Your name is barely a whisper in my mouth. Revive Your servant, Oh Lord, for I wait on Your word.
82 My eyes fail with longing for Your word, While I say, "When will You comfort me?"
I can endure anything, Lord, as long as You are with me. Your presence, Lord, instantly removes pain and prospers the situation, whatever it may be. Oh Lord, I need You--I need You right now. Now is when I need You. How I long to hear the voice of Your word inside my heart. When will You comfort me?
It is not good, Lord, that Your servant should falter. My eyes fail with longing, Lord, for Your word. I cannot see; the light is dim. I strain my eyes, yearning for some sight of You. My head spins and reels from lack of sleep. My heart pants, Lord, for You. When will You comfort me with Your word?
83 Though I have become like a wineskin in the smoke, I do not forget Your statutes.
I am hard and brittle, Lord. I snap easily. I have no resilience, and my odor is foul. I have picked up and reflect back all the miseries of those around me. My heart is empty within me, and I am good for nothing. I have been abandoned, left hanging by the dying embers of a smoldering fire.
Lord! Save me!
But though I find myself in this condition, Lord, yet there is this one thing--I do not forget Your statutes! There is hope within me still. Your word is my comfort. The still, small voice within me clinging to Your word is my comfort. The still, small voice within me clinging to Your word cries forth Your name.
Your word is steadfast, Lord, and holy, as You are. Revive me, my Lord. I am cracked and barren, hollow, dry. Revive me, Lord, for I do not forget Your statutes.
My eyes are raw and red. There is no music in my voice. Everything is an irritant to me, and I, myself, can comfort no one.
Yet, Lord, I do have this--I wait for Your word. I trust Your word. I cannot deny Your name.
Come quickly, Lord. Save me before I perish.
84 How many are the days of Your servant? When will You execute judgment on those who persecute me?
How many are the days of Your servant, Lord? Do I have many or few? Lord, no matter how many I may have, they are few, too few.
Oh Lord, when will You execute judgment on those who persecute me? My days go up in smoke; they are all short and numbered, and my persecutors outnumber me, Lord. I am always alone in upholding Your law. I know You will vindicate me, Lord, but when?
Lord, if You wait until I go down to the grave, then I will not see Your victory won; I will not know of Your excellent judgments. Lord, I would see Your judgment upon the wicked while I am in the land of the living.
85 The arrogant have dug pits for me, Men who are not in accord with Your law.
This is the day of the wicked, Lord. Their sin is open, blatant, blaring, loud, and strong. The humble are despised and called foul names. The arrogant have dug pits for me, men who are not in accord with Your law.
It is not enough that I mind my own business as I go about my daily work, but they seek to entrap me. They draw me out in order to mock me. Their questions hide sharp teeth; their intent is to bite and devour.
Oh Lord, the arrogant, those whose ways lead to death, who live according to the deceits of their own mind, those not in accord with Your law, these, Lord, are not content with their own portion--they want to destroy the innocent from off the face of the earth. There is no containing their desire. They will not rest until all God's people have been destroyed by them.
86 All Your commandments are faithful; They have persecuted me with a lie; help me!
Oh Lord! There is no compromising with the wicked, because all of Your commandments are faithful. There is not one of them whose days have come to an end. There is not one that has proven to be false.
Psalm 119:81 My soul languishes for Your salvation; I wait for Your word.
82 My eyes fail with longing for Your word, While I say, "When will You comfort me?"
83 Though I have become like a wineskin in the smoke, I do not forget Your statutes.
84 How many are the days of Your servant? When will You execute judgment on those who persecute me?
85 The arrogant have dug pits for me, Men who are not in accord with Your law.
86 All Your commandments are faithful; They have persecuted me with a lie; help me!
87 They almost destroyed me on earth, But as for me, I did not forsake Your precepts.
88 Revive me according to Your lovingkindness, So that I may keep the testimony of Your mouth.
81 My soul languishes for Your salvation; I wait for Your word.
My soul languishes for Your salvation, Lord, as on a hot, hot night when morning never seems to come. Without You, Lord, there is no rest; without You, no refreshment.
I become weak and sickly--I wait for Your word. I bow before You, Lord, and ask for Your mercy to fall upon me. Revive me with Your word, Lord, for I wait on You.
I am hungry, Lord. I am weak and pwerless without You. I can do nothing; indeed, I am nothing.
I remember with longing, Lord, better days of sweet, joyful fellowship with You, and I long for those days, my Lord. Visit Your servant with Your word, Lord. My heart is hungry and Your name is barely a whisper in my mouth. Revive Your servant, Oh Lord, for I wait on Your word.
82 My eyes fail with longing for Your word, While I say, "When will You comfort me?"
I can endure anything, Lord, as long as You are with me. Your presence, Lord, instantly removes pain and prospers the situation, whatever it may be. Oh Lord, I need You--I need You right now. Now is when I need You. How I long to hear the voice of Your word inside my heart. When will You comfort me?
It is not good, Lord, that Your servant should falter. My eyes fail with longing, Lord, for Your word. I cannot see; the light is dim. I strain my eyes, yearning for some sight of You. My head spins and reels from lack of sleep. My heart pants, Lord, for You. When will You comfort me with Your word?
83 Though I have become like a wineskin in the smoke, I do not forget Your statutes.
I am hard and brittle, Lord. I snap easily. I have no resilience, and my odor is foul. I have picked up and reflect back all the miseries of those around me. My heart is empty within me, and I am good for nothing. I have been abandoned, left hanging by the dying embers of a smoldering fire.
Lord! Save me!
But though I find myself in this condition, Lord, yet there is this one thing--I do not forget Your statutes! There is hope within me still. Your word is my comfort. The still, small voice within me clinging to Your word is my comfort. The still, small voice within me clinging to Your word cries forth Your name.
Your word is steadfast, Lord, and holy, as You are. Revive me, my Lord. I am cracked and barren, hollow, dry. Revive me, Lord, for I do not forget Your statutes.
My eyes are raw and red. There is no music in my voice. Everything is an irritant to me, and I, myself, can comfort no one.
Yet, Lord, I do have this--I wait for Your word. I trust Your word. I cannot deny Your name.
Come quickly, Lord. Save me before I perish.
84 How many are the days of Your servant? When will You execute judgment on those who persecute me?
How many are the days of Your servant, Lord? Do I have many or few? Lord, no matter how many I may have, they are few, too few.
Oh Lord, when will You execute judgment on those who persecute me? My days go up in smoke; they are all short and numbered, and my persecutors outnumber me, Lord. I am always alone in upholding Your law. I know You will vindicate me, Lord, but when?
Lord, if You wait until I go down to the grave, then I will not see Your victory won; I will not know of Your excellent judgments. Lord, I would see Your judgment upon the wicked while I am in the land of the living.
85 The arrogant have dug pits for me, Men who are not in accord with Your law.
This is the day of the wicked, Lord. Their sin is open, blatant, blaring, loud, and strong. The humble are despised and called foul names. The arrogant have dug pits for me, men who are not in accord with Your law.
It is not enough that I mind my own business as I go about my daily work, but they seek to entrap me. They draw me out in order to mock me. Their questions hide sharp teeth; their intent is to bite and devour.
Oh Lord, the arrogant, those whose ways lead to death, who live according to the deceits of their own mind, those not in accord with Your law, these, Lord, are not content with their own portion--they want to destroy the innocent from off the face of the earth. There is no containing their desire. They will not rest until all God's people have been destroyed by them.
86 All Your commandments are faithful; They have persecuted me with a lie; help me!
Oh Lord! There is no compromising with the wicked, because all of Your commandments are faithful. There is not one of them whose days have come to an end. There is not one that has proven to be false.
He who stands on Your commandments stands on solid ground, for each and every one is pure and holy. All Your commandments are worthy of honor and demand obedience. He who rests in them will not be ashamed.
But Oh Lord, they have persecuted me with a lie. They lie about Your word, and they persecute me for clinging to Your word. They deny Your word, and denigrate its supreme authority and its all-surpassing worth.
Their word is not truth, but they use it like a weapon. Their lies are fashioned to destroy, like swords with sharp points and cutting edges, aimed mightily at the inward parts.
Help me! For soon I perish, Lord! They are clawing at my throat and they seek to hollow out my heart. They stare with beady eyes, and they laugh at my pain.
Oh Lord, my enemies are so very real. They hate You, and they rejoice to see even one of Your little ones be made to stumble and fall. They are relentless, their lies unceasing. It is my life or theirs, and they will not give up. Help me, Lord. Help me!
87 They almost destroyed me on earth, But as for me, I did not forsake Your precepts.
Lord, they almost destroyed me on earth. So many times, Lord, have I come but this close to death. But my heart cried out to You. With a loud voice of anguish I fell to my knees and called Your name. They rejoiced to see me suffer, but as for me, I did not forsake Your precepts.
How could I, my Lord? For with Your very own hand You have placed the honey of Your very own mouth beneath my tongue. I have swallowed You whole, Lord, and all Your ways are sweet beyond compare.
Their ways are far from You, Lord, but for me to live without You, without the light of Your radiance turned towards me, would be despair and torment of an unimaginable sort.
88 Revive me according to Your lovingkindness, So that I may keep the testimony of Your mouth.
Lord, the pit they have dug is before me. Behind me they stand with gaping mouths and sharpened teeth. Their breath is foul upon my neck, Lord, but I have hoped in You. My trust is in You. Revive me according to Your lovingkindness, so that I may keep the testimony of Your mouth.
I am weak, Lord, and I am far, oh so very far from perfect. But this one thing I do have that no one can take from me--Your name is written upon me, my Lord. Your very own Spirit wrote Your name upon me. It cannot be removed.
Oh Lord, revive Your servant according to the great love with which You have loved me, the love that purchased me from bondage to slavery. Lord, the ransom has already been paid by You--why should I die at the hands of Your enemy? Rescue me now, Lord, I pray, according to Your lovingkindness and according to Your word.
My Lord, I would keep the testimony of Your mouth. My desire is to please You, by Your grace alone.
I need Your help, Lord. My strength is spent. There is nothing in me, Lord, that can save myself. Of myself, Lord, I have no reply for Your enemy who hurls his insults and slanders at me all day long. For Your sake alone, Lord, for the glory of Your name, Oh Lord, be pleased to rescue this small speck of unworthy dust.
I will sing Your praises to all eternity.
Psalm 119:89-96 God's Ordinances Stand Forever

Psalm 119:89 Forever, O LORD, Your word is settled in heaven.
90 Your faithfulness continues throughout all generations; You established the earth, and it stands.
91 They stand this day according to Your ordinances, For all things are Your servants.
92 If Your law had not been my delight, Then I would have perished in my affliction.
93 I will never forget Your precepts, For by them You have revived me.
94 I am Yours, save me; For I have sought Your precepts.
95 The wicked wait for me to destroy me; I shall diligently consider Your testimonies.
96 I have seen a limit to all perfection; Your commandment is exceedingly broad.
89 Forever, O LORD, Your word is settled in heaven.
You are high, Lord, You are so very high and exalted above all else. Forever, Oh Lord, Your word is settled in heaven. Your word is as the sun, moon, and the stars. Indeed, they shall pass away, but Your word is eternal.
Your word is fixed. It cannot be shaken. All the affairs of men are but fleeting shadow. We live, we die, but Your word goes on forever.
Who can comprehend the grandeur of Your commandments? We are finite. We are but dust. All we are is derived from You. You are infinite, eternal, and Your word is more durable than all created things.
Man is of the earth, earthy, but Your word is settled in heaven. Our affairs cannot influence Your word. Nothing we say or do leaves the plane of corruption. We are like small air bubbles rising to the surface of a pond. They pop and are no more.
By the word of Your mouth, Oh Lord, You created the earth, the heavens, and all they contain. You are wonderful beyond description, and Your word proceeds forth from You. As You are, so is Your word. Ah, Lord, You word is very high.
90 Your faithfulness continues throughout all generations; You established the earth, and it stands.
Your faithfulness, Lord, rejoices my heart. I exalt You. I tell others of Your steadfastness, and my heart sings Your praise. I am never alone when I consider how wonderful You have been to me, for You are there.
Your faithfulness, Lord, far, far exceeds my own. We cannot recount them in the same breath. Your faithfulness is of a quality that is pure, and You surprise me when I am unprepared--You surprise me with Your great love, because You anticipate my need and extend Your helping hand even before I become aware. When situations arise, Lord, I find Your grace already in place beside me.
I am in awe of Your power, splendor, and majesty. You have never let me down, not even once, never. For had Your saving love and grace failed me even one time, I would have gone down to the pit. But here I stand, in the land of the living.
Lord, with all my heart I praise You and thank You for Your lovingkindness and faithfulness to me, as from One who loves me. Accept my praise, Oh Lord, and help me live, I pray You, Oh God, according to Your commandments, according to Your word, in order to please You, for You are worthy. The older I grow, Lord, I find more and more that You alone are worthy.
Thank You, Lord. Thank You God Almighty. In my humility, in the humble gratefulness of this moment of clear love and appreciation of You, I say with all reverence--You have been a good, good God to me. I worship and honor You, and I am very glad and happy, contented and proud to be Your daughter.
Your faithfulness, Lord, extends beyond myself. It extends throughout all generations to many nations and all peoples of all times everywhere. The wicked do not see this; they do not understand. Praise of You is foreign to their lips.
But the humble, Lord, those who cry out to You from their dark dwellings, they see, and know, and understand Your faithfulness, and men from all places and all times sing Your praises in a mighty chorus of worship, adoration, and thanksgiving.
The earth sings Your praises, my Lord. The earth in all its vastness, its hugeness, its incomprehensible variety tells of Your goodness and Your steadfast love. For long ago, Lord, You created it and set it on its moorings, where it still stands to this day, obeying Your commands.
Oh! That men would see, Lord, and praise Your name!
91 They stand this day according to Your ordinances, For all things are Your servants.
Oh God, Your word is good. All things You created and all things You have established stand this day according to Your ordinances, for all things are Your servants.
Your word is so good, Lord, for nothing You created has ever faltered. The bird does not fall out of the sky, and everyday is a good day for flight. The fish does not choke on water and die, nor do the insides of man explode suddenly, nor bloat and swell beyond reason.
Every living thing has its place and its home. They all know where to seek food and how to find a mate. Year after year the earth produces its harvest and rain falls from the sky. There is such an interconnectedness, Lord, that captures men of great minds for a lifetime of marvel.
Lord, You made it all. All things are at Your command. You part the seas, so that men may walk through. You open and shut and open again the mouths of great fish.
Lord, You have blessed me. You have laid out water for me when I thought I would die of thirst. You have opened doors of hope when all was deep, deep darkness and gloom. You have patterned my life according to Your own desires, as that which pleases You, and You have brought order out of chaos. You have calmed my inner storms and caused my heart to lie still within me. You rescued me before I knew I was lost, Lord, and my praise to You is Yours forever.
92 If Your law had not been my delight, Then I would have perished in my affliction.
Lord, it is that simply true. If I had not turned to You, if I had sought my own way, then my footsteps would have led me straight to the land of evil, where the wicked perish and die in their own sins.
Lord, You have saved me from madness and disease, for great, Lord, my words cannot tell You how very great, was my foolishness without You.
You have a plan and a purpose, Lord, for all living things, especially for men. Your way is a good way, a way that leads to life and peace.
My ways, Lord, are sinful ways that lead to destructon, my own and those around me. You created and have established order, Oh God.
You made laws to govern men. Lord, in my weakness, I have broken every one of Your laws. My ways led me into peril, where I reeled and staggered as a person drunk with wine. I became afraid, Lord, when I saw the chaos and destruction in my life. Fear gripped me, and I cried out to You in my terror, "Lord, save me! For I die."
You heard me. You heard me call out to You, Lord. You were not far, but close, inside me. You spoke words of sweet, tender love to me, and You called me Your child. (Oh how I love Your ordinances!) You rescued me from my sin, from the terrors of my darkness, and with great patience You taught me Your laws, Your way, as a mother her retarded daughter.
Oh, Lord, I am glad that I was afflicted, for now I praise Your name.
Lord, I meditate upon Your way in my life. I see men and women whose lives go well and easy for them. They have no need of You, for their sins and troubles are small. Lord, my sin was great, as was my affliction.
Thank You, Lord, for my weakness without You, for because of all my failings, I cried out to You in peril and distress, and You saved me. Had I been strong and successful in all my plans, I would never have turned to You to call upon Your name.
Now I love Your law, and by it You save me through all the seasons of my life. I trust in You; my hope is in You.
93 I will never forget Your precepts, For by them You have revived me.
Does a starving man, when he has eaten well, say to himself, "That was horrible food. I will never eat again,"?
Does a woman, wandering lost in a desert, when a spring leaps up, drink her fill and wander off again, saying, "I prefer the desert heat to this cool, refreshing drink,"?
Oh Lord, how foolish are those who wag their heads at those who love You! They have no knowledge, their eyes do not see, they speak what they do not know.
But I know You, Lord. Your laws are good laws, and by them men are saved. Your paths are good paths. They lead away from thickets, their end is not a cliff, their ground is firm and sure. On Your paths the pilgrim's foot is held fast; it does not slip.
Can anyone who has tasted of Your goodness, eaten at Your table of wine and spices, ever prefer dog's vomit again for the rest of his life?
Lord, where would I go without You? For You have the words of life, and by Your word You have revived me. I will never forget, my Lord, Your love for me, nor Your precepts.
94 I am Yours, save me; For I have sought Your precepts.
Oh Lord, I need Your grace! I am so very, very weak. When pride and confidence in self take hold of me, You send me trouble. When vanity threatens to corrupt, You remind me that I am dust and easily unsettled.
Oh Lord, the multitude of troubles that beset me testify of Your great love for me, for I am Your child, and with Your rod You chastise me.
Forgive me for pride, Lord, and for confidence in myself, for by these my eyes are made blind, and my foot leaves the good path of Your ways.
I am Yours, save me; for I have sought Your precepts.
You shined Your light in my heart and showed me my sin. I cried out to You, "Oh help me, Lord. Help me return to the path of Your ways."
I cannot live in obedience to You without the constant grace of Your pardon. But You are faithful, Lord, and You guard me with a jealous love. You are faithful to lead and guide me, for I have sought Your precepts.
Take me by me hand and lead me now, for I am called by Your name. In You have I placed all my hope for life and well-being. I have not abandoned Your precepts, nor has Your word left my heart. Show me Your path, that I may abide in You still.
95 The wicked wait for me to destroy me; I shall diligently consider Your testimonies.
Oh Lord! How my heart longs for You in a dry and dusty land. The wicked wait for me to destroy me. They are many, Lord, and their ways are detestable and foul. They follow the leadings of their own hearts, and truth, Your truth, is not in them.Your ways are foreign to them. They hate You and seek to destroy all those who abide in Your law.
I shall diligently consider Your testimonies, my Lord, for they are my shield and my sword. They protect and fortify me against my enemies. Your word is my shelter where I hide and am safe. Oh feed me, Lord, with your word.
96 I have seen a limit to all perfection; Your commandment is exceedingly broad.
All that is made by man fails. Nothing of men satisfies completely and totally forever. That which glitters tarnishes, and treasures grow heavy with dust or become lost in the ruins of life.
No one and nothing is exempt from decay. Even friendships are broken, and death drives an insurmountable wedge into lasting relationships.
But Your commandment, Lord, is exceedingly broad. Your word is beyond earthly perfection; I do not see a limit to it. You are eternal, and You never die. When I die, behold, You are still with me, and I with You.
Your law satisfies like nothing else. There is no end to your goodness, and each day unfolds new blessings. Your word is fresh; it never fades. It is as sturdy today as all yesterdays. Strength leads to strength, and hope and joy burst forth anew uncalled for. Tomorrow holds no fear, for Your word is forever.
Your commandment is exceedingly broad. Your kingdom is spacious and vast. There is always depth beyond what has been dug. New wonders spring forth each day.
Your word is all encompassing. There is no area of human existence and activity untouched by it . Life is in Your word.
I am amazed, Lord, at the joy Your commandments bring me.
Psalm 119:97-104 Great Riches to Those Who Obey God's Word
MemPsalm 119:97 O how I love Your law! It is my meditation all the day.
98 Your commandments make me wiser than my enemies, For they are ever mine.
99 I have more insight than all my teachers, For Your testimonies are my meditation.
100 I understand more than the aged, Because I have observed Your precepts.
101 I have restrained my feet from every evil way, That I may keep Your word.
102 I have not turned aside from Your ordinances, For You Yourself have taught me.
103 How sweet are Your words to my taste! Yes, sweeter than honey to my mouth!
104 From Your precepts I get understanding; Therefore I hate every false way.
97 O how I love Your law! It is my meditation all the day.
Your law is better than life, for Your word is eternal. It is my meditation all the day. When I lie down to sleep, Your word protects me from nighttime terrors, and when I awake, I remember unbidden Your decrees.
Lord, our world is filled with uncertainties. Ideas and thoughts clamor for attention, like competing strains from different songs. Which of them can bear my full wight without giving way under all the circumstances of life?
Only Your word, Lord, is true. Your word holds up in sorrows, when afflictions abound, when troubles surround me like jackals in the night.
But, Lord, Your word is equally strong during seasons of joy, of comfort, of gladness. Your word sustains through temptation and restrains me from evil. Your law is my joy, Lord, and my great comfort, because You are there. You indwell Your word, and You are a Father and Friend to me.
Your law is my meditation all the day, and I am not alone. Oh how I love Your law!
98 Your commandments make me wiser than my enemies, For they are ever mine.
Your commandments are personal, Lord; they belong to me. You have given Your commandments to me, and they are mine.
When a loved one dies or a friend departs, they are gone; but You are with me still.
My enemies clamor and scream loudly; they hate Your law, because they hate You, but Your commandments make me wiser than my enemies, for they are ever mine.
No one can take Your commandments from me, for they are the fabric of my soul. your word is tested, tried, and true. I cling to Your word, and Your law is my strength.
Health moves to health when I meditate on Your word. Life can do nothing to me, for I am rich in Your word. You yourself, Lord, have promised to keep me to the end, for I trust in You.
99 I have more insight than all my teachers, For Your testimonies are my meditation.
There is one true word, and one true God, and You are He. Every word that proceeds from Your mouth is holy and true. You give food to the hungry and riches to the poor.
You are the one, true teacher, Lord. You teach from without and from within. You teach directly to the heart through Your law and also through the times and places around me. You know exactly what I need before I need it, and Your word feeds me even in the darkest and loneliest of hours. You apply Your word to my heart as the most skillful of all surgeons applies the knife to his patient. Such knowledge my teachers cannot attain to, for they are human, just as I am.
Therefore, Lord, I have more insight than all my teachers, for Your testimonies are my meditation. My teachers lose patience with me. They do not see the hidden recesses of my heart, as You do. They bring their food from afar, but You are a fountain from within. The wisdom of man is a mere shadow, flat and dark, beside the mighty tower of Your word.
Your word is true, Lord, because You are true. You are the author, Lord, of all You have written. No one else was there with You when You wrote Your law. No one helped You, for Your law is eternal before time began. You have endorsed with Your own name everything written in the law of Your book.
You stand behind every promise, and Your word will never cease. You are eternal, Lord, and all who love You love Your word.
You give wisdom to the simple, and they become wise. Foolish is the one who trades Your word for a single meal elsewhere, for from You, Lord, all things proceed, and to Your throne they will all return.
Wise is the one who regards Your word and meditates daily in it. She will not be ashamed who waits on You. I have more insight than all my teachers, for Your testimonies are my meditation.
100 I understand more than the aged, Because I have observed Your precepts.
Age confers a wisdom of its own, but it is a wisdom of vanities. Your precepts, Lord, are truth, and You reveal secrets unknown to man, because Your Spirit indwells Your word.
He who obeys Your precepts finds life. Though he be a youth, he will soar on wings like eagles. He will run and not grow weary, he will walk and will not faint.
Your word is a spring, always fresh. Age alone will not find it. A youth is not disadvantaged who obeys Your word.
You are Father to all who seek You, and orphans call Your name and are not dismayed.
Oh Lord, I have obeyed Your way always, and You have made me wise beyond my years. This is the heritage of all who love You.
101 I have restrained my feet from every evil way, That I may keep Your word.
My associates call me. They beckon with their hands, their eyes wink, and they use enticing words of flattery. But their hearts are evil, and their paths are not straight. Their invitations I have resisted, that I might not join them on the path to destruction. I have restrained my feet from every evil way, that I may keep Your word.
The wicked devise plans as they lie on their bed at night, but deception is in their heart, and their feet are strangers to the good path of your word.
Wisdom considers the outcome of an event before hurtling itself down a path of destruction.
All Your ways are pure, Lord, and I have restrained my feet from following those who know not You, for You love me and guard me with a jealous love. Your ways are good, full of life and sweetness.
102 I have not turned aside from Your ordinances, For You Yourself have taught me.
Oh Lord, how very good You are to those who love You! You never abandon Your own, nor assign them to be shepherded by others. You Yourself tend Your own flock, and every sheep You call by name.
There is no goodness in me, Lord, apart from You. I have not turned aside from Your ordinances, for You Yourself have taught me. It is Your love that keeps me, and your guiding hand that is upon my life.
Indeed, I have stumbled, Lord, almost to the point of death. But I have not utterly fallen, Lord. Your hand has caught me and holds me up, as a father catches hold of a dear child who is learning to walk. Your rod afflicts me with chastisement, and You bring me back to Your right path.
You are the faithful One, and Your eye is ever upon me. I rest in Your love, and Your countenance fills my heart with joy and contentment.
You have given me riches and shown me where Your treasure lies. It is because of You and Your grace alone that I have been faithful to Your word. You keep all who love You, and Your promises are sure unto the end. Happy is the one who loves and obeys your word, for you are a God and Savior to him.
103 How sweet are Your words to my taste! Yes, sweeter than honey to my mouth!
Your word is not burdensome--how sweet are Your words to my taste! Yes, sweeter than honey to my mouth! You have created me to worship You, and in this I find fulfillment.
My greatest joy, Lord, is when I feel Your pleasure upon me, and my greatest reward, Lord, is to hear You say, "Well done, my good and faithful servant!"
Obedience to Your word brings great reward and increase in You. For You Yourself have decreed, and obedience to Your thought leads to You. You are always right, and you share Yourself liberally with all who love and obey your commands.
Oh Lord! You are God! It is You who are God, oh wonder of wonders; You Yourself are God and there is no other. My soul is amazed and overwhelmed that He who loves me is my Maker.
I bow before You, Lord; You are so worthy to be praised.
Thank You, Lord, for choosing me; I am so content to be in Your presence always, for You are the light of my life and the Dayspring in my heart.
Oh Lord, live forever! Majesty and kingdoms are Yours, Lord, for ever and always!
104 From Your precepts I get understanding; Therefore I hate every false way.
It is by studying and living Your precepts, Lord, that I gain understanding. All who apply themselves diligently to living Your word find life abundant in You.
From Your precepts I get understanding. Obedience to Your word is not heavy, Lord. Your pack upon my back makes me lighter than air. Therefore I hate every false way.
Your way is truth, and Your light, with which You enlighten my steps, grows clearer and brighter with each passing year. He who follows You securely is never disappointed, and youth is restored to those who drink from Your spring. Oh that men would heed You and listen!
From Your precepts, Lord, and from Yours alone, do I get understanding. Therefore, I hate every false way. You are my fulfillment and joy. Therefore I flee what does not please You.
Psalm 119:105-112 Life in God's Word
Psalm 119:105 Your word is a lamp to my feet And a light to my path.
106 I have sworn and I will confirm it, That I will keep Your righteous ordinances.
107 I am exceedingly afflicted; Revive me, O LORD, according to Your word.
108 O accept the freewill offerings of my mouth, O LORD, And teach me Your ordinances.
109 My life is continually in my hand, Yet I do not forget Your law.
110 The wicked have laid a snare for me, Yet I have not gone astray from Your precepts.
111 I have inherited Your testimonies forever, For they are the joy of my heart.
112 I have inclined my heart to perform Your statutes Forever, even to the end.
105 Your word is a lamp to my feet And a light to my path.
Lord, You are so good. You are so unutterably, wholesomely good--always! I thank You, my Lord, with all my heart for the way You have treated me. And I thank You, Lord, for Your word. For, Lord, when I meditate on Your word, I am fortified and guided, ready for all that comes my way. Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path.
By the light of Your word I see that I walk in safety, for You make a way where previously there was no way.
Lord, You are holy, kind, and good. Your word gives me instruction for each day's journey. My decisions concerning my actions are based on Your word, and I have confidence, based on Your word, confidence in You, that what I am undertaking from Your word is right in Your sight and good.
You are the giver of all good things, and Your rules are not cloaked in secrecy. You have laid them out before me. There they are. I can see and read. I can hear Your word taught.
How reassuring it is, as I make my day's choices, to see, understand, and know, "This is what I read this morning!" How very comforting to know that You, my God, are with me, for I walk in Your path, and my foot does not slip, because Your word lights the way before me.
You are awesome and mighty, Lord. You do what You say, and You say what You do. You give gifts to men. Your word is a gift. Thank You, Lord.
106 I have sworn and I will confirm it, That I will keep Your righteous ordinances.
Many times, Lord, have I returned to the place of my beginnings in order to renew my vows, "Lord, I give my life to You. I will walk in the light You give me. I will obey, wherever that choice may lead."
Lord, have I given You all of me? Is there some part of me I am holding back? Have I consecrated to You all my senses? All my mind? All my heart? My will? My feet, my hands, everything, Lord? Show me, Lord, if there be any lie in me, any way that I may be falling short.
To obey You is my delight. Your commandments lead me through thickets of dark travail into the broad fatness of Your land.
107 I am exceedingly afflicted; Revive me, O LORD, according to Your word.
Lord, they press against me, and my heart palpitates within. My palms are sweaty and my breath comes in short pants. I am hard pressed, my Lord. I am exceedingly afflicted; revive me, Oh Lord, according to Your word.
It is not out of air that I ask You for comfort, but out of Your word, out of Your righteous commandments, which I have obeyed with my whole heart.
Lord, I need You. I need You now more than I have ever needed You before. You have been so good to me in the past. Be good to me now, my Lord.
Yesterday's manna was excellent, as You sustained me by Your word. But today, Lord, I hunger and thirst. My heart is heavy. My fears are rampant. My eyes are lead. Throbbing of my own blood is in my ears.
I fall to my knees, Lord, and cry out, "If You do not save me now, Lord, then I am dead."
Oh Lord, revive me. Meet with me and show me the face of Your countenance. Revive me, Oh Lord, for without You I can do nothing. I am nothing without You, my Lord. Sleep is far from me, as I consider what lies ahead, the options of my ways. Lord, there is but one way--
108 O accept the freewill offerings of my mouth, O LORD, And teach me Your ordinances.
The way is steep, Oh Lord. Rocky crags jut out on all sides. Were is Your good path? Show me, Oh Lord, and I will do it. Anything You say, Lord, is good, and I will perform it. Only do not leave me to my own devices, for I am Your servant, called by Your name.
My will is to do Your will, my Lord, for I can see no other way.
Lord, teach me Your commandment. Show me clearly what I must do, for all else has been shut up to me. I have no life apart from You, for You, Lord, are my everything, my all.
All other doors are closed to me, Lord, for I have no pleasure apart from You. I am Your servant, Lord. There is absolutely no place where I can hide, for You see me wherever I am, and indeed, Lord, I am miserable without You.
Contemplation of Your wrath brings icy waves of deep, agonizing fear upon my heart. I cannot live without You. Hell is being separated from Your presence.
Lord, accept my prayer. Hear, Oh Lord, the words I speak out voluntarily from my own heart. And teach me Your ordinances, Oh Lord. Show me Your way. Show me what I must do, and I will do it, for You, Oh Lord, provide help in the day of trouble.
Your supplies are bountiful, and raw obedience, Lord, brings capacity. In myself I am unable--my obedience to Your word unlocks the storehouse of Your mercy and wealth.
Oh show me, Lord, what I must do. Shine Your light upon my footsteps now. Encourage me with the lamp of Your good word. Faithful Lord, my faithful Lord, teach me to obey. Help me now, I pray.
109 My life is continually in my hand, Yet I do not forget Your law.
Dangers surround me always on every side. I always must watch my step and guard my tongue, for those who seek to do me wrong are ever present, Lord.
My guard is always up. They allow me no rest. Yet I do not forget Your law. They say, "Just do what we want, and all will be well with you. Forget Your God and do what we say, and we will quit pursuing you."
But I cannot, my Lord, for Your law is written in my heart and Your name is graven on my forehead.
Oh thank You, Lord, for this chain of Your love, this unbreakable cord of Your presence with me always, which by Your grace You have given me, for in You I am safe from my enemies.
Lord, I cannot break Your commandment forever and always, for You Yourself have sealed Your word in my heart, and You are part of me, and I of You.
Oh Lord, words cannot express my gratitude to Your good name, for I was destitute and a pauper, and You have made me rich in You. Without You, Lord, I am nothing.
Thank You, Lord--thank Him eternally, Oh my soul--for placing Your good word in my heart. For it is not I who obey You, my Lord, but Your love for me, which You have placed in me; it is Your love which guards and protects me and enables me to obey Your word.
Oh Lord, help me to obey! Without Your help, I cannot. Oh my Lord, help me to obey Your gracious, good commandment to me. Then I shall live.
110 The wicked have laid a snare for me, Yet I have not gone astray from Your precepts.
They are sure there is no way that I may escape. They have sealed off, they think, all doors of exit to my right and to my left. They stand in front of me with swords drawn, and there is no retreat behind.
Yet I do not forget Your law. I trust in You. "My God will save me." For You make light out of darkness, and Your word makes a path where there was none previously.
Ah, Lord, the wicked have been fooled by their own lies, and their own feet have walked into the trap they laid for me.
For everyone is a servant of Your power, whether for good or for judgment, of their own agreement or no. What they did not see is what You reveal to those who love You, who seek to do Your will, who obey Your ordinances forever.
Like a bird, Lord, You have given me wings to fly. I fly up high above their heads, and I am free.
111 I have inherited Your testimonies forever, For they are the joy of my heart.
Oh sing, my heart, with loud choruses to the God of my salvation! I have inherited Your testimonies forever, for they are the joy of my heart.
Oh cleanse my heart and purify me, Lord, for liars cannot stand in Your presence. May my love for You be holy and sincere, for what I see of You so dimly here and taste but poorly in a mouth full of my own sin shall be mine forever. Your word is my reward.
Oh Lord, cleanse my heart and make me ready for Your holy presence, for Your word is mine forever. I have inherited Your testimonies forever, for they are the joy of my heart.
Search me out, Lord, and see if there be any wicked way in me, that I might not be consumed by the holy fire of Your presence. Teach me, Lord, to love Your law, for in it is fullness of joy.
112 I have inclined my heart to perform Your statutes Forever, even to the end.
You have hidden Your eye from my nakedness, and with Your own hand of love have given me Your own garment of salvation.
This is why I love You, Lord. This is why my heart desires to please You, even forever. My own righteousness is non-existent. all my righteousness is as filthy rags. I am a sinner and a liar, just as the rest. My heart is not right within me.
But there is One whose righteousness far, far exceeds my own, and in Him I place my hope, my trust.
Do not look on me, my Lord, but look on Him, Your covering of Love You have placed with Your own hand upon me to hide me and cover me.
For I am a sinner, and my ways are not pure. My tongue tells lies, just as the rest. My eyes are double and my intentions divided. I do not love Your statutes of myself.
For I am not as You are. Your nature is foreign to me. I cannot bear Your presence. You are an abhorrence to my soul.
But in spite of all this, my Lord, in spite of knowing all this about me, yet You have rescued me and called me Your own.
In You alone is my heart inclined towards You to perform Your statutes forever, even to the end.
There is One, Lord, who truly loves You, only One, and I hide myself in Him. There You will not see me, to bring my soul to Your righteous wrath, Oh Lord. In Him, my sin is gone, and only His righteousness remains.
Oh Lord, bring me into conformity with that One, and thank You, Lord, for making His righteousness my own.
Psalm 119:113-120 The Daily Walk
SamekhPsalm 119:113 I hate those who are double-minded, But I love Your law.
114 You are my hiding place and my shield; I wait for Your word.
115 Depart from me, evildoers, That I may observe the commandments of my God.
116 Sustain me according to Your word, that I may live; And do not let me be ashamed of my hope.
117 Uphold me that I may be safe, That I may have regard for Your statutes continually.
118 You have rejected all those who wander from Your statutes, For their deceitfulness is useless.
119 You have removed all the wicked of the earth like dross; Therefore I love Your testimonies.
120 My flesh trembles for fear of You, And I am afraid of Your judgments.
113 I hate those who are double-minded, But I love Your law.
The double-minded will always go astray, for their vision is blurred. Their mind is hazy. They entertain doubt, and craftiness is their guide. Their foot slips, but they are unaware. Surprises wait for them in the end.
Oh Lord, may I not be one of these. I love Your law. You are my only hope. There is but one way into Your courts of righteousness forever, and that is You.
Cleanse me, Lord, and know me. Heal me, Lord, and claim me as your own. Keep watch over me, and may your jealousy guard me. Do for me that which I cannot do for myself.
114 You are my hiding place and my shield; I wait for Your word.
How good, Lord, it is to have Your strong hand upon me, not to be the captain of my own life. For my view is limited; my vista point is no better than a thicket apart from You.
All I have You have given me. i am completely alone in a foreign land. Your word is my map, and how good, Lord, to rest in You, to hide myself in You.
You shield me with Your love, for the enemy's darts cannot hurt You. I rest, I sleep, by You protect me day and night. Missiles come near, but I do not know them, for your hand of love deflects them before they hit me.
Oh Lord--to be holy like You. To understand You, as I am understood by You.
I wait for Your word. Your commandment is my law, Your decrees the rudder of my soul.
Forgive me, Lord, when i do woring, and take me to Your holy habitation.
115 Depart from me, evildoers, That I may observe the commandments of my God.
It is impossible to serve two masters. Double-minded affections cause extreme weariness of heart.
You, Oh Lord, are my God. Send the wicked away from me, for they entice me to do what is not right before You. They clamor for my attention; they want to have me utterly. Confusion is their lot, but they refuse to know.
Cause my heart, Lord, to be content in You, that I may abide in Your word forever. Show me the falseness of their ways, that I might not follow them. Shine Your light brightly in my heart, Lord, and encourage me in Your word.
The journey is filled with perils. One false step can take years, or a whole life, to correct.
Be my wisdom, Lord. May i not rush headlong into that which does not concern me. Help me to wait on you, to seek out Your will and desire for me in all things.
Be my desire, Lord; be Yourself my one true aim. I am too old for large mistakes--depart from me, evildoers, that I may observe the commandments of my God.
All else is confusion, tiredness, and great, great sorrow. Only God is good, and he alone has the words of life.
116 Sustain me according to Your word, that I may live; And do not let me be ashamed of my hope.
Feed me with Your word, Lord. Make it real in my heart. May it nourish me as surely as bread nourishes my bones.
Be my nursing mother, my teacher, my friend. Teach me Your ways, that long life may be mine. Show me Your truth, that I might not desire evil.
I want to live, Lord; I want to grow. Do not leave me in this place, but bring me to the land of hope.
Those who hate Your ways speak with loud voices of stridency. They are full of confidence, and they curse Your name.
Their foolish minds are quicker than mine. Simple trust in You is my one strong point--I have no other.
Do not let me be ashamed of my hope, Lord. May I see Your face and know securely of Your great love for me. Comfort me with Your very own presence, Lord, and I am satisfied, for there is no one like You.
A touch, a glance, a word from You makes it all worthwhile, for there is nothing that compares with You. You are life itself, breath under water, freedom in jail, food and drink in the desert.
Come to me quickly, Lord; do not let me be ashamed in the presence of my enemies. Grace me, Lord, with faith in You.
117 Uphold me that I may be safe, That I may have regard for Your statutes continually.
Lord, when the great day comes, when all are gathered before You, some to a throne of grace,l and some to a throne of wrath, of everlasting punishment--Lord, will You know me? Will my name be on Your lips, or is my heart full of deception and lies?
Do I love You truly or only think that I do? Lord, fix my eyes on You! For it is Your faithfulness, not my own, that saves. Uphold me, Lord, that I may be safe. Lord, grant me to obey, for in obedience is calm assurance of safety.
You, Lord, are my hope and strength. I often fail, Lord. I fall and stumble and slip and slide. I make many mistakes. I fall so very far short, missing the mark completely at times.
Duplicity is often mine, but You are perfect. Your ways are fine and true. It is not me You will judge, but Yourself, for You have covered me with Your very own robe of righteousness, and stripes that should have been mine have fallen on You.
Oh Lord, keep me safe in you. Protect me, Lord, from the folly of my own ways. keep me from the vanity of my own thinking, for my ways are not pure, and deception is in my heart at all times.
Lord, there is in me that which loves You, which is drawn to You, which praises You and loves the sound of Your name. But my enemy speaks within my own heart as well, Lord.
Protect me, Lord, from myself, that I may worship You within the gates of heaven all the days of my life.
You are perfect; I am dross. You are gold; I am clay.
Oh Lord! I need You! Forgive me, Lord, of all my sins and draw me to Yourself, that I may worship You with a clean heart. Teach me, Lord, to obey. Train my tongue to love Your law, my appetite to respond quickly to Your commands.
Lord, this place where we live is polluted with filth. Corruption surrounds on all sides. Uphold me, Lord, that I may be safe, that I may have regard for Your statutes continually.
118 You have rejected all those who wander from Your statutes, For their deceitfulness is useless.
Those who leave Your presence have no life in them. It is sheer folly, Lord, to consider truth apart from You. All thought, Lord, has an equal opposite, except the thought that comes from You.
Debate is folly, for there can be no resolution when both are false. Yours is the only true light, for all things are Yours. You created all things.
Those who wander from Your statutes are not truly grounded in You, for if they were, they would not leave. You satisfy the hungry soul, but You reject the one who in his heart rejects You.
You do not keep men bound against their wills. But You are the center, Lord. Deceit is useless for satisfaction, for all deceit is self-centered and falls short of You.
There is only one center, one God, one truth, but a multitude of lies. Deceit is useless, Lord, for You know Yourself! You are You, and that which is false does not abide in your presence.
You are not a man, that You should be tricked. You are the giver of light, and many, many words heaped up high, one upon another--all the reasonings of man apart from you--all these will tumble down like a house of cards at the slightest whisper of Your breath.
Lord, keep me strong in You!
119 You have removed all the wicked of the earth like dross; Therefore I love Your testimonies.
Lord, who can stand before You? No one, not even one. For all we like sheep have gone astray--every one to his own way.
The wicked, Lord, do not repent. They do not love Your law. In their heart they say, "There is no God. Where is He, that He should judge me?"
But You are the great judge, Lord, and in Your time, all the wicked shall be judged in Your great righteousness. They shall be scraped away like dross from off the top of the burning cup.
When the pond is filled with scum, or the boiling pot with foam, who can see the waters beneath or the soup that nourishes? Thus shall it be in the day when You judge the whole earth by Your righteousness--You will scrape off all the wicked, so that those who love Your righteousness may be revealed.
You have removed all the wicked of the earth like dross; therefore I love Your testimonies. They are righteous and good.
Your testimonies, Lord, are pure, deep, profound, and simple. They bring life to little ones, those who are not wise in their own eyes, who feast on Your ordinances daily.
The wicked treat the poor of the earth like dross. They flaunt themselves and believe that they themselves are gods. They have no need in their hearts for a savior, for they despise having any authority above themselves.
The righteous look to You and to Your word. They know in their hearts their need for a savior. They are not wise in their own eyes. The righteous repent of all their wrongdoings and ask You to forgive them.
Lord, I am one of these.
Ah Lord, how well I know that I am a sinner, for I see this every day, as I look into Your law; but I am righteous, Lord, in You, for I trust in You. This is the gift that You have given me. I bow down at Your feet, my Lord.
120 My flesh trembles for fear of You, And I am afraid of Your judgments.
Lord, the wicked have no fear. They exult themselves. They do many, many mighty works--but none of these will endure. In the end, all their works will be destroyed, and they themselves will go quickly to the grave like all the rest.
Lord, I fear You, for I know that You see all there is to see in me. You hear my each and every thought, long before I myself know its presence.
Lord, forgive me, I pray You. My heart bows before You, at Your feet, for I am fearful of Your judgments; for in times past, and even now at times, Lord, my heart casts itself up in fearful pride against You.
I am not yet pure, Lord. You have shown me my heart in the light of Your word. You have shown me how my heart flaunts itself against You, how I myself have despised Your name, and I am deeply ashamed, and very much afraid.
Lord, thank You for repentance. Thank You for the repentance that You purchased with your very own life.
Lord, hear me now, I pray You--take that part of me which loves You and keep it for Yourself. Guard it well, my Lord. Destroy the rest and grant me victory in You.
You are a good God, a great God, a gracious King and merciful Savior. All my hope rests in You. Help me to destroy everything in me that does not bow to Your holy name.
Cleanse me, Lord, I pray.
Lord, the wicked have no fear. They exult themselves. They do many, many mighty works--but none of these will endure. In the end, all their works will be destroyed, and they themselves will go quickly to the grave like all the rest.
Lord, I fear You, for I know that You see all there is to see in me. You hear my each and every thought, long before I myself know its presence.
Lord, forgive me, I pray You. My heart bows before You, at Your feet, for I am fearful of Your judgments; for in times past, and even now at times, Lord, my heart casts itself up in fearful pride against You.
I am not yet pure, Lord. You have shown me my heart in the light of Your word. You have shown me how my heart flaunts itself against You, how I myself have despised Your name, and I am deeply ashamed, and very much afraid.
Lord, thank You for repentance. Thank You for the repentance that You purchased with your very own life.
Lord, hear me now, I pray You--take that part of me which loves You and keep it for Yourself. Guard it well, my Lord. Destroy the rest and grant me victory in You.
You are a good God, a great God, a gracious King and merciful Savior. All my hope rests in You. Help me to destroy everything in me that does not bow to Your holy name.
Cleanse me, Lord, I pray.
Psalm 119:121-128 God's Word under Attack
Psalm 119:121 I have done justice and righteousness; Do not leave me to my oppressors.
122 Be surety for Your servant for good; Do not let the arrogant oppress me.
123 My eyes fail with longing for Your salvation And for Your righteous word.
124 Deal with Your servant according to Your lovingkindness And teach me Your statutes.
125 I am Your servant; give me understanding, That I may know Your testimonies.
126 It is time for the LORD to act, For they have broken Your law.
127 Therefore I love Your commandments Above gold, yes, above fine gold.
128 Therefore I esteem right all Your precepts concerning everything, I hate every false way.
121 I have done justice and righteousness; Do not leave me to my oppressors.
Oh Lord, Creator of heaven and earth, My God, how I love spending time with You, and how I long for Your courts. With all my heart, Lord, I have practiced Your decrees.
I have done what is just and right regarding all those around me. I have not cheated; I don't tell lies; I do not gossip; I am compassionate and merciful; I give to the poor--
Yet, in all this, Lord, I am a sinner, for all these things I do imperfectly, with a double eye, and my heart is not right within me. I slip, and I do that which my heart tells me is wrong. I am a sinner yet, Lord, and this You know full well.
Lord, I pray You, do not leave me to my oppressors. They would tear me down by aiming their arrows of condemnation directly at my heart, by wagging their tongue at me, by picking out and holding up before my face all in which I have fallen so very far short, by encouraging me to discouragement and fear, and by tempting me to hate them unrighteously.
Lord, You hear their voice of complaint all day long, how they attack You viciously for no cause, telling lies about You and denying Your nature.
Lord, rescue me. I do not want to be like them, for they hate Your name. Keep me soft within, Lord. Hide me in Your presence, take me to Your green pastures and restore my soul.
122 Be surety for Your servant for good; Do not let the arrogant oppress me.
Lord, I am in bondage. I am enslaved to the imperfect in myself, and my oppressors misuse me and mistreat me all day long.
If I were rich, Lord, I could perhaps purchase my own freedom, but, Lord, I cannot, for I am poor, and weak, wretched, and broken in spirit. I continually sell myself as a slave to sin.
You, Lord, are perfect, and righteous, holy, and true. Oh Lord, do not let the arrogant oppress me. Do something, my Lord. Something needs to change; may I not abide here in the presence of my enemies forever, Lord. Help me.
123 My eyes fail with longing for Your salvation And for Your righteous word.
Sleep escapes me. I lie awake at night considering the final outcome of all things, and my eyes peer continually toward the birthplace of the dawn. When, Lord? When will You rescue me with Your countenance? My eyes fail with longing for Your salvation and for Your righteous word.
Oh Lord, one word from You is worth ten million others. One quick glance from Your countenance brings me more joy than mountains of gold.
Your presence and Your approval make it all worthwhile. Gladly would I toil here all the days of my life--if at last I may have the assurance of one full day in Your presence, to behold Your beauty and to see the sparkling radiance of Your splendor.
How I long for You, my Lord. I want to be with You forever and always.
Oh Lord, there is no reason anywhere at all why You should love this plain, ordinary, filthy, destitute beggar blindly sitting by the side of a dusty, noisy road begging for alms, but You are too wonderful to pass me by unnoticed.
You are too wonderful past all explainings of man's heart. You created, and You have bought me back.
Thank You, dear Lord. You are so good! I bow before Your throne, and I worship You!
124 Deal with Your servant according to Your lovingkindness And teach me Your statutes.
All Your ways are kind, Lord. You are rich in mercy and everlasting in the steadfastness of Your love. You are always the same, and each new day finds You merciful.
Deal with me, Lord, not on the basis of my sin, but according to Your own mercy, for I am Yours. I am Your servant--You have bought me for a price.
Teach me Your statutes. Show me how to please You. Instruct me in the laws of Your land, that I may live a long life of joy and peace.
Lord, make me like You. Conform me, Lord, to Your image. May Your ways become my ways, that I may please You in all I do and bring fruit to Your already abundant vineyard.
Your word is very high, Lord. It endures forever, and You hold Your statutes in high esteem unto us, that we should honor You in obeying them.
You have given Your word to us as a light, that we should not stumble and trip about in darkness, that we should not be ignorant of Your ways. Teach me, Lord, Your statutes, and reveal every false and wicked way within me. Then, my Lord, oh help me my God, to turn and obey.
125 I am Your servant; give me understanding, That I may know Your testimonies.
I am Your servant. You have called me and chosen. You have given me Your own name. I wear it proudly on my forehead at all times, that I may not be ashamed in Your presence, for You are my King and my God.
Give me understanding, that I may know Your testimonies. I am weak, poor and lowly, foolish in my heart and in my passions. But You are able, my Lord!
Restore me to Your likeness and grant me understanding, that I may see, know, and understand Your testimonies.
I want to obey, Lord, but without Your working in me, I cannot.
All I have is Yours, Lord. Use me to further Your cause. Give me understanding, Lord, that I may know and obey all You say concerning me.
126 It is time for the LORD to act, For they have broken Your law.
The righteous hear, Lord. They hear and they know Your way. The humble are blessed, Lord, exceedingly beyond measure, by obeying the voice of Your command.
But the unrighteous, Lord, are proud. They exalt themselves against You, and they lose no opportunity to discredit You name.
They hate You with a vehement passion, and they devote themselves to destroying all those who find peace and happiness in Your presence.
It is time for the Lord to act, for they have broken Your law.
Your servants are hard-pressed, Lord. They are laughed at and mocked in all public places. They are objects of contempt and derision in circles of great learning.
The air is full of scorn and hatred for Your people, and Your name is trampled and used for cursing.
Oh Lord, help us! Help Your people to stand firm, Lord. They have broken Your law, and Your golden precepts are crushed underfoot, covered with the mud and slop of the public thoroughfare.
The wicked have no regard for You and their goal is to kill You and wipe all memory of You from off the face of the earth.
127 Therefore I love Your commandments Above gold, yes, above fine gold.
The righteous are not this way, Lord. They hear Your voice, and You know them, and they follow You.
Therefore, I love Your commandments above gold, yes, above fine gold. For gold cannot purchase peace in the day of trouble, nor can it ever buy a home in the land of the living forever.
How amazing it is, Lord, that You give Your servants an ear to hear and to know Your voice. This is a gift from Your hand.
Thank You, Lord, for loving me and for calling me to Your home. For Your voice is clear, Lord, like many high sounding trumpets.
I despise the clamor of the streets, Lord. But Your courts are broad and spacious, and You give life abundantly to those whom You love.
Their ways are crushing, full of discord, and there is no rest in the hearts of the proud. But in Your presence is much joy, peace, and deep, deep, fresh, fresh, breathing in of good, good life.
Therefore I love Your commandments above gold, yes, above fine gold.
128 Therefore I esteem right all Your precepts concerning everything, I hate every false way.
All Your ways are true, Lord. There is no unrighteousness in You at all. Nor is there any good at all in the words of the wicked, for their whole lives are a lie, and all they speak is false. But You, Lord, have the words of life.
All Your word is trustworthy and true, right in every situation. I swallow it whole, Lord, or not at all. It is all good; there is no need to pick apart and examine each and every tidbit. The tiniest morsel of Your word contains more nourishment than a whole table filled with the most delicate of delicacies from the mouth of the wicked. What is deceitful in the smallest portion is deceitful in quantity.
How should anyone whose basic premise is false reach any sort of conclusion that is righteous and true? No, Lord, but I esteem right all Your precepts concerning everything, because in Your essence You are holy, just, and true. All Your ways are ways of goodness and life.
All Your word is trustworthy and true, right in every situation. There are no shadows with You, Lord, and Your word is good for every age of man. You do not change, Lord. As You were yesterday, so are You today.
Your commandments are sure and firm, very strong, able to bear the full weight of all who love You, always, at all times, everywhere.
I hate every false way, Lord. There is no compromising in Your presence. You do not wink Your eye and say, "Oh, all right. This one little thing I will allow."
No, Lord, but You are perfect, just, and true in all You do.
Lord, I am content in Your presence. There is no contentment on earth like pleasing You and living in Your pleasure.
Oh, Lord, help me to obey.
Psalm 119:129-136 A Song to the Love of My Life
Psalm 119:129 Your testimonies are wonderful; Therefore my soul observes them.
130 The unfolding of Your words gives light; It gives understanding to the simple.
131 I opened my mouth wide and panted, For I longed for Your commandments.
132 Turn to me and be gracious to me, After Your manner with those who love Your name.
133 Establish my footsteps in Your word, And do not let any iniquity have dominion over me.
134 Redeem me from the oppression of man, That I may keep Your precepts.
135 Make Your face shine upon Your servant, And teach me Your statutes.
136 My eyes shed streams of water, Because they do not keep Your law.
Psalm 119:129 Your testimonies are wonderful; Therefore my soul observes them.
130 The unfolding of Your words gives light; It gives understanding to the simple.
131 I opened my mouth wide and panted, For I longed for Your commandments.
132 Turn to me and be gracious to me, After Your manner with those who love Your name.
133 Establish my footsteps in Your word, And do not let any iniquity have dominion over me.
134 Redeem me from the oppression of man, That I may keep Your precepts.
135 Make Your face shine upon Your servant, And teach me Your statutes.
136 My eyes shed streams of water, Because they do not keep Your law.
129 Your testimonies are wonderful; Therefore my soul observes them.
You have created me in such a way, Lord; You have put Your Spirit in me, so that Your word glides in like coming home; so that the fit is perfect, rejoicing my heart, feeding me.
Your testimonies are comfortable, Lord, calling forth a glad "Amen!"
Your testimonies, Lord, are effective. They convict the heart and necessitate change. Men's lives are exposed, amd many come to Your, when they ehar Your word.
Your testimonies give strength to the weak, to the hard-pressed, to the faint-hearted. They guide the one who wavers in his way.
Lord, You indwell Your word, and to spend time meditating on Your testimonies is to meet You, to know of Your great love.
You are awesome, Lord, and Your testimonies are sure. He who waits on You will never be ashamed.
Therefore, Lord, I bow my heart to Your word and observe Your testimonies, for they fill me with glad fullness. They are solid food, and I am satisfied in them.
Thank You, Lord, for Your word.
130 The unfolding of Your words gives light; It gives understanding to the simple.
Your word is like a gold mine of infinite depth. Your word is never exhausted, but like a Mandelbrot set, it ever opens inward to greater and greater proportions.
Your word is marvelous to behold, each part full in itself, yet linked to all the others.
Your words give light. They also enlighten. They are pure and simple. They do not weigh a simple woman down with endless arguments, clouded and difficult to follow.
Your word is lively, like a rushing current over rocks. It bubbles and refreshes, lifting the heart.
Your words show forth the path; they show where the solid rock is; they show where it is safe to place my foot.
Praise You and thank You, Lord, for Your word.
131 I opened my mouth wide and panted, For I longed for Your commandments.
My heart within me grew hungry; my soul became famished for Your word.
When, Lord, when? When will You meet with me and speak Your word to me? When will You give me Yourself?
Lord, I cannot live without You! My heart grows very cold, icy cold and deeply fearful apart from Your presence. I tremble and shake when I cannot see Your face.
I need You! I fall to shattered pieces without You, and I am trampled into dust by passersby.
Meet with me, Lord. Let us set a time of mutual agreement, when You will talk with me and water my soul with Your love.
Your wisdom, Lord, is joyous, and Your sorrows are profound.
Lord, I love You, for Your word is good to me. Your word is comfort and strong assurance. I can breathe deeply in Your presence, and all my muscles relax.
There is a wide space and endless time where You are. You are kind and gracious and always gentle, even when You reprove.
There is light in Your eyes, and You look at me. You see me, Lord. I am not invisible to You.
You see the wounds which are hidden before the whole world, and You scrape out the rot, the foul flesh that festers with sin. You cleanse and heal with the washing of water by Your word, Your wonderful, miraculous word!
You encourage and are kind when I am frail. You strengthen me and send helps to lend a hand, a smile when I am sad.
Oh how I need You, Lord. I am all foolishness without You. My footsteps wander. I blunder and make mistakes. I dig holes for myself, then like a blind person, I shut my eyes and direct my feet into the pit my hands just dug!
Sometimes You laugh at me, Lord, and You make me laugh, too. For Your heart is joyful, Your steps are light, and You mvoe quickly across the hills and sky Your hand created.
You are forever young, and yet You are the Ancient of Days; never changing, always new, fresh, pure, clean, innocent.
You look at my deepest follies, the tight knots of my sinful ways, the trash and litter of an unkempt will, and You make me believe You when You say that You will fix it all.
Your hands are steady, Your knives and needles sharp and clean, Your poultices soaked in soothing balm.
You are amazing, Lord. There is none like You. You inflict the deepest wounds with steady, compassionate hand. When morning comes, I see Your work is perfect, even from the beginning. I look but cannot find at all where the festered splinter had been.
You are good, Lord. Goodness is defined by how You are.
You are good to all whom You love, to those whom You have called to love and serve You.
132 Turn to me and be gracious to me, After Your manner with those who love Your name.
I cannot live without You. My heart wails with sorrow when You are far. I need You, Lord. Be gracious to me.
By grace You have given me a new name. It is Your name. I belong to You. I am one of Yours.
Oh forgive me, Lord, for all my sins, for I cling to You. Do not let me die in my trespasses. Let this not be the last page of the book You have written for me.
May I be thoroughly, completely, utterly conformed to Your image.
Do not abandon me, nor forsake me, Lord, for I have no righteousness of my own.
My life is wrapped up in You. Without You I cannot stand. My eyes are blind apart from thelight You give, and nothing makes sense without You.
Oh Lord, be gracious to me! Incline Your face towards me again and show me Your favor as you once did.
Be gracious, Lord, as You are with all those who love Your name, who are called according to Your purpose.
For Your law is the law of the land. Wrongdoers will not go away free, and all sin will be remembered and spoken by You on that day.
Oh, Lord, may Your grace cover me. Hide me, Lord, in Your holiness, for apart from You I am a worm. There is nothing good that resides in me, and all my steps are devious and false.
You alone are my hope, and in You I place all my trust.
133 Establish my footsteps in Your word, And do not let any iniquity have dominion over me.
My feet, Lord, at times, seem to have a mind of their own. They do not always consult my will, my heart, before walking where they please. Oh, Lord, establish my footsteps in Your word, and do not let any iniquities have dominion over me.
The enemy is ever present to feed doubts and hesitancies into my mind, Lord. And I, like a fool, entertain them, turning them round and round for inspection.
Lord, establish my footsteps in Your word. May knowledge of Your word be the basis of my first response. May my reflex be to lean toward You.
Guide my feet, Lord, and tell them which way to move. Lead me in Your paths of righteousness.
At times I sin, Lord, but do not let any iniquity have dominion over me. I would cut down and remove timber by timber all the high places in my heart. Lord, let not a single one remain standing, that it may be written of me, "She tore down all the high places in her heart."
Lord, You are my Lord. What glory is it to You if my feet follow the footsteps of the wicked? Oh Lord, help me! For my heart is willing, but my mind and soul are weak.
Lord, I need Your help. I cannot win the battle over besetting sin in my life without You. Help me, Lord, to vanquish all sin that besets me. Establish my feet in Your word, that they might instantly know the good way, the sure way, the path that leads to fellowship with You.
Oh Lord, do not let iniquity have dominion over me, for I am Yours. I belong to You. I am Your bondslave, and any allegiance to another is robbery to You, since all that I am, all that I do, that I think, hear, write, and speak belongs to You.
Be glorified, Lord, both in and through me. Have Your dominion, Lord, over me, for You have bought me with a price. Protect, Lord, from the enemy that which rightfully belongs to You.
Lord, I want to do Your will; I want to be pleasing You--help me in this, my great, good Lord and my God.
Show me the good way and the right way. Do not leave me in darkness concerning anything that I may ever do.
134 Redeem me from the oppression of man, That I may keep Your precepts.
Oh Lord, as I seek to do Your will, there are those who oppose me, who call me names, hurling insults at me. They oppress me, seeking to wear me down with relentless objections to the path I have chosen in You.
Redeem me, Lord, from the oppression of man, that I may keep Your precepts.
They laugh, Lord. They scorn, they rebuke, they deride. They point fingers at me, belittling me and You. They speak blasphemies, saying, "She has married herself to a corpse."
Lord, redeem me from these, for I used to be one of them, and I despised those who carried Your burden on their shoulders. I despised those on whose foreheads was engraved Your name. And now, oh joy of joys, I am one of them, walking shoulder to shoulder with them!
You alone are my hope, and in You I place all my trust.
133 Establish my footsteps in Your word, And do not let any iniquity have dominion over me.
My feet, Lord, at times, seem to have a mind of their own. They do not always consult my will, my heart, before walking where they please. Oh, Lord, establish my footsteps in Your word, and do not let any iniquities have dominion over me.
The enemy is ever present to feed doubts and hesitancies into my mind, Lord. And I, like a fool, entertain them, turning them round and round for inspection.
Lord, establish my footsteps in Your word. May knowledge of Your word be the basis of my first response. May my reflex be to lean toward You.
Guide my feet, Lord, and tell them which way to move. Lead me in Your paths of righteousness.
At times I sin, Lord, but do not let any iniquity have dominion over me. I would cut down and remove timber by timber all the high places in my heart. Lord, let not a single one remain standing, that it may be written of me, "She tore down all the high places in her heart."
Lord, You are my Lord. What glory is it to You if my feet follow the footsteps of the wicked? Oh Lord, help me! For my heart is willing, but my mind and soul are weak.
Lord, I need Your help. I cannot win the battle over besetting sin in my life without You. Help me, Lord, to vanquish all sin that besets me. Establish my feet in Your word, that they might instantly know the good way, the sure way, the path that leads to fellowship with You.
Oh Lord, do not let iniquity have dominion over me, for I am Yours. I belong to You. I am Your bondslave, and any allegiance to another is robbery to You, since all that I am, all that I do, that I think, hear, write, and speak belongs to You.
Be glorified, Lord, both in and through me. Have Your dominion, Lord, over me, for You have bought me with a price. Protect, Lord, from the enemy that which rightfully belongs to You.
Lord, I want to do Your will; I want to be pleasing You--help me in this, my great, good Lord and my God.
Show me the good way and the right way. Do not leave me in darkness concerning anything that I may ever do.
134 Redeem me from the oppression of man, That I may keep Your precepts.
Oh Lord, as I seek to do Your will, there are those who oppose me, who call me names, hurling insults at me. They oppress me, seeking to wear me down with relentless objections to the path I have chosen in You.
Redeem me, Lord, from the oppression of man, that I may keep Your precepts.
They laugh, Lord. They scorn, they rebuke, they deride. They point fingers at me, belittling me and You. They speak blasphemies, saying, "She has married herself to a corpse."
Lord, redeem me from these, for I used to be one of them, and I despised those who carried Your burden on their shoulders. I despised those on whose foreheads was engraved Your name. And now, oh joy of joys, I am one of them, walking shoulder to shoulder with them!
Lord, if I regard the wicked in my heart, then oppression is ever with me, for the heart of man by nature is opposed to You, and Your great enemy makes his home with all who hate You.
Lord, denying Your existence is hating Your name. There are those who call themselves good and righteous in their own hearts. They say, "I have a righteousness of my own. I do not need the righteousness of Another. I do what is right towards men, and in the eyes of the world, I am a holy one. My own goodness proves there is no God."
But, Lord, they act foolishly, for every heart that does not serve You serves Your enemy.
Lord, redeem me from these, for their major goal is to deny Your name. Lord, may I not be like them. May their great manners and lofty looks not intimidate me. May I not cringe before them, ashamed of You because I desire the approval of those who hate You, dressed in their fine clothing and oozing honey and man's futile reasonings from their lips.
Lord, deliver me from these, for I am weak; my flesh is vain and easily puffed up by deadly pride and self-deluding wickedness.
Oh Lord, how I need You. Do not let me stand alone to fight with my own weapons of my own sinful design. But fill me, Lord, with Your presence. May I meditate always on You and know Your word to such an extent that You are ever present with me.
Be my strong fortress and guide me, for my path is surrounded by deception and lies.
Lord, help me, I pray, to keep Your precepts, that I need not be ashamed in Your presence.
135 Make Your face shine upon Your servant, And teach me Your statutes.
Your approval, Lord, is sweeter than honey and most precious to me, for You dwell in me, and Your favor I desire above all else. Make Your face shine upon Your sevant, and teach me Your statutes.
To have Your favor is to be taught by You, for You will judge the whole world in righteousness. You alone are holy.
You, Lord, are the standard toward which my heart leans and strains forward. At times I weaken and become lax, flaccid, like one asleep in the rage of a wild and terrible sea. Lord, awaken my soul, rouse my heart from lethargy, revive me, Lord, before I swallow sin and drown.
Your face, Lord, is my one desire. Your approval is all I seek. All else is lies, confusion, and death. You alone are clear.
You are light and goodness, warmth, and peace, peaceful joy, oh sweet, sweet peace.
But Lord, how easy to worship You from the comfort of my chair, in the quiet of the early dawn, when demands upon me are still a long way off. How easy, Lord, to worship in quiet solitude, where no one speaks, and my own heart is still.
But when daylight comes, and the house moves, and I open my mouth to greet those around me, how quickly, Lord, how very soon I forget. Double-mindedness sets in, and Your voice recedes to a remote corner of my heart.
Oh Lord! Don't leave me, I pray You, at times like these. Help me to stay alert, focused on You. May Your face continue to shine brightly on me, that I may see You and be glad, that I may remember strongly to do Your will.
In the thick of battle, Lord, when the enemy presses hard upon me, and fears and doubts enfold themselves around me, teach me Your statutes, Lord, that I may obey.
Fight beside me, Lord, and help me stand! Oh Lord, my will is weak. Strengthen my will, Lord, to do Your will. Help me, Lord, to obey Your every whispered word, for I need Your help.
Strengthen my resolve in me, Lord. Increase my faith and my trust in You. Help me to obey, Lord. Reclaim all my thoughts. Remind me, Lord, of Your precepts. Lift my hands, steady my feet, and fortify my heart within me.
Help me, Lord, to trust in You always and to obey quickly Your slightest command.
136 My eyes shed streams of water, Because they do not keep Your law.
Oh Lord, the way of man is to disobey. You created man to serve You, to glorify Your name. But man is foul. He is sold out for a cheap song to the enemy. He pursues his own purposes, and all is confusion, chaos, and vanity.
But Lord, You reign. You are He who sits high above the heavens and laughs at the plans of men. Lord, help me to make a clean break. May I not be numbered with those who hate You, who trample Your glorious name.
Forgive me, Lord, when by commission or omission I further the enemy's cause.
Who is like You, Lord? You created, and we disobey. You could destroy us all with a slight, small word. All power and dominion is Yours. The universe is but a puppy at Your feet.
You exercise patience, Lord, and You love Your own. Glory is and will be Yours, for the eye of all to see.
You keep Yourself well hidden, Lord, from all those who do not believe, for You have chosen faith as the royal pathway to Your heart.
Oh that men would see and believe! Oh that we would honor and extol Your holy name! But we have chosen the pathway of folly, and the heart of man is bent toward evil constantly.
Oh Lord, forgive us. For we have trampled Your law, and men flaunt Your good decrees at every turn of their way. My eyes shed streams of water, because they do not keep Your law, Your precious jewel, Your gift of life.
Psalm 119:137-144 God's Word Today
Psalm 119:137 Righteous are You, O LORD, And upright are Your judgments.
138 You have commanded Your testimonies in righteousness And exceeding faithfulness.
139 My zeal has consumed me, Because my adversaries have forgotten Your words.
140 Your word is very pure, Therefore Your servant loves it.
141 I am small and despised, Yet I do not forget Your precepts.
142 Your righteousness is an everlasting righteousness, And Your law is truth.
143 Trouble and anguish have come upon me, Yet Your commandments are my delight.
144 Your testimonies are righteous forever; Give me understanding that I may live.
Psalm 119:137 Righteous are You, O LORD, And upright are Your judgments.
138 You have commanded Your testimonies in righteousness And exceeding faithfulness.
139 My zeal has consumed me, Because my adversaries have forgotten Your words.
140 Your word is very pure, Therefore Your servant loves it.
141 I am small and despised, Yet I do not forget Your precepts.
142 Your righteousness is an everlasting righteousness, And Your law is truth.
143 Trouble and anguish have come upon me, Yet Your commandments are my delight.
144 Your testimonies are righteous forever; Give me understanding that I may live.
137 Righteous are You, O LORD, And upright are Your judgments.
You are righteous, Lord, and in Your righteousness You know and consider that we are but dust. Your judgments are upright and Your decrees are not burdensome. With great patience You wait, and punishment for sin is held back. You give warnings, solemn warnings.
Your word is not hidden, not unobtainable. You Yourself are holy; Your favor cannot be had for a bribe. As You were yesterday, so You are today.
You do not return evil for evil, not evil for good. You are altogether unlike fallen men, in whom no good thing resides.
Lord, who can obtain to Your standard? None but You. You care for the widow, the poor, the broken-hearted. The prisoners You set free. Grace is the measure of Your love. Your judgments are just and pure; Holy is Your name.
Lord, You are not like us. We did not creat You in our image, but You created us in Yours. Your holiness is very high, Lord, and Your purposes are immersed in Your righteousness.
What You expect of men is clearly written for all to see, and which of us can attain to Your standard of righteous perfection?
138 You have commanded Your testimonies in righteousness And exceeding faithfulness.
Lord, You are not a tyrant who expects us to obey what we have not heard, for Your law is written clearly for men to read. You have also written Your commands within the hearts of men, for who among us does not know that it is wrong to kill a man?
You have been faithful, Lord, exceedingly faithful in Your dealings with Your people. You do not stop after giving men one opportunity to repent, but You play the part of a fool at Your own expense in giving us warning after warning, that we might turn from our sin to obey You. You Yourself have borne the cost of our sin.
All Your testimonies are steadfast and sure. Not one of them has ever failed. You speak, and You have the power to perform. What You say, You do, and Your name alone in all the world is the only name by which men can be saved.
You are trustworthy and good. Out of a heart of goodness, love, grace, and justice, You have commanded, and it comes to be. Wise is the one who puts his trust in You, for You alone are trustworthy and good.
You have been patient, Lord, in giving opportunities for men to repent. You have freely scattered Your word in all corners of the earth, that men may hear and be saved.
You have withheld Your arm of judgment for ages, so that all men may have multiple opportunities to repent. You have held back Your judgment for so long, Lord, that those who hate You say, "Where is God? He does not see; He does not hear."
But You do see, Lord, and You do hear. You hear every little thought our minds breathe, and every little prayer whispered in the groanings of our heart.
Your judgment will come in its day, and wretched will be the wicked, when they see You whom they have wronged.
139 My zeal has consumed me, Because my adversaries have forgotten Your words.
Oh Lord, they take the good ordinances You have given as gifts to Your people, and they have cast them upon the ground, where they viciously trample them under their feet.
They shout aloud in angry voices, saying that it is You who hate men's souls. They accuse You of being petty, narrow, and small.
Oh Lord--if only they would know! If only the could see and understand! But their own deeds of foolishness have blinded their eyes. They have committed their ways to darkness, deep darkness, where even the light they once had is forgotten.
Lord, their hearts are foul, and their chief delight is blaspheming Your holy name. They indulge in every form of fleshly pleasure, making a mockery of Your holy law. They teach others, also, to disobey Your law, and young people are their special prey.
Your own people, Lord, where are they? Where is the voice of those who love You against the loud babbling of the foolish? Where is the cry of indignation among those who call themselves Your own?
But Lord, my own zeal has consumed me, because my adversaries have forgotten Your words. They hate me, Lord, because they hate You. All who speak out strongly for You will be attacked.
140 Your word is very pure, Therefore Your servant loves it.
One word from Your lips speaks louder and more clearly in my heart than ten thousand times ten thousands of others not from You. Your word raises the dead from their graves.
Your word is clean and true and sharper than any two edged sword. It is able to pierce between the bone and the marrow of my soul.
Your word has pierced me, Lord, to the very quickness of the dark recesses inside me. Through Your word You have found out all the hidden secrets of my heart--there is nothing in me You do not see and know. Conviction, repentance, and turning follow the piercing of Your word.
Such knowledge is too wonderful for me, Lord. Your servant loves You for Your deep, deep knowledge. I love You, Lord, because of Your word.
Your word is pure, simple, clean, and true. There is no lie in it, no hidden agendas. By Your word I am instructed how to live a life pleasing to You.
I love Your word spoken into my heart. I love when You expose to my view all the secret mechanisms of my inside man. All my inner workings are made plain in the light of Your word, and on that glorious day, all that concerns me will be examined by You, with me, fully conscious, in Your presence. Oh Lord! Hide me in Your holiness on that great and terrible day.
Oh Lord, teach me Your word, that my life might be spared by You, that I might live.
141 I am small and despised, Yet I do not forget Your precepts.
There is nothing great about me, Lord--no great beauty, no great wisdom, no great, unusual talent, no great gifts, no power, no might, no tremendous graciousness. All is struggle for me, as I daily learn to walk Your way.
Women do not seek me out. My words are plain and simple. Many despise me and turn their faces from me. Talk ends shortly after I arrive. No one follows me or looks to me as their leader.
But if I were to say in my heart, "I am so small that the Lord will not notice; therefore, I may do such and such,"--if I were to say that thing, Lord, I would be lying, for I know full well that You see and know every tiny thing I do.
Therefore is Your servant warned. My heart is also warmed, Lord, and made glad in Your presence and the abiding of Your word in me.
I do not forget Your precepts, Lord, for I know You made them wisely for all people, Lord, not just for the strong and mighty. But You have given Your word to the weak ones, the little ones, those who are insignificant and despised.
Your word is good. Even though I am small and despised, even though men take no account of me, even though there is no great human reward of applause or wealth awaiting me, yet I do not forget Your precepts, Lord.
Your precepts are food for my soul, and Your favor is all Your servant needs. My heart is content to be in Your presence alone.
142 Your righteousness is an everlasting righteousness, And Your law is truth.
Many say, Lord, that Your righteousness is antiquated, that Your precepts no longer apply, and that Your word has no bearing on the affairs of men. They say that You have died, that men have outlived You, and that Your testimonies are no longer useful to them. They say that times have changed.
But they lie. Your righteousness is an everlasting righteousness, and Your law is truth. Truth is eternal. It cannot change. Temporary truth is not truth.
Your righteousness is truth. You are eternal. You do not change. There is no shadow of turning with You, and Your nature does not shift with the sands of time.
Your righteousness is a law unto itself; Your righteousness does not follow the fancies of any man or season, for You are God, and by the standard of who You are shall men be judged.
Lord, Your law is a firm rock. Your standard is high, very high, but it is the same today as it was yesterday. Tomorrow Your precepts will still be sure. Lord, I can count on You. You have told me plainly what is right and good in Your sight.
Thank You, my God, for being more righteous than I. Thank You for giving me the grace of Your holy righteousness as a covering upon me. Yours is a righteousness that will never fade, nor become outmoded, nor fail before men, nor fall short before the throne of Your just wrath and indignation, which is coming soon to judge all men.
143 Trouble and anguish have come upon me, Yet Your commandments are my delight.
In my time of need, I call upon Your name. Though men turn against me, though circumstance becomes my foe, though pain assails me, yet Your commandments are my delight.
Inexplicably, like a bubbling fountain of pure mountain spring water, Your joy gushes up in my heart, even when surrounded by the dry barrenness of all that ails me.
When the enemy presses in hard, I hide myself in the shelter of Your word, for Your commandments are steadfast and sure. They fortify, like strong meat freshly cooked.
Lord, You are good. By Your grace You have given us Your word, and You have fashioned and allowed my heart to be drawn towards Your commandments as toward great riches.
Like a towering fortress in my heart is Your word. It overwhelms me. I cannot ignore it. Afflictions come and go, but Your decrees abide forever.
No storm has ever been strong enough to tear down completely the fortress of Your word in my heart. This is the work of Your hand, Oh Lord. Thank You for Your word.
144 Your testimonies are righteous forever; Give me understanding that I may live.
Your testimonies have been written by Your very own hand. Your nature permeates the. Indeed, there is nothing in Your commandments that is not of You. As You are righteous and live forever, so with Your testimonies.
You have given Your law to men. You intend that by them we shall live. Oh Lord! Give me understanding that I may live!
I am poor and weak, and I came from a far place as a stranger into Your land. Teach me, Lord, to love, honor, and obey Your commands. Engrave them on my heart and open Your word to me, that I may understand.
For life, long life, health, peace, happiness, and joy are the bountiful inheritance of those who live by Your law. Trouble afflicts all that I do, but Your law is eternal, righteous, and good. You bless all those who follow Your decrees to the end.
I have no wisdom nor righteousness of my own, Lord, apart from You. Grant me understanding, Lord. Open my eyes and ears; open my heart, that I may see, hear, understand, know, receive, and obey Your righteous testimonies forever, my Lord. For You are my King, my God, my Savior who saves me every day.
Psalm 119:145-152 Crying Out to God
Psalm 119:145 I cried with all my heart; answer me, O LORD! I will observe Your statutes.
146 I cried to You; save me And I shall keep Your testimonies.
147 I rise before dawn and cry for help; I wait for Your words.
148 My eyes anticipate the night watches, That I may meditate on Your word.
149 Hear my voice according to Your lovingkindness; Revive me, O LORD, according to Your ordinances.
150 Those who follow after wickedness draw near; They are far from Your law.
151 You are near, O LORD, And all Your commandments are truth.
152 Of old I have known from Your testimonies That You have founded them forever.
145 I cried with all my heart; answer me, O LORD! I will observe Your statutes.
Sorrows and afflictions weighed me down. My own sin became unbearable to me. Those I love turned from me, and even my fast friend became a persecutor to me.
My spirit within me yearned for a drop of cool, clear, fresh spring water from Your fountain of life. My parched throat cried out! There was none to help me--no, not one.
It was You I sought, You for whom my soul stretched eagerly. Lord, I turned to You. Inside myself, I was humbled to dust. The cords of death pressed upon me, and the enemy cackled in my ear. My heart was desperate, and I cried out with all my strength, "Lord, I'm falling!"
Answer me, Oh my Lord! Do not be far from me. I may lose the friendship of all others, but, Lord, Yours is the companionship I need above all the rest. When You are with me, I am strong.
Oh Lord, my heart seeks to observe Your statutes. My resolve is so excellent, Lord, in my quiet times of prayer. Forgive me, Lord, when I am weak. I want to please You, Lord. Remind me often of my vows to You, and help me, Lord, to pay, for I can do nothing without You.
Alone, dear God, away from Your helping hand, I am as the rest. Oh Lord, do not forsake me utterly; come quickly, Lord, and help me. I will observe Your statutes with all my heart.
146 I cried to You; save me And I shall keep Your testimonies.
Lord, the dead do not praise You. Those who go down to the grave do not concern themselves with obeying Your commands. Save me, Lord, so that I may keep Your testimonies.
What glory to You is it, Lord, if I die in my sins, away from Your presence? Lord, if the enemy achieves his purpose of vanquishing me forever, who will praise Your name in my place?
Lord, by Your good grace and mercy, I beg You, Lord, save me. Do not leave me in this place. My this not be the final page of the book that is written of me.
Lord, help me. I want to grow! Show me Your good favor and mercy. Do not leave me here. Take me on with You and teach me all Your word. Help me, Lord, to obey Your testimonies, and I shall obey them.
Many things I desired in my youth, Lord, but only You are eternal. Only in You, Lord, in You alone, am I ever lifted to heights of joy. You alone fill my heart with peace and contentment. You alone satisfy with a fullness beyond compare.
Do not hide Your face from me, Lord. Though I often hide from You, do not hide from me. Favor me with Your presence. Let us meet together. Let us set a date and time when I may spend long hours contemplating You in Your presence.
Oh how I need You, Lord. How I need and long for Your abiding presence in me. Do not be far from me, Lord. Come quickly, Lord. Come now. Right now is when I need You, Lord. Now is my time of need.
147 I rise before dawn and cry for help; I wait for Your words.
The days hold many pressures for me. Many fears grip my soul to the point that sleep vanishes. A knife pierces my heart. I cannot breathe.
But I do not forget You. I turn to You. I call Your name. I arise early, long before the first light brightens the hills. The pre-dawn birds are my companions.
Lord, I turn to You. I acknowledge You. You are my God. There is no other. Only You can save me. Only You can help. Only You have power to heal.
I wait for Your words.
Your words are the sweetest of music to me. When You show me Your face, when I see Your eyes upon me, when You present Yourself in the middle of my travail, sorrow ceases. All is changed when You are there. Trouble becomes opportunity to trust You.
I love when You are with me, Lord, for I trust in You and am not afraid. My hope is in You. I will not leave off crying out to You. My soul yearns for You like a hungry mouth, a starving stomach clamoring within me.
Oh bless the day, Lord, when You first spoke Your love into my starving soul. You have never left me, though for a season I left You.
I wait for Your word, Lord. I will not go away. Indeed, I have no place to go. I have none to comfort me, no, not one. You alone are He. If You do not do it, it will not be done.
Oh that men would praise Your name and acknowledge You as their God, that they would know and love You, for You are holy, good, kind, merciful, true, steadfast, and full of compassion.
Lord, come to me now. I wait for Your word. I am here with my heart wide open, and I need You. I long for You. I cry for You. I wait for You. I want You, Lord. Oh how I need You. Come soon, Lord.
Lord, it is Your word I want--no other word will do. Your word is powerful. It has life in it, the life You give it. Your word abides. It does not rapidly fade. It is valuable and gives strength.
Your word strengthens. As often as I read it, I am fed. It nourishes and fortifies. No other word is like Your word.
Your word is special--it is in a class all by itself.
Your word sustains. It breeds hope in the heart of everyone who embraces it.
Your word is trustworthy, true, and sharper than any two edged sword.
148 My eyes anticipate the night watches, That I may meditate on Your word.
Oh Lord! The early morning is good, Lord, before dawn, while men sleep. All is quiet, and I bathe in the river of Your word.
The day is busy, people tugging and pulling on the sleeve of my clothing, rubbing my arm for attention, bringing needs within inches of my face, always noise, always things to do.
How I long for the night watch, Oh Lord, that I may lay aside all the cares of the day and just think of You, meditating on Your word.
Your word is sure. It is an anchor for my soul. I cling to Your word, and I will not let it leave me. It is written on my bedpost, and I hang it above my door. In my pocket I carry it, and You have engraved it on my heart.
Lord, Your word is secure. Abide with me forever.
I looked, I saw, I opened my eyes, and I was amazed, as one who has found great treasure.
Be with me, Lord. It is Your Spirit that gives understanding. Before You came to me, Your word was dead to me, like cardboard or sawdust.
I was as a blind person in a tangle of seaweed, and I could not get out. Your word lay heavy on me like a dark cloak, like a dagger, for in it I saw that Your wrath was aimed at me, because of my sinful ways.
When I repented, Lord, and turned, when I confessed all my sin to You, behold, You blessed Your word to me. It opened in my heart, and I found fountains of refreshment for my weary soul.
This was You, Lord. You dwell in Your word. You meet us in your word. Oh Lord, do not let Your word depart from me forever. Keep me, Lord, in the power of Your word.
149 Hear my voice according to Your lovingkindness; Revive me, O LORD, according to Your ordinances.
Hear my voice according to Your lovingkindness, according to Your tender mercies, according to Your promises in Your book of life, Your word.
Revive me, oh Lord, according to Your ordinances. I call to You, Lord. My voice cries out in the night. In the morning, as I wipe tears from my eyes, I seek Your face.
Lord, I perish. Do not forget Your promises to me, sure promises written in Your book, recorded in it forever, and spoken by You into my heart.
Your laws are good, Lord, and I need to hear them once again. Manna is good, Lord, but to be useful, it must be fresh. Lord, today is the day I need You. Now is when I long to hear Your voice.
Do not cover Your face from me. Hear my cry, Lord; revive me according to Your ordinances. I am weak, I am but a shadow, a wisp of hair, a baby's tiny breath.
I am famished. Feed me, Lord. Hear my prayer. Do not ignore the voice of my pleading.
You are never asleep. You are never weary. You never retire for the night. You never say, "Not now, for I am busy with another. Wait Your turn in line with the rest."
No, Lord, that is no how You are. For You always have time, and Your mercy is always abundant. It flows in streams that are stronger at the end than at the beginning.
Hear my cry, Lord. do not put me off in my old age. Be true to Your nature, Lord, according to Your word, according to Your own promises written for all to see. I need You, Lord. I want You. Come to me, Lord, and revive my soul, or else I perish.
It is good for me to be here. It is good for me to stand before Your law and drink my fill. You do not chase me away. You do not shoo me away and say, "No more for you today. You have spent enough time here."
I want You fully, Lord. I want all of You.
Enlarge my heart, Oh God. Increase my appetitie and capacity for Your word. Make me hungry. Make me pant with thirst, that I may crave after You.
150 Those who follow after wickedness draw near; They are far from Your law.
They look for me to do me harm. They creep with bated breath and swords drawn. Saliva flows freely from their mouths, and their teeth glisten.
Oh Lord, the wicked do not love You. They know nothing of Your goodness. They resist You until their hearts calcify within them. Your word does not penetrate, for they do not want to hear. They throw to the ground what is given them, and they delight to trample it under their feet.
These are my enemies, Lord. They seek to destroy me, to do me harm, for they know that You love me.
Lord, rescue me from these. May I not become like them. May I not imitate their ways. May I not cry out to them, "Peace! I will abandon my God."
Lord, they are fearful in appearance, and their lies are huge, so huge, Lord, that they deceive many of the foolish and unwary.
They call out insults to intimidate. They flaunt themselves and swagger. They belittle and seek to make small those who obey Your word. With loud voices they claim riches for themselves.
Oh strengthen Your people, Lord, that we mayh not be taken captive by their lies. Strengthen Your people, Lord, that we may not desire to be like them.
They will never be satisfied until they have utterly destroyed us. It is knowledge of You that they want to wipe away entirely from off the face of the earth. It is You whom they hate, and they seek to annihilate those who love You, who obey Your decrees.
The wicked are wise in their own eyes, and they speak big words of themselves, while destroying the faith of the innocent. They are not content until everyone abandons Your ways. They desire that not even one shall know You as Lord.
Oh save us, Lord. Spare us from these. Protect us by Your word. Build strong walls around us and be a strong tower within us.
Protect Your word among us, Lord, and keep us pure in You. Holy God Almighty, we need Your help. I plead with You, Lord, that You save us. Send Your strong Spirit among us to awaken our hearts to You. Protect us, Lord. Protect Your people.
Lord, the wolves have entered Your sanctuary. They are already among the flock. They have entered the fold and are here now. They have begun feeding among the weak, the lame, the little ones, and those unwary of their presence.
Lord, spare Your flock. Your sheep hear Your voice, and You know them, and they follow You. Lord, awaken Your people to the necessity of prayer; sound the trumpet, raise a standard, Lord, arouse your people from their placid apathy before it is too late, for there are many among the flock making peace with the wolves.
Rouse us, Lord, lest we perish as a people, for those who follow after wickedness draw near. They have examined their prey and have drawn out their line of attack. They are far from Your law, speaking ferocious lies, and Your people must not listen to them, or certain destruction will follow.
151 You are near, O LORD, And all Your commandments are truth.
The wicked draw near, but You, Lord, are nearer still, for You are ever with me, and all Your commandments are truth.
Be near, Oh God. Do not forsake me to their paths. May delusion and lies, false reasonings, and desires too big for myself not cloud my vision.
Your ways are pure; they are not murky. All Your commandments are truth, and they themselves are reward sufficient for obedience.
You, Lord, are holy and very wise. Stay very close, Lord; do not be a stranger to me.
I love Your ways, for You are my refuge and my strength. When I am weak, Lord, I turn to You and fall upon Your grace to cover me.
When You have made me strong and restored wholeness to my bones, may I not leave Your presence to follow my own ways. For Your ways are good ways. They are safe ways. You protect us in them, and Your paths lead to everlasting life.
Lord, I pray You, keep me from temptation, for in Your presence, as I abide in You and follow Your precepts, only then is truth my companion.
Your ways are pure, purer than the finest gold. May I not be deceived, Lord, by any glitter that is not You.
Lord, I wait for You.
152 Of old I have known from Your testimonies That You have founded them forever.
Your testimonies, Lord, are eternal, as You are. Of old I have known from Your testimonies that You have founded them forever.
Your children know You. They hear Your voice and are glad. But sheep often go astray; therefore, they need a shepherd to keep them and direct their steps away from harm and into the green pastures.
You are that shepherd, and your testimonies are Your voice calling us back.
Oh Lord, do not be silent. Your testimonies are forever. You have decreed them, and they will stnad. You will not share Your glory with any other, and You are not a man that You should compromise with men.
You are God everlasting, eternal, and Yours is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, and the judgment, forever.
By Your word will the deeds and thoughts of all men be judged.
Oh Lord, keep my heart steadfast and true. Remove every wicked way from me and make my eye single unto You.
Psalm 119:145 I cried with all my heart; answer me, O LORD! I will observe Your statutes.
146 I cried to You; save me And I shall keep Your testimonies.
147 I rise before dawn and cry for help; I wait for Your words.
148 My eyes anticipate the night watches, That I may meditate on Your word.
149 Hear my voice according to Your lovingkindness; Revive me, O LORD, according to Your ordinances.
150 Those who follow after wickedness draw near; They are far from Your law.
151 You are near, O LORD, And all Your commandments are truth.
152 Of old I have known from Your testimonies That You have founded them forever.
145 I cried with all my heart; answer me, O LORD! I will observe Your statutes.
Sorrows and afflictions weighed me down. My own sin became unbearable to me. Those I love turned from me, and even my fast friend became a persecutor to me.
My spirit within me yearned for a drop of cool, clear, fresh spring water from Your fountain of life. My parched throat cried out! There was none to help me--no, not one.
It was You I sought, You for whom my soul stretched eagerly. Lord, I turned to You. Inside myself, I was humbled to dust. The cords of death pressed upon me, and the enemy cackled in my ear. My heart was desperate, and I cried out with all my strength, "Lord, I'm falling!"
Answer me, Oh my Lord! Do not be far from me. I may lose the friendship of all others, but, Lord, Yours is the companionship I need above all the rest. When You are with me, I am strong.
Oh Lord, my heart seeks to observe Your statutes. My resolve is so excellent, Lord, in my quiet times of prayer. Forgive me, Lord, when I am weak. I want to please You, Lord. Remind me often of my vows to You, and help me, Lord, to pay, for I can do nothing without You.
Alone, dear God, away from Your helping hand, I am as the rest. Oh Lord, do not forsake me utterly; come quickly, Lord, and help me. I will observe Your statutes with all my heart.
146 I cried to You; save me And I shall keep Your testimonies.
Lord, the dead do not praise You. Those who go down to the grave do not concern themselves with obeying Your commands. Save me, Lord, so that I may keep Your testimonies.
What glory to You is it, Lord, if I die in my sins, away from Your presence? Lord, if the enemy achieves his purpose of vanquishing me forever, who will praise Your name in my place?
Lord, by Your good grace and mercy, I beg You, Lord, save me. Do not leave me in this place. My this not be the final page of the book that is written of me.
Lord, help me. I want to grow! Show me Your good favor and mercy. Do not leave me here. Take me on with You and teach me all Your word. Help me, Lord, to obey Your testimonies, and I shall obey them.
Many things I desired in my youth, Lord, but only You are eternal. Only in You, Lord, in You alone, am I ever lifted to heights of joy. You alone fill my heart with peace and contentment. You alone satisfy with a fullness beyond compare.
Do not hide Your face from me, Lord. Though I often hide from You, do not hide from me. Favor me with Your presence. Let us meet together. Let us set a date and time when I may spend long hours contemplating You in Your presence.
Oh how I need You, Lord. How I need and long for Your abiding presence in me. Do not be far from me, Lord. Come quickly, Lord. Come now. Right now is when I need You, Lord. Now is my time of need.
147 I rise before dawn and cry for help; I wait for Your words.
The days hold many pressures for me. Many fears grip my soul to the point that sleep vanishes. A knife pierces my heart. I cannot breathe.
But I do not forget You. I turn to You. I call Your name. I arise early, long before the first light brightens the hills. The pre-dawn birds are my companions.
Lord, I turn to You. I acknowledge You. You are my God. There is no other. Only You can save me. Only You can help. Only You have power to heal.
I wait for Your words.
Your words are the sweetest of music to me. When You show me Your face, when I see Your eyes upon me, when You present Yourself in the middle of my travail, sorrow ceases. All is changed when You are there. Trouble becomes opportunity to trust You.
I love when You are with me, Lord, for I trust in You and am not afraid. My hope is in You. I will not leave off crying out to You. My soul yearns for You like a hungry mouth, a starving stomach clamoring within me.
Oh bless the day, Lord, when You first spoke Your love into my starving soul. You have never left me, though for a season I left You.
I wait for Your word, Lord. I will not go away. Indeed, I have no place to go. I have none to comfort me, no, not one. You alone are He. If You do not do it, it will not be done.
Oh that men would praise Your name and acknowledge You as their God, that they would know and love You, for You are holy, good, kind, merciful, true, steadfast, and full of compassion.
Lord, come to me now. I wait for Your word. I am here with my heart wide open, and I need You. I long for You. I cry for You. I wait for You. I want You, Lord. Oh how I need You. Come soon, Lord.
Lord, it is Your word I want--no other word will do. Your word is powerful. It has life in it, the life You give it. Your word abides. It does not rapidly fade. It is valuable and gives strength.
Your word strengthens. As often as I read it, I am fed. It nourishes and fortifies. No other word is like Your word.
Your word is special--it is in a class all by itself.
Your word sustains. It breeds hope in the heart of everyone who embraces it.
Your word is trustworthy, true, and sharper than any two edged sword.
148 My eyes anticipate the night watches, That I may meditate on Your word.
Oh Lord! The early morning is good, Lord, before dawn, while men sleep. All is quiet, and I bathe in the river of Your word.
The day is busy, people tugging and pulling on the sleeve of my clothing, rubbing my arm for attention, bringing needs within inches of my face, always noise, always things to do.
How I long for the night watch, Oh Lord, that I may lay aside all the cares of the day and just think of You, meditating on Your word.
Your word is sure. It is an anchor for my soul. I cling to Your word, and I will not let it leave me. It is written on my bedpost, and I hang it above my door. In my pocket I carry it, and You have engraved it on my heart.
Lord, Your word is secure. Abide with me forever.
I looked, I saw, I opened my eyes, and I was amazed, as one who has found great treasure.
Be with me, Lord. It is Your Spirit that gives understanding. Before You came to me, Your word was dead to me, like cardboard or sawdust.
I was as a blind person in a tangle of seaweed, and I could not get out. Your word lay heavy on me like a dark cloak, like a dagger, for in it I saw that Your wrath was aimed at me, because of my sinful ways.
When I repented, Lord, and turned, when I confessed all my sin to You, behold, You blessed Your word to me. It opened in my heart, and I found fountains of refreshment for my weary soul.
This was You, Lord. You dwell in Your word. You meet us in your word. Oh Lord, do not let Your word depart from me forever. Keep me, Lord, in the power of Your word.
149 Hear my voice according to Your lovingkindness; Revive me, O LORD, according to Your ordinances.
Hear my voice according to Your lovingkindness, according to Your tender mercies, according to Your promises in Your book of life, Your word.
Revive me, oh Lord, according to Your ordinances. I call to You, Lord. My voice cries out in the night. In the morning, as I wipe tears from my eyes, I seek Your face.
Lord, I perish. Do not forget Your promises to me, sure promises written in Your book, recorded in it forever, and spoken by You into my heart.
Your laws are good, Lord, and I need to hear them once again. Manna is good, Lord, but to be useful, it must be fresh. Lord, today is the day I need You. Now is when I long to hear Your voice.
Do not cover Your face from me. Hear my cry, Lord; revive me according to Your ordinances. I am weak, I am but a shadow, a wisp of hair, a baby's tiny breath.
I am famished. Feed me, Lord. Hear my prayer. Do not ignore the voice of my pleading.
You are never asleep. You are never weary. You never retire for the night. You never say, "Not now, for I am busy with another. Wait Your turn in line with the rest."
No, Lord, that is no how You are. For You always have time, and Your mercy is always abundant. It flows in streams that are stronger at the end than at the beginning.
Hear my cry, Lord. do not put me off in my old age. Be true to Your nature, Lord, according to Your word, according to Your own promises written for all to see. I need You, Lord. I want You. Come to me, Lord, and revive my soul, or else I perish.
It is good for me to be here. It is good for me to stand before Your law and drink my fill. You do not chase me away. You do not shoo me away and say, "No more for you today. You have spent enough time here."
I want You fully, Lord. I want all of You.
Enlarge my heart, Oh God. Increase my appetitie and capacity for Your word. Make me hungry. Make me pant with thirst, that I may crave after You.
150 Those who follow after wickedness draw near; They are far from Your law.
They look for me to do me harm. They creep with bated breath and swords drawn. Saliva flows freely from their mouths, and their teeth glisten.
Oh Lord, the wicked do not love You. They know nothing of Your goodness. They resist You until their hearts calcify within them. Your word does not penetrate, for they do not want to hear. They throw to the ground what is given them, and they delight to trample it under their feet.
These are my enemies, Lord. They seek to destroy me, to do me harm, for they know that You love me.
Lord, rescue me from these. May I not become like them. May I not imitate their ways. May I not cry out to them, "Peace! I will abandon my God."
Lord, they are fearful in appearance, and their lies are huge, so huge, Lord, that they deceive many of the foolish and unwary.
They call out insults to intimidate. They flaunt themselves and swagger. They belittle and seek to make small those who obey Your word. With loud voices they claim riches for themselves.
Oh strengthen Your people, Lord, that we mayh not be taken captive by their lies. Strengthen Your people, Lord, that we may not desire to be like them.
They will never be satisfied until they have utterly destroyed us. It is knowledge of You that they want to wipe away entirely from off the face of the earth. It is You whom they hate, and they seek to annihilate those who love You, who obey Your decrees.
The wicked are wise in their own eyes, and they speak big words of themselves, while destroying the faith of the innocent. They are not content until everyone abandons Your ways. They desire that not even one shall know You as Lord.
Oh save us, Lord. Spare us from these. Protect us by Your word. Build strong walls around us and be a strong tower within us.
Protect Your word among us, Lord, and keep us pure in You. Holy God Almighty, we need Your help. I plead with You, Lord, that You save us. Send Your strong Spirit among us to awaken our hearts to You. Protect us, Lord. Protect Your people.
Lord, the wolves have entered Your sanctuary. They are already among the flock. They have entered the fold and are here now. They have begun feeding among the weak, the lame, the little ones, and those unwary of their presence.
Lord, spare Your flock. Your sheep hear Your voice, and You know them, and they follow You. Lord, awaken Your people to the necessity of prayer; sound the trumpet, raise a standard, Lord, arouse your people from their placid apathy before it is too late, for there are many among the flock making peace with the wolves.
Rouse us, Lord, lest we perish as a people, for those who follow after wickedness draw near. They have examined their prey and have drawn out their line of attack. They are far from Your law, speaking ferocious lies, and Your people must not listen to them, or certain destruction will follow.
151 You are near, O LORD, And all Your commandments are truth.
The wicked draw near, but You, Lord, are nearer still, for You are ever with me, and all Your commandments are truth.
Be near, Oh God. Do not forsake me to their paths. May delusion and lies, false reasonings, and desires too big for myself not cloud my vision.
Your ways are pure; they are not murky. All Your commandments are truth, and they themselves are reward sufficient for obedience.
You, Lord, are holy and very wise. Stay very close, Lord; do not be a stranger to me.
I love Your ways, for You are my refuge and my strength. When I am weak, Lord, I turn to You and fall upon Your grace to cover me.
When You have made me strong and restored wholeness to my bones, may I not leave Your presence to follow my own ways. For Your ways are good ways. They are safe ways. You protect us in them, and Your paths lead to everlasting life.
Lord, I pray You, keep me from temptation, for in Your presence, as I abide in You and follow Your precepts, only then is truth my companion.
Your ways are pure, purer than the finest gold. May I not be deceived, Lord, by any glitter that is not You.
Lord, I wait for You.
152 Of old I have known from Your testimonies That You have founded them forever.
Your testimonies, Lord, are eternal, as You are. Of old I have known from Your testimonies that You have founded them forever.
Your children know You. They hear Your voice and are glad. But sheep often go astray; therefore, they need a shepherd to keep them and direct their steps away from harm and into the green pastures.
You are that shepherd, and your testimonies are Your voice calling us back.
Oh Lord, do not be silent. Your testimonies are forever. You have decreed them, and they will stnad. You will not share Your glory with any other, and You are not a man that You should compromise with men.
You are God everlasting, eternal, and Yours is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, and the judgment, forever.
By Your word will the deeds and thoughts of all men be judged.
Oh Lord, keep my heart steadfast and true. Remove every wicked way from me and make my eye single unto You.
Psalm 119:153-160 God the Great Redeemer
Psalm 119:153 Look upon my affliction and rescue me, For I do not forget Your law.
154 Plead my cause and redeem me; Revive me according to Your word.
155 Salvation is far from the wicked, For they do not seek Your statutes.
156 Great are Your mercies, O LORD; Revive me according to Your ordinances.
157 Many are my persecutors and my adversaries, Yet I do not turn aside from Your testimonies.
158 I behold the treacherous and loathe them, Because they do not keep Your word.
159 Consider how I love Your precepts; Revive me, O LORD, according to Your lovingkindness.
160 The sum of Your word is truth, And every one of Your righteous ordinances is everlasting.
153 Look upon my affliction and rescue me, For I do not forget Your law.
Lord, I am afflicted. I am humbled to the point of death. Ashes are between my teeth all day long. My throat is dry, my lips are cracked and bleeding, my tongue is swollen inside my mouth. Thorns encircle my head and deep wounds have been inflicted upon me.
It is for Your sake alone that I have been crushed, for I do not forget Your law. Your testimonies are like springs of water to my soul and meat to my bones.
I have not forgotten Your word in the long watches of the night, and I keep Your truth ever before me. By day Your testimonies guide my feet in paths of righteousness, and in the night I am not alone.
Psalm 119:153 Look upon my affliction and rescue me, For I do not forget Your law.
154 Plead my cause and redeem me; Revive me according to Your word.
155 Salvation is far from the wicked, For they do not seek Your statutes.
156 Great are Your mercies, O LORD; Revive me according to Your ordinances.
157 Many are my persecutors and my adversaries, Yet I do not turn aside from Your testimonies.
158 I behold the treacherous and loathe them, Because they do not keep Your word.
159 Consider how I love Your precepts; Revive me, O LORD, according to Your lovingkindness.
160 The sum of Your word is truth, And every one of Your righteous ordinances is everlasting.
153 Look upon my affliction and rescue me, For I do not forget Your law.
Lord, I am afflicted. I am humbled to the point of death. Ashes are between my teeth all day long. My throat is dry, my lips are cracked and bleeding, my tongue is swollen inside my mouth. Thorns encircle my head and deep wounds have been inflicted upon me.
It is for Your sake alone that I have been crushed, for I do not forget Your law. Your testimonies are like springs of water to my soul and meat to my bones.
I have not forgotten Your word in the long watches of the night, and I keep Your truth ever before me. By day Your testimonies guide my feet in paths of righteousness, and in the night I am not alone.
Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for You, Lord, are with me. Many are the trials of the righteous, but You deliver from them all.
I am afflicted, Lord, because of Your name. Because I have chosen to obey Your testimonies and submit to You in all things, because I have put You first in my life, for this I am persecuted. On behalf of You and for Your people I am afflicted.
154 Plead my cause and redeem me; Revive me according to Your word.
There is One who is righteous in all the earth, Lord God, and You are He. You are the Holy One of long ago. Before ever You laid the foundations of the earth, You shone in Your holiness, keeping counsel with Yourself alone.
In order to manifest Your glory, You created all things. You created the sons of men. Lord, You made us in Your image. You fashioned us according to Your own plan and purpose. You sought no counsel with anyone but Yourself, nor did anyone advise You or object to Your plan.
Yours is the judgment, Lord. You made and You will judge. What is man, Lord, that You are mindful of him, or the son of mann, that You care for him?
We are shallow, Lord, and our every thought is like the dust from which You made us. You gave us life, Lord, but the whole world has been ruined because of our sin. You could have killed us outright, Lord, but You chose to spare us, that Your purposes might be fulfilled.
You did not act in secret, Lord, but You gave us a book that tells of Your ways and all Your plans for us.
Oh Lord, we are lost, and all we like sheep have gone astray. There is no one who is righteous, no, not one. Oh Lord, how will Your desire be fulfilled in us? How will Your purposes come to pass?
You alone, Lord, are righteous. You alone possess life. You alone have wisdom to undo ages and ages of reckless destructon and eternal corruption. What is hopeless with us is possible with You, for You alone created all things and in You all things reside.
Oh Lord, for what cause were we born, if You do not save us? We have ruined Your beautiful earth, and all lies shattered around us. Our lives are buried beneath a mountain of sin, and we are crushed beyond all recognition.
We are guilty, Lord, and there is no way of escape. We are trapped in a snare, and the key is beyond our reach. We have sinned against Your holy name, and there is no way for us to undo what we have done.
But then You delivered Your word of promise. Then You delivered a word of hope--"But God..."
Like a bird in the hand of a fowler, a bird who has just been set free, my heart sings a new song of praise to Your name. The book is Yours, Lord. The book is Yours, and You hold it in Your own hand. You write Your book however You please.
Oh Sovereign Lord, forgive me, I pray, for all my sins, for I am weak, and lowly, and despised. My soul cleaves to the dust and waits for the redemption of my Lord.
Plead my cause and redeem me; revive me according to Your word. For Your own sake, Lord, You will do this thing, because You are God, and You are good. For Your own glory You will redeem us. In Your own being You have proposed it, and without our help You will carry it through.
155 Salvation is far from the wicked, For they do not seek Your statutes.
Who shall receive Your redemption, Lord? The righteous, who love Your holy name, those who seek with all their hearts to follow after Your word of truth, whose hearts are inclined to obey Your statutes, who have humbled themselves before You, who ask with their faces bowed at Your feet for mercy from Your hand. It is by Your grace and Your grace alone, Lord, that anyone is saved. We do not merit salvation. It is a gift You give.
But salvation is far from the wicked, for they do not seek Your statutes. The wicked hate Your holy name. They neither know You, nor understand Your ways. They shut their minds to understanding, because they love darkness more than light
Their hearts are lifted up, as they seek their own way. They deny their creator who made them. They are wise in their own eyes, and they make much noise, so that they cannot hear. Lord, save Your people from such as these, who clamor loudly in the streets but do not receive Your statutes.
156 Great are Your mercies, O LORD; Revive me according to Your ordinances.
As the great sea, Lord, is vast with water--one cannot see to the end of it no matter how long and how far one looks--so, Lord, are Your mercies to men. As the sky stretches from its rising to its setting, so wide, Lord, is Your love. Like the multitude of stars that twinkle in the night, so many, Lord, are Your acts of kindness to those who love You, who love Your great and glorious name.
Some say You are a tyrannical taskmaster who seeks to dominate a life and snuff out all pleasure. They lie, Lord, for they do not understand that in Your presence is the greatest of all satisfactions to be found.
They do You wrong, Lord, who speak of Your great holiness and Your justice without also mentioning Your mercies. Since You first made Your people, Lord, since the beginning, since very, very long ago and right up to the present, Lord, You Yourself have carried Your people.
It is we who have wronged You. You have been ever faithful to us, as a father to his beloved son, as a nursing mother to the babe in her arms, as a father to the betrothed of his only son.
Indeed, Lord, You have chastised me severely, so much so that I thought I would die. I was as a leper to myself, Lord, and I could not breathe or move at all without encounterng the rod of Your discipline upon me.
But even so, Lord, when my heart repented and my spirit was made humble within me, then, Lord, did You anoint me with Your oil. You protected and covered me with the mercies of Your very own robe of righteousness.
Softly, Lord, like the mourning dove, You made sweet sounds in my ear and caused me to love You. How great and vast You are, Lord, and how meager and small is my love towards You.
Oh heavenly Redeemer, I am nothing without You, and I can do nothing apart from Your name, the name You have given me to wear on my forehead as a pledge of Your betrothal to me.
Oh God my Father, I am poor and needy, and my spirit is crushed within me. Revive me according to Your ordinances, according to the word of promise You have given to those who love You, who are called by Your name, who by Your grace walk not after the pride of their own hearts but according to Your presence among us.
Lord, You have been faithful. As You led Your people up from Egypt into a land flowing with milk and honey, so Lord, You have led me and guided me according to Your word of truth.
Help me now, Lord, this day help me. Help me, Lord, according to Your great mercy, according to the promise You made long ago.
Lord, within my heart I carry Your name; I cling to You with all my strength. Save me, Lord, from my enemies.
157 Many are my persecutors and my adversaries, Yet I do not turn aside from Your testimonies.
The wicked persecute me because of the great love with which You have loved me. When they see my love for You, they are jealous, for theirs is darkness and the great void. The wicked hate the righteous because of Your favor upon their brow.
The righteous obey Your commands, but the wicked are consumed by Your wrath. They will never be content as one of Yours is left standing, for those who know and love You testify of Your goodness and Your great deeds of love towards them.
The wicked assail me, hoping to turn me from Your way, enraged because I follow the path of Your goodness, Your law. Yet I do not turn aside from Your testimonies. They are my food, my meat, and my drink. I know that very soon I would perish if I were to leave Your ordinances in order to turn aside to folly.
Lord, I need Your help. Strengthen me in Your way. Reveal to me the commandments You have placed in the path my footsteps must trod this day.
Conquer that great enemy pride within me. I am so very weak, Lord. Vanquish all pride within me. It is so very good that You afflicted me, Lord, to humble my spirit within me, that the great enemy of all who love Your name, that great enemy pride, should not lay hold of me and entangle me with strong nets to drag me down to the lowest realms of darkness.
Revive me, Lord, according to Your good word. I am so often alone, cut off from Your people who love You. Rescue me, Lord, according to Your word.
Do not let me die in my affliction, but bring me to Your land of life, that I might live another day to praise Your name and worship You, singing You the songs of delight which You Yourself have taught my heart to sing.
Lord, remember me.
158 I behold the treacherous and loathe them, Because they do not keep Your word.
Your word is the display of Your glory, Your great goodness, Your holiness, Your justice, Your lovingkindness and tender mercies. I loathe all who loathe You, Lord, because You alone are honorable and worthy of praise.
I myself am a sinner, yet I long to attain the righteousness which is Yours, the righteousness with which You bless those who love You, those who obtain mercy from Your hand.
The treacherous are not so, Lord. They exult in their pride, and their evil imaginings cast down all who are not like them. They revel in the pleasures of their flesh, and their thoughts constantly rebel against You. Every breath of their mouth denies You and Your standard of holiness.
I cannot bear, Lord, to taste of their meat. Their talk repels me for its celebration of wickedness. Blood and flesh stick between their teeth, and their path leads far from You, far from Your precepts and statutes, which You have given to teach life.
Lord, You are the source of all goodness, and those who despise Your word despise You.
I am tender, Lord, and my heart palpitates within me. I need You, Lord.
I used to be a friend of darkness. Darkness was a cloak I wore to deceive myself concerning my evil ways. But since You touched me with Your healing hand of love, I am not and never will be the same.
Death, the death of sin, has no lasting attraction for me, for the deeds of darkness are wickedness. But Your lovingkindness, Lord, convicts and draws out my heart to You. Oh let me warm myself in the fire of Your truth.
Lord, it is a desperate situation to make a compact with death. Save me, Lord, from the treacherous, who do not keep Your word, for their deception is flattery and their smiles and smooth words hide the icy claws of death, the death which dwells in their hearts.
There is no shaking of hands with the wicked, Lord. To embrace any of the least of their deeds, to return the smile of their deception, is to be grasped by the hand of death. Death will not let go until it has dragged its helpless victim down into the deepest pit of hell, the fiery furnace of Your wrath that is never quenched.
159 Consider how I love Your precepts; Revive me, O LORD, according to Your lovingkindness.
Lord, I need You. I am surrounded, Lord, by dogs. They spread a net for my feet and I am choked, hemmed in behind and before. Where is Your strong right arm, Oh Lord? Rescue me from my enemies.
Consider how I love Your precepts. To meditate on Your word is bright sunshine after sparkling rain, green hills where warm breezes bring the scents of perfumed flowers.
Hearing Your voice in my heart is birds singing, joyous laughter, happy songs, great love, and peace. You, Lord, are like a great river, whose sparkly waters are ever flowing. The waters splash and bubble over the rocks, and all who drink from Your cool purity are made well and whole.
I am weak and lowly, Lord. My life is a cliff whose walls are sheer and smooth. There is no place for either a hand or a foot to lodge and lift.
You are my only hope, Lord. Revive me, Oh Lord, according to Your lovingkindness. Show me Your mercy. Ransom my soul from death. Make a way where there is no way.
Open a door, Lord, that I may enter in to Your garden of paradise and live with You for all eternity.
160 The sum of Your word is truth, And every one of Your righteous ordinances is everlasting.
Lord, there is a way that seems right to a man, but its end is destruction. Not so Your word, Lord. The end of Your word is truth, just as truth is its beginning.
The sum total of all Your word is goodness for the man who seeks You. Each one of Your righteous decrees is life giving and leads to life.
Your ordinances do not fade with time. They are all applicable today, just as they were yesterday and the day before that one. You are the same God now as the one who first formed all Your decrees.
Your decrees are eternal, Lord. Tomorrow Your word will still stand. Your word is a refuge of safety for all who seek You, Lord.
Your word is a sure foundation. Whoever builds his life on the rock of Your word will never be ashamed.
You are eternal, Lord. You are the reason Your word is truth, righteousness, and life everlasting. You never lie; You do not fade; Your power is endless. And You are good.
With great patience You watch the affairs of men. You involve Yourself in all that concerns us. Your Spirit ministers Your word to the world, Lord. You minister conviction of sin to the wicked and strength and comfort to the pardoned.
Your word is protected, Lord, by You. All the armies and powers in all the earth have not been able to destroy Your word; and by it men are healed.
Your word is food for the needy, succor for the weary, a shelter for the poor, a hope for the orphan and widow, a sword in the hand of warriors, peace to the ravished, freedom for the prisoners, light for the blind, and a sure way for the lost and lame. In Your word we find rest.
All Your precepts are righteous instruction, for all Your ways are truth. All Your precepts bring blessing and goodness to those who obey Your commands.
The feet of him who adorns his heart with the garland of Your word will find the paths of life eternal.
You are the Sovereign God, and You have decreed that Your word will stand forever, even in the day of sorrows, when the seas roar, and the land heaves, and all the artifices of man come crashing down around him.
Your word alone stands true forever.
Blessed is the one who builds his house upon the rock of Your word. Your word is eternal, and its precepts never die.
You have given me Your word, Lord, and it is mine forever.
Praise the name of the Lord.
Lord, I need You. I am surrounded, Lord, by dogs. They spread a net for my feet and I am choked, hemmed in behind and before. Where is Your strong right arm, Oh Lord? Rescue me from my enemies.
Consider how I love Your precepts. To meditate on Your word is bright sunshine after sparkling rain, green hills where warm breezes bring the scents of perfumed flowers.
Hearing Your voice in my heart is birds singing, joyous laughter, happy songs, great love, and peace. You, Lord, are like a great river, whose sparkly waters are ever flowing. The waters splash and bubble over the rocks, and all who drink from Your cool purity are made well and whole.
I am weak and lowly, Lord. My life is a cliff whose walls are sheer and smooth. There is no place for either a hand or a foot to lodge and lift.
You are my only hope, Lord. Revive me, Oh Lord, according to Your lovingkindness. Show me Your mercy. Ransom my soul from death. Make a way where there is no way.
Open a door, Lord, that I may enter in to Your garden of paradise and live with You for all eternity.
160 The sum of Your word is truth, And every one of Your righteous ordinances is everlasting.
Lord, there is a way that seems right to a man, but its end is destruction. Not so Your word, Lord. The end of Your word is truth, just as truth is its beginning.
The sum total of all Your word is goodness for the man who seeks You. Each one of Your righteous decrees is life giving and leads to life.
Your ordinances do not fade with time. They are all applicable today, just as they were yesterday and the day before that one. You are the same God now as the one who first formed all Your decrees.
Your decrees are eternal, Lord. Tomorrow Your word will still stand. Your word is a refuge of safety for all who seek You, Lord.
Your word is a sure foundation. Whoever builds his life on the rock of Your word will never be ashamed.
You are eternal, Lord. You are the reason Your word is truth, righteousness, and life everlasting. You never lie; You do not fade; Your power is endless. And You are good.
With great patience You watch the affairs of men. You involve Yourself in all that concerns us. Your Spirit ministers Your word to the world, Lord. You minister conviction of sin to the wicked and strength and comfort to the pardoned.
Your word is protected, Lord, by You. All the armies and powers in all the earth have not been able to destroy Your word; and by it men are healed.
Your word is food for the needy, succor for the weary, a shelter for the poor, a hope for the orphan and widow, a sword in the hand of warriors, peace to the ravished, freedom for the prisoners, light for the blind, and a sure way for the lost and lame. In Your word we find rest.
All Your precepts are righteous instruction, for all Your ways are truth. All Your precepts bring blessing and goodness to those who obey Your commands.
The feet of him who adorns his heart with the garland of Your word will find the paths of life eternal.
You are the Sovereign God, and You have decreed that Your word will stand forever, even in the day of sorrows, when the seas roar, and the land heaves, and all the artifices of man come crashing down around him.
Your word alone stands true forever.
Blessed is the one who builds his house upon the rock of Your word. Your word is eternal, and its precepts never die.
You have given me Your word, Lord, and it is mine forever.
Praise the name of the Lord.
Psalm 119:161-168 Praise for God and His Word
Psalm 119:161 Princes persecute me without cause, But my heart stands in awe of Your words.
162 I rejoice at Your word, As one who finds great spoil.
163 I hate and despise falsehood, But I love Your law.
164 Seven times a day I praise You, Because of Your righteous ordinances.
165 Those who love Your law have great peace, And nothing causes them to stumble.
166 I hope for Your salvation, O LORD, And do Your commandments.
167 My soul keeps Your testimonies, And I love them exceedingly.
168 I keep Your precepts and Your testimonies, For all my ways are before You.
161 Princes persecute me without cause, But my heart stands in awe of Your words.
Those who hate You, Lord, hate those who love You. The blind do not see, but they revile with contempt the eyes of those who see and love your law. Those who have no joy in their hearts cannot bear the sweet songs which well up from the inner depths of the righteous on account of Your name. Those whose lives are futile throw insults at those who order their steps in Your way.
Curse as they may, Lord, all their railings cannot dissuade me from Your law, for my heart stands in awe of Your words.
Daily I meditate upon Your word, and it strengthens me and makes me bold in the day of trouble. Your word to me is a fountain of life springing up in my heart unbidden by me. It has a life of its own within my bosom. In my hour of need, Your word speaks strength and encouragement to me.
You amaze me, Lord, for You are ever with me, and my most private thought is also Your concern. Your word speaks to me in such a way that I tremble at the nearness of You.
You delight me, Lord, for Your word is a jewel that sparkles and lights my path before me, that I might not stumble nor become afraid.
Thank You, my God, for Your word. It speaks of You and is Your great gift to men, especially to those who love You.
There is no end to Your word. Darkness has never overcome it; it grows stronger and brighter with the passing of each year. A very wise man who studies Your word his whole life through will never plumb to the bottom of it. Yet the simple can hear Your word, understand, and become wise.
A strong tower is a single word from your mouth. The poor and needy find shelter in Your love, and Your word is free for all. Those who love You love Your word, for Your Spirit makes it alive within them.
You are the King Who Reigns, and Your word is the light of my life. Sweet in my mouth and gentle to my ears is the word of Your love.
Oh Lord, open to me Your word; allow me to embrace it with all my heart; teach me to obey Your every precept. Then shall I have joy and gladness all the days of my life. Your word brings peace, and in You are rivers of gladness whose waters refresh, heal, and nourish my hungry, parched, and needy soul.
Oh thank You, Lord, for Your word, for by it I am instructed in all Your ways.
Praise to You, my King, and blessed be Your name, Oh Lord.
162 I rejoice at Your word, As one who finds great spoil.
Your word is rich, Lord. It gives wisdom to the humble. Your word is a strong tower and a sure foundation.
I look into Your word and see wonders, and my heart delights. Your word is a lattice of sparkling jewels, intricately woven, like dewy nets that sparkle in an early sun.
Your word is like meeting a good, good friend, the lines of whose pleasant face have been etched into my heart.
Your word goes deep, deeper than I have ever gone, and all Your law is truth. Like gold in the earth is Your word, and I rejoice when I find it, as one who stands upon a treasure of great wealth.
Your word satisfies my heart, and there is no eating too much of it!
When I was young, Your word saved my soul, when the enemy hurled his fiery darts at me, accusing me both day and night. A bulwark was Your word to me, a refuge from the storm, a safe haven where my ship could put in to harbor. I resupplied and was not afraid, for the waters are calm in Your word. Mountains of peace surround its every line.
You protect all who trust in You. You fortify against the wicked by shielding the hearts of Your loved ones within the body of Your word.
Your word reveals the darkness and convicts the hidden sin in the recesses of my heart, but it is not fearful to me, for Your word saves; it does not condemn. Your word cleanses and heals.
Your word lit my path in the darkest nights, and slowly, surely, step by precious step You led me away from caverns of confusion into the sure light of Your presence.
Your word manifests Your mercy, and in Your word are solid comforts, great halls of hope, doorways leading to light and love.
As I surrender my heart to the scepter of Your word, my soul finds great peace. I feast and am not ashamed. Your word nourishes my inward parts, and I am made strong in You.
Your word conquers strongholds of the enemy. It dispels lies and scatters chaos. Your word is eternal, from age to age the same. In all languages is Your word spoken, and those who abide in it, no matter which tongue they speak, are brothers and sisters of one God.
You are the same to all men of all times in all places. Your truth is eternal, for You do not change. You are holy in all Your ways.
When I consider my frame, the dust of which I am made, when I look and see the beauty of Your word, truly my heart jumps for joy. Gladly would I exchange my own weaknesses for Your strength.
You give Your word freely to all who love You. All men are invited to come and feast at Your banquet of love. There is no charge at the door which might permit some to enter in while yet excluding others, for You Yourself have paid the price for all to enter, in sure hope of eternal life and forgiveness of sin, all who trust in You; for Your word is life, and in it is wisdom that leads to redemption.
I thank You, Lord, for giving me Your word. It has rooted and grounded me in Your love, so that nothing shakes my soul forever.
Your word to me is pure beauty. It is my constant companion and true friend; for Lord, You Yourself abide in Your word, and in Your word, I abide in You.
163 I hate and despise falsehood, But I love Your law.
You, Oh Lord, are truth, and Your word is truth. You alone are truth. All falsehood is Your enemy, and it is my enemy, as well. Everything false is less than You, apart from You, other than You. All that is false lifts itself against You.
Therefore, I hate and despise falsehood, Lord, because You are the desire of my heart.
To embrace falsehood is to turn my face from You, to embrace darkness, to embrace separation from You.
Cleanse my heart, Oh Lord, from all falsehood in me. Search me and try me, Oh Lord, and reveal every lying thought, that I may honor You and live.
I love Your law, Lord.
Falsehood breeds confusion and strife, but Your law gives security and peace. Treacherous are the ways of falsehood, Lord, and steep is the descent of everyone whose foot slips in it.
Falsehood is a snare on the path. Teach me Your law, my King. Your law is good and true and righteous altogether.
Long life, health, and peace are the rewards of the one who obeys Your decrees. Though troubles abound and illness afflicts my flesh, in You is wholeness, soundness of mind and spirit.
Oh Lord, protect me from the treachery of every lying tongue, and of every false way in me.
I love Your law, my Lord, because I love You.
164 Seven times a day I praise You, Because of Your righteous ordinances.
Holy is Your name, my Lord. There is none like You. You are seated on high in majesty, and yet You are very near. Strength and power are Your dominion, yet You regard the lowly in heart, and You have time for each tiny one. Your judgments do not crush beyond repair, but Your mercies endure forever.
Your throne is higher than all the stars. There are no steps leading to it. You are beyond the reach of all who live, yet You descend to make Yourself known to men.
Oh Lord, incomprehensible is Your love. In all the universe, there is none like You. You are unique, yet You reveal Yourself in kindness to those whom You choose, to those whose hearts You have turned towards Yourself.
You startle with Your love, as You intercept my daily affairs.
Oh Lord, who is like You? You alone are beauty and majesty, splendor and power, yet Your face is so like a man, so very recognizable in features of kindness.
Perfect is Your beauty. Your eyes are sparkling diamonds, flames of fire. They look upon me, yet they do not consume.
Bless You, Lord. I fall prostrate on my face before You. Your full weight no one could bear; You are heavier than all the worlds put together. But You do not crush Your little ones. You reveal Yourself, but You do not crush.
You give breath, and life keeps flowing! Oh Lord! That You have chosen to reveal Yourself to us! Cords of compassion encircle Your brow, and Your hands have been pierced, that they might receive us to Yourself.
You have created, and You have saved. All Your ways are goodness, joy, laughter, great exuberance, peace, and delight. Let there be dancing in the streets, loud shouts of exultation, tambourines, leaping laughter, and love, as we praise Your holy name, for You are worthy, Lord.
Oh Lord, open my mouth to tell of Your goodness. May my lips sing forth Your praise openly, clearly, fully, in the public square.
Lord, open the mouth of this poor, dumb servant of Yours and give me Your words to speak of You.
May others hear me tell of Your great goodness, of Your overarching compassion towards me, and may they be blessed to receive You as their Lord and King, Savior of their souls.
Lord, open my mouth, that I may speak Your name to those who are lost, who have never known Your goodness. In Your great love, my Lord, do this one thing for me, that I may speak Your name, praise You loudly and joyfully, and tell others of Your great goodness to me all the days of my life.
Thank You, Lord, for I know You have heard and answered my prayer, and I know that You will do it.
Long live my King!
165 Those who love Your law have great peace, And nothing causes them to stumble.
Troubles come, Lord, and fortune ebbs and flows. Some days are bright with sunshine, while others are dark and dreary, dragging along in great pain.
But Your law, Lord, never changes. In it You abide forever. You are changeless, eternal. Your truth dwells in the hearts, Lord, of those who embrace Your law, and those who love Your law have great peace.
As a mountain does not tremble at the footstep of an ant, so, Lord, are all those who love Your law. Nothing perturbs them--no high, stormy waves, nor great throngs of pressing people, nor messages of impending harm, nor sleepless nights, nor the frowns of those nearby.
Pain tortures the body, but Your law calms the soul and stills the wakeful terrors of the night.
Your word is a poultice of cool delight upon the burning wounds of a troubled heart. Those who live by Your law find peace. Though the path be strewn with rocks and the trail lead up steep ravines, still, Lord, their foot does not stumble, for Your hand guides them with Your word. Your law is a strong support upon which they may lean in all directions.
Your word is a sure foundation, as firm and steady as You Yourself. Whoever welds himself to Your law will never be shaken or moved. His place will always be preserved, and the path will always be level under his feet.
Lord, Your word preserves the righteous, who abide by its every line in their heart, and Your presence in their souls seals them to You forever.
Bless You, Lord, for Your holy law, which saves men's lives. Bless You, Lord, for Your holy decrees, which give men balance as they face their foes.
166 I hope for Your salvation, O LORD, And do Your commandments.
I hope, Lord. I wait on You. Always, Lord, Your word is before me.
I was a child, Lord, when You saw me. I knew nothing; I was nothing. Like an abandoned babe in a cistern of trash, You took pity on me. You cleansed my wounds and wrapped me in clean cloth. You nursed me at the bosom of Your holiness with the pure milk of Your word.
In those days, Lord, when I cried to You in my distress, I had nothing, absolutely nothing, Lord. Your word was everything to me, Lord.
Lord, I clung to Your word, as a drowning person clings to a raft made of wood. Lord, the seas were rough, the waves high as mountains around me. Nausea was my constant companion.
When my arms grew weary and my eyes grew dim with searching, when sleep fled, and my mouth had no water to drink, Lord, with Your own self You encircled me with cords of compassion. You Yourself bound me with lashes of Your love, so that I might not be separated from Your word and drown in the churning, murky, tide.
Yours is the voice, Oh Lord, which I heard in the night, and Your word, my Lord, I kept clenched tightly in my fist, pressed hard against my panting heart.
Lord, now I am old. You are still my hope, for You have never left me. Oh Lord, how I long for the day when I will awaken in the full light of Your glorious presence, when I will be transformed, my body light as a feather.
How You and I will laugh together as we run across the green hills of Your paradise, skipping with joy in our hearts, like young deer madly in love with the sweet, aromatic grass of the new day.
I long to meet You face to face. I long to look fully into Your eyes, Oh Lord.
Oh Lord.
Oh Lord!
Lord, I am dust, and darkness covers my frame like a cloak of noxious fumes. All my righteousness, Lord, is like a filthy rag, permeated in every pore with the foul rot of sin.
But You, Lord, are greater than all my sin and sorrow, and Your love cleanses and makes me pure.
Your word, Lord, has sustained me daily through years of calamity and trial. I look to You, and Your word reassures me. You are never far from me, for Your presence is always with me, as I seek to do Your will.
Like the friend of my youth, whose features are as familiar to me as the well traveled roadways of my own soul, so Lord, are Your commandments to me.
I trust in You, for You have proven Yourself faithful above all the conflicts of time. In You my soul finds her greatest joy and delight.
I rest in You, and Your word is holy manna to me. I wait on You, my Lord, for though I am but a foolish woman, a profitless servant, You are my Lord. You are God, my God.
Though You Yourself carry the full burden of my life; though Your investment in me has brought You no reward, still, You are my Lord.
Oh, the joy that fills my heart to know that I shall always be with You, for Your word promises that You will never leave me. And Your word is truth, for You Yourself have sworn.
Lord, bless Your word unto me. Teach me Your commandments, that I may bring pleasure to Your heart as I obey Your every law, as written in my heart with the pen of Your word.
My soul waits eagerly, Lord, for Your salvation. Do not tarry, Lord, for my hope is in You.
167 My soul keeps Your testimonies, And I love them exceedingly.
Lord, when You gave me Your name, You put Your law into my heart. You Yourself engraved Your commandments into my heart forever.
Therefore, Lord, I love Your law, and I keep Your testimonies.
My actions, Lord, are not perfect. They are not always in harmony with Your law, which is written in my heart. My thoughts, Lord, are not perfect thoughts, nor are my motives perfectly pure.
But Lord, You know that my overarching desire is to keep Your testimonies with all my heart and soul. I want to be pleasing You.
Your law is not burdensome, Lord, nor is it loathsome, for Your law is good. All Your testimonies lead to life--peaceful, fruitful life now, and in the ages to come, life everlasting in Your presence with joy.
Oh Lord, how very broad is Your kingdom, and all who enter by the narrow gate are free to travel Your entire realm. There is so much space in Your domain.
Your testimonies are all good, Lord. They lead to life, long life, health, and peace. Blessed is the one who drinks deeply from the well of Your salvation.
Search me, Lord, and try me. See if there be any unclean way in me, that I might be wholly unto You.
What You have given me, Lord, is locked securely in my heart, where I guard Your testimonies jealously. Many come to the door with false decrees, saying, "Here. Take these. These are better than those antiquated laws you drag about as a long, heavy chain."
But though their speech is smooth, I am not deceived, for Your law is better than the purest gold. Happy is the one who treasures Your law in her heart, for strength returns to strength all the days of her life. Joy regards her footsteps and lays a carpet beneath her feet in even the most rugged terrain.
Your heart, Lord, is gladdened by every tiny one who keeps Your testimonies utterly, and You will not let them be ashamed, as they stand at the gate before their enemies.
I love Your testimonies, Lord. They have been my sure friends through all the years. They have never left me. They have guided my feet and brought me to a land flowing with milk and honey.
Oh Lord, thank You for Your law. Thank You for Your word, for by it Your handmaiden is warned, and in Your law is great peace.
You, Lord, are the great King and Sovereign of the land. Multitudes of blessings are at Your command, and You dispense freely to all who love You, to those who obey Your statutes.
You are a great and wise King. Happy is the soldier in Your army.
Oh great God in heaven, this one thing I ask, Lord, that You would help my heart to keep and obey all Your law to the uttermost, to the end.
Oh Lord, I need Your help. Help me, Lord, in this.
168 I keep Your precepts and Your testimonies, For all my ways are before You.
Long before I was born, Lord, all my days were written in Your book. My life and soul were conceived in Your heart before there was even a world in which to place me. You know my frame and the dust of which I am made.
Such knowledge is too wonderful for me.
Lord, who can hide from You? If I were to sin against You, from my mother's womb, You know the day and the minute. Nothing is hidden from Your sight.
Therefore is my heart assured by Your mercies. Lord, in Your great mercy and love You have chosen me for pardon.
I am as all the rest. We are all sinners worthy of Your wrath forever. But in Your lovingkindness, You have placed Your hand upon me, to restrain my feet from the paths that lead to destruction.
All my ways are before You, Lord, but You have chosen me for blessing. You have placed Your love in my heart, and I eagerly wait on You.
Therefore, I keep Your precepts and Your testimonies, because You surround me with the light of Your presence and the beauty of Your law. In Your love and mercy to me You have hemmed me in for conformity to Your plan and purpose, conformity to Your love and goodness to me, conformity to Your very own nature and ways. I worship You, Lord.
How my heart longs to be like You, to reflect Your ways in all I say and do. You, Lord, are the epitome of perfection, the mold from which Your children are cast.
Thank You, Lord, for loving me. Thank You for placing Your hand so firmly upon me, to lead, direct, and guide my steps in the paths of Your goodness, in the light of Your law.
I keep Your testimonies, Lord, because You have loved me and placed in my heart a compass that points always to Your heart of love. Oh the deep, deep richness of Your ways.
Your love is beyond the love of even the most wonderful of earthly fathers. Great is Your name, Oh Lord, worthy of all praise and adoration.
Bless Your little flock, Oh Lord. May we be fruitful and multiply under the rod of Your discipline and the staff of Your love.
Holy are You, Oh Lord. May blessings and praise be Your forever, Oh King and Ruler of all.
How You and I will laugh together as we run across the green hills of Your paradise, skipping with joy in our hearts, like young deer madly in love with the sweet, aromatic grass of the new day.
I long to meet You face to face. I long to look fully into Your eyes, Oh Lord.
Oh Lord.
Oh Lord!
Lord, I am dust, and darkness covers my frame like a cloak of noxious fumes. All my righteousness, Lord, is like a filthy rag, permeated in every pore with the foul rot of sin.
But You, Lord, are greater than all my sin and sorrow, and Your love cleanses and makes me pure.
Your word, Lord, has sustained me daily through years of calamity and trial. I look to You, and Your word reassures me. You are never far from me, for Your presence is always with me, as I seek to do Your will.
Like the friend of my youth, whose features are as familiar to me as the well traveled roadways of my own soul, so Lord, are Your commandments to me.
I trust in You, for You have proven Yourself faithful above all the conflicts of time. In You my soul finds her greatest joy and delight.
I rest in You, and Your word is holy manna to me. I wait on You, my Lord, for though I am but a foolish woman, a profitless servant, You are my Lord. You are God, my God.
Though You Yourself carry the full burden of my life; though Your investment in me has brought You no reward, still, You are my Lord.
Oh, the joy that fills my heart to know that I shall always be with You, for Your word promises that You will never leave me. And Your word is truth, for You Yourself have sworn.
Lord, bless Your word unto me. Teach me Your commandments, that I may bring pleasure to Your heart as I obey Your every law, as written in my heart with the pen of Your word.
My soul waits eagerly, Lord, for Your salvation. Do not tarry, Lord, for my hope is in You.
167 My soul keeps Your testimonies, And I love them exceedingly.
Lord, when You gave me Your name, You put Your law into my heart. You Yourself engraved Your commandments into my heart forever.
Therefore, Lord, I love Your law, and I keep Your testimonies.
My actions, Lord, are not perfect. They are not always in harmony with Your law, which is written in my heart. My thoughts, Lord, are not perfect thoughts, nor are my motives perfectly pure.
But Lord, You know that my overarching desire is to keep Your testimonies with all my heart and soul. I want to be pleasing You.
Your law is not burdensome, Lord, nor is it loathsome, for Your law is good. All Your testimonies lead to life--peaceful, fruitful life now, and in the ages to come, life everlasting in Your presence with joy.
Oh Lord, how very broad is Your kingdom, and all who enter by the narrow gate are free to travel Your entire realm. There is so much space in Your domain.
Your testimonies are all good, Lord. They lead to life, long life, health, and peace. Blessed is the one who drinks deeply from the well of Your salvation.
Search me, Lord, and try me. See if there be any unclean way in me, that I might be wholly unto You.
What You have given me, Lord, is locked securely in my heart, where I guard Your testimonies jealously. Many come to the door with false decrees, saying, "Here. Take these. These are better than those antiquated laws you drag about as a long, heavy chain."
But though their speech is smooth, I am not deceived, for Your law is better than the purest gold. Happy is the one who treasures Your law in her heart, for strength returns to strength all the days of her life. Joy regards her footsteps and lays a carpet beneath her feet in even the most rugged terrain.
Your heart, Lord, is gladdened by every tiny one who keeps Your testimonies utterly, and You will not let them be ashamed, as they stand at the gate before their enemies.
I love Your testimonies, Lord. They have been my sure friends through all the years. They have never left me. They have guided my feet and brought me to a land flowing with milk and honey.
Oh Lord, thank You for Your law. Thank You for Your word, for by it Your handmaiden is warned, and in Your law is great peace.
You, Lord, are the great King and Sovereign of the land. Multitudes of blessings are at Your command, and You dispense freely to all who love You, to those who obey Your statutes.
You are a great and wise King. Happy is the soldier in Your army.
Oh great God in heaven, this one thing I ask, Lord, that You would help my heart to keep and obey all Your law to the uttermost, to the end.
Oh Lord, I need Your help. Help me, Lord, in this.
168 I keep Your precepts and Your testimonies, For all my ways are before You.
Long before I was born, Lord, all my days were written in Your book. My life and soul were conceived in Your heart before there was even a world in which to place me. You know my frame and the dust of which I am made.
Such knowledge is too wonderful for me.
Lord, who can hide from You? If I were to sin against You, from my mother's womb, You know the day and the minute. Nothing is hidden from Your sight.
Therefore is my heart assured by Your mercies. Lord, in Your great mercy and love You have chosen me for pardon.
I am as all the rest. We are all sinners worthy of Your wrath forever. But in Your lovingkindness, You have placed Your hand upon me, to restrain my feet from the paths that lead to destruction.
All my ways are before You, Lord, but You have chosen me for blessing. You have placed Your love in my heart, and I eagerly wait on You.
Therefore, I keep Your precepts and Your testimonies, because You surround me with the light of Your presence and the beauty of Your law. In Your love and mercy to me You have hemmed me in for conformity to Your plan and purpose, conformity to Your love and goodness to me, conformity to Your very own nature and ways. I worship You, Lord.
How my heart longs to be like You, to reflect Your ways in all I say and do. You, Lord, are the epitome of perfection, the mold from which Your children are cast.
Thank You, Lord, for loving me. Thank You for placing Your hand so firmly upon me, to lead, direct, and guide my steps in the paths of Your goodness, in the light of Your law.
I keep Your testimonies, Lord, because You have loved me and placed in my heart a compass that points always to Your heart of love. Oh the deep, deep richness of Your ways.
Your love is beyond the love of even the most wonderful of earthly fathers. Great is Your name, Oh Lord, worthy of all praise and adoration.
Bless Your little flock, Oh Lord. May we be fruitful and multiply under the rod of Your discipline and the staff of Your love.
Holy are You, Oh Lord. May blessings and praise be Your forever, Oh King and Ruler of all.
Psalm 119:169-176 The Lord's People Cry Out
Psalm 119:169 Let my cry come before You, O LORD; Give me understanding according to Your word.
170 Let my supplication come before You; Deliver me according to Your word.
171 Let my lips utter praise, For You teach me Your statutes.
172 Let my tongue sing of Your word, For all Your commandments are righteousness.
173 Let Your hand be ready to help me, For I have chosen Your precepts.
174 I long for Your salvation, O LORD, And Your law is my delight.
175 Let my soul live that it may praise You, And let Your ordinances help me.
176 I have gone astray like a lost sheep; seek Your servant, For I do not forget Your commandments.
169 Let my cry come before You, O LORD; Give me understanding according to Your word.
Oh great God of the heavens, You who created the vast reaches of the universe, galaxies upon galaxies without end, stars upon stars without number, arranged in orderly manner throughout unfathomable space, You who created hosts of angels in bright array, servants and armies in Your majestic train, how incomprehensibly huge, powerful, and infinitely mighty You are!
You fill all creation, but are bigger still. How distant, how remote.
But You are also close, Lord, so very, very close. You are closer to me than my very own thought in the next breath I draw.
You are closer still than the beating of my own heart, closer than the flutter of my lashes pressed upon my pillow as I lie resting at night.
Before I was conceived, You knew all my ways. With Your very own hand have You written pages upon pages, and chapter after chapter in my own book, none of which I can peer into.
My own body is a mystery to me, and the unspoken motives of my own heart, who can find them? You alone, my Lord, for nothing, absolutely nothing, is hidden from You. You have created all, and You order and rule it all.
Why then, Lord, do You not hear me when I cry out to You? Week after week of torments without response from You.
You have spoken once, and even twice, but my heart would not hear. Lord, open my heart! Open my eyes unto You. Give me understanding according to Your word.
Your word speaks, and it tells me all I need to know. Oh Lord, tell me, open Your word to my heart, that I may hear and understand.
Your word startles. It is a surprise, like pounding rain when there have been no clouds.
Your word is magnificently refreshing, like cold, tumbling water over rocks of high mountain landscapes.
Your word pierces like a knife, like a spear when it has been masterfully aimed and hits its exact mark. Who can ever hear Your word and forget the sound of it? Hearing, who can not obey?
Lord, soften my heart. Make my heart like softest clay in Your hands. Mold me and shape me to Your own heart's desire.
Give me a heart of obedience, Lord, that I might live. Conquer all sources of pride in me. Make me Your own, Lord, and guard me with Your fiercest, most jealous love.
Lord, I am very, very weak. My resolve dissolves like powder within me. All my best thoughts evaporate quickly, like dew on a brilliant summer day.
Yet, one thing You have given me, Lord, and this is mine to keep, for You have decreed it of me--I love Your word.
You have placed in my heart a seed, a thirst for Your truth, and Your word promises me that You will never remove it from me.
I am Your servant, Lord. Your name which You gave me long ago is written upon my forehead. Oh Lord! May it be real! May it not be a dream. May I not be deceiving myself!
I cast myself upon Your mercy, Oh God. I cannot save myself. I cry out to You with all the longing in all my soul, Lord, but I can do no more. You alone, Lord, are Lord! You alone can save.
Help me, Lord! I am crying out to You. Let my cry come before You, Oh Lord. Give me understanding according to Your word. Strengthen me, Lord, according to Your word.
Make haste, my God, to save me. I am Yours. Own me, Lord. Use me, fill me, that I may tell others of Your great goodness. Open my mouth to speak Your name, to tell of Your great wonders from Your law.
May many men praise You on account of me. May I be the empty vessel, the broken clay pot through which Your word flows freely to water men's souls. Give me Your seed, Lord, the seed of Your word, that I may plant it in men's souls.
Lord, I am useless without You. I can do nothing apart from You. My own great pride is a barrier of sin that stands between myself and You. Conquer me, my Lord. Have Your way finally and fully within me.
I hate my own life--what good is this paltry pride I horde, if it takes me down to the pit, forever despising Your great name? Make me like a seed, Lord. Plant me in the ground, that my own life, the life I live apart from You, might die, that I might find Your new life and bear much fruit to Your glory for the benefit of Your people.
Lord, on my own, I cannot will to die and bring it about. I have no power, Lord, to lay down my own life. My natural flesh is dead without You. I have no power apart from You in me.
Take my life, Lord; take all of it. I would be rid of it all, once and for all, Lord. Use me as You will. Break me, Lord, for Your good.
Do this for me, my God. Make me Your own. I cannot do this by myself. Lord, be faithful to me. Help me to serve You. Help me to obey.
There is no God but You, Lord. You alone are He. Have mercy, Oh Lord, and regard the humble estate of Your servant. Give me understanding according to Your word, my Lord, and make my heart, my mind, my will, my feet, my hands, my mouth ready to obey. Give me a servant's heart, Lord. Help me to understand Your will, and help me to obey. In You I pray.
170 Let my supplication come before You; Deliver me according to Your word.
Lord, I am brought very low. The weight of the load upon my shoulders has brought me to my knees. Sleep has fled. Early in the morning I rise up to be with You, while the world lies in darkness still.
Lord, You are unfathomable in Your holiness. I am shallow and easily scraped. Lord, all Your ways are holy and pure. I am tainted with the sins of this world, and my eyes cross themselves in perplexity of spirit. Oh to be like You! Then would I have dominion over my own unruly nature.
Lord, cast not Your servant aside. Hear the details of my plea, for I am vexed and troubles abound. My enemies follow me wherever I go. They stare with hollow eyes. There is no rest from them, for when one leaves off the other begins.
Lord God, You are the God of my salvation. Deliver me, Lord, according to Your word. I am like a child. Unmindful of discretion, I lean myself too far forward towards the fire thinking to myself, "My mother will save me."
You, Lord, are my mother, my father, my husband, my brother, my priest, my friend. Oh help me, Lord. Protect me from myself. Protect me from the dogs around me.
If it were not for Your word, for Your steadfast hand upon me, for Your presence within me through all the long hours of the troubled night, Lord, I would be dead.
I would have perished long ago, but Your word and the promise of Your peace have held me fast. You are the anchor of my life, and Your word to me is a raft of hope in a very dark and chilling sea.
Lord, the waters rise up very high around me on all sides, deep waters of conflict, doubts, and confusion. Your word alone moors me, so that I do not heave up my insides with nausea.
Everything swirls around me, but your word is steadfast, secure, unmoving in my heart like a solid rock. You keep me safe. You protect me from my enemies all around me and from those within my own heart.
Lord, I am weak and very foolish. Subdue, Lord, subdue thoroughly, indeed, vanquish, Lord, all pride within me and even the source of that pride in my very own core.
Save me from my enemies all about me, according to the promises in Your word. You have delivered me in the past time and time again, Lord. Deliver me now. Do not let the oppressor wreak his havoc upon me.
Lord, I bow before Your throne of grace and lay my every thought before You. Nothing is hidden from Your eyes, but I bring all my thoughts to You openly. Correct me where I error; show me the falseness of my way; reveal hypocrisy in my heart, Lord, that I might live another day to praise Your name forever.
Have mercy, Lord, upon me. Hear my supplication when I call upon Your name.
Oh Lord, I know You will save me. I am like avery young child walking at her father's side, my hand in Yours. I know, Lord, that You will save me, for Your word speaks gracious promises of Your eternal love; and that which Your word promises, You will surely do.
Lord, how I yearn with great longing for the day of Your salvation.
Come, quickly, my Lord. I wait for You.
171 Let my lips utter praise, For You teach me Your statutes.
Hallelujia, Lord! Though trials and many hardships endure for a season, joy sings in the morning.
Praise Your name, Lord, for You have heard the cry of Your servant, and Your word comes to me with strong melodies of love.
You are not a miser with Your mercy. You give freely give to all who call upon Your name.
Your word speaks to my inner man and shows me the place where I must place my foot. You teach me Your statutes, Lord, and they are not burdensome. They give light to my steps, and they lead to great joy and peace.
Praise You, holy Father, for You have not robbed from the poor, but You give to the widow and to the orphans.
Your ways are not our ways, nor Your thoughts our thoughts, for Your ways are higher than ours, so much higher, as the sun above the earth beneath.
Let my lips shout joyfully in praise of Your name, for this is the day the Lord has made. The Lord created and He sustains. The needy always find shelter, rest, food, and warmth at Your feet, those who seek You truly with a sincere heart. You give freely to those who love Your law.
Lord, this poor beggar came with outstretched heart, and You have filled me utterly from Your storehouse of great wealth.
Lord, praise Your name, for Your word is a great comfort in time of pain and distress. In joyful seasons Your word is a constant companion. Every line in it is lovely, even the rod that corrects, for great discipline yields great rewards of righteousness, joy, and peace.
Thank You, Lord, for training me according to Your statutes. I was not seeking You, Lord; it was not my cry that moved Your heart to pity me, but no, Lord, You came looking for me of Your own accord, calling my name in all the darkest corners and clammy recesses of my life.
You found me; I did not find You. It is to Your glory and honor, Lord, that I am Your servant, for behold, You decree and it comes to pass.
Lord, I am completely indebted to You. My life is in Your hand, and all my steps are numbered and measured by Your grace. You weigh everything in the balance, and all Your judgments are just, for what my life lacks, You by Your own grace supply.
You are sovereign, Lord, and there is none like You. You are not a man, Lord, that I could injure You, but by the grace of Your own word, I am healed.
You have paid my penalty from Your own goodness, the fullness of Your own supply of mercy and grace, and by Your stripes I am healed.
You did this of Your own will, out of Your own compassion for the sons and daughters of men. I did not talk You into it. I was clinging to my sin, pursuing my sin, running hard, panting, after sin, Lord. But You stopped me in my tracks. You apprehended me. I did not know how very lost I was until Your light shone in my heart, showing me the great folly of my ways. Blessed is Your name, Oh King of the Ages.
Lord, teach me Your statutes once again, that I may serve You in righteousness and truth all the days of my life. Forgive my treacherous ways and weed out all sources of corruption in me.
You are Lord; I am Your daughter, praise Your name, built from dust and clay. But what You make holy with the holiness You give shall be holy indeed forever, for You are holy, and You are God.
Thank You, Lord; thank You my great, good, precious, and wonderful King. This day I stand on record, Lord, for all the hosts of heaven to hear me speak Your wonderful name, for them to know that I am Yours to the end. I bless and praise Your name, my God, my King, my Lord. Amen.
172 Let my tongue sing of Your word, For all Your commandments are righteousness.
Lord, loosen my tongue. Free my tongue to sing of Your word. My heart loves Your commandments, for they are righteous altogether. Whoever lives by them has great reward. Even the undergarments of Your commandments are clean, for there is no duplicity in Your word.
Your commandments are life, and they give life to the one who embraces them.
All Your commandments are energetic. There is power in Your word. There is healing in Your Spirit. You send forth Your word and it accomplishes Your purpose, for You Yourself indwell Your word, and it does whatever You command. All Your commandments are good. They teach men how to live in accordance with Your will. You are God.
Oh Lord, my heart knows full well that You meet me here, for You inhabit the praises of Your people, and time spent in your word is time spent with You. My heart knows this, Lord.
Teach my tongue, Oh Lord, that my tongue may speak out what my heart knows, what You have taught my heart. Bless my tongue, Oh Lord, that my tongue may bless You.
There is a fierce war raging, even in my heart, Lord, for the dominion of my tongue. The enemy would suppress the truth in unrighteousness. The enemy would stifle my mouth, that I might not tell of Your wonderful deeds, of Your awesome commandments.
Loosen my tongue, Lord, to sing of Your word. Let not my enemy have dominion over me. Who will sing forth Your praises, Lord, if Your very own servants do not?
Your commandments bring goodness and life to people. Your commandments correct and comfort. Blessed is the one who knows and obeys Your word, for Your commandments are great treasure to all who embrace them.
They lead from glory to glory, and the one who finds them finds life.
Lord, may I not horde knowledge of your great goodness in my heart. May I not bury Your treasure in the recesses, the quiet places of my own life. May I not place a bushel over the light You have given me. May I be a city set upon a hill.
Let my tongue sing of Your word! My heart sings, Lord. You know my heart sings, Lord, because You hear me in all my quiet places! Let my tongue sing as well, Lord, that others may know of Your great goodness to me, Lord, for all Your commandments are righteousness.
Your word has freed me from the power of death. The terrors of darkness overwhelmed my soul, and You saved me from them all.
Bless, Oh Lord, your servant's tongue. Deliver me, Lord, from bondage to fear, from pride of life, that I may tell of Your great name all the days of my life.
Lord, I know You hear me, and You will do it. Praise You and bless You, Oh Lord. My help comes in the name of the Lord.
173 Let Your hand be ready to help me, For I have chosen Your precepts.
[author's note--a prayer for pastors and for all who share God's word]
Your presence, Lord, turns night to day, fear to calm assurance, great agitation to still waters.
Your presence makes all the difference in the world. Anxiety turns to laughter, sorrow and affliction become joy. Great heaviness of heart becomes a lightness that floats.
Lord, be with me now. When You open doors, Lord, no one can shut them, and when You shut, Lord, they are shut indeed. Not all the armies of the world together can open what You have not decreed to open.
Lord, let Your hand fall upon me now, Lord, to help me in my hour of need. Open a door for me, Lord. Make a broad way, that I and others with me may walk through to behold the beauties of Your excellencies.
Be near, Lord, so that when I cry out to You, Your hand will speedily save. I can do nothing without You, Lord. Harmony ceases, and discord reigns when I do not hear Your voice in my heart.
Lord, I have chosen Your precepts. In my heart, I love them, and I have made a public statement announcing my choice. All eyes are upon me, as I open my mouth to speak and tell of Your great wonders.
But my words are empty without You. Without You they will fall as china breaking with a clattering noise upon a surface of hard tile.
Lord, I could utter the same words with and without Your presence--the one would fall to the ground like the dull thud of dry, unfired clay as it smashes to pieces, but the other would bring life.
You, and You alone, Lord, are the life giver. Life resides in You, and You alone have power over it. You give life to whomever You please.
Lord, may Your hand be upon me to help me, as I deliver Your precepts.
Save me, Lord, from my very greatest of all enemies, pride. I am depending upon You, Lord, to deliver me from pride and falseness in my inner man, for I am weak, and You are strong. However much Your hand may afflict me, Lord, deliver me from pride.
Lord, deliver me from craven fear. Holy fear is my friend unto life, but craven fear kills, even from the womb. Deliver me, Lord, from fear.
Hold my hand in Yours, Lord, as I turn the pages of Your book. Keep my hand steady, my mind clear, and my voice from shame. Be strong in me, Lord, for in my extreme weakness, I trust in You.
Glorify Yourself, Lord, just You, not me; glorify Yourself, Lord, with great glory, as I tell of Your precepts. Cause me to be an empty vessel with clear walls, invisible, save for You.
Lord, may I be a blessing and not a curse. May I not interfere with the work of Your Spirit. Bless, Lord, through me, and I will be blessed. I can think of no greater satisfaction, no greater joy, Lord, than to be the means of Your blessing someone with life, through Your precepts, which my mouth may speak.
Keep Your hand upon me, Lord. Watch over my heart, my hands, my mouth, my ears, my feet, that I might not sin against You and thereby ruin the good thing which You have given me to give to others.
Oh Lord, increase my dependency upon You, that I may not trust myself at all. Search my heart and try me, Lord, that there may be no leaven of falsehood in me.
Lord, You know my heart. There are parts of me hidden from my sight that I cannot see, but You see all. Do whatever is needful, Lord, that I may walk in the light of Your presence forever.
Lord, keep Your hand steady upon me, ready to help me at all times, for I have chosen Your precepts, and Your law is my delight. I am fully committed to Your word, Oh Lord; bless the work of Your servant for Your name's sake, for the good of the flock You have entrusted to my care.
I ask in Your name, Lord. Amen.
174 I long for Your salvation, O LORD, And Your law is my delight.
I long to see Your face. Lord, come to me through Your word, for Your word is awesome in its majesty.
Lord, hear my cry and speak to me. May I not converse with air, nor with the walls of my own heart.
Lord, may my words rise up to Your heaven. May they not hit the ceiling of my own room and bounce back down to me.
Reply to me, Oh Lord, I humbly pray, by opening Your law to my understanding.
Oh Lord, You are the giver, and I receive. I cannot approach Your throne unless You bid me come, escort me there, and cover me with Your grace.
My room, where I live, is a dark cell, Lord, unless You grace me with the light of Your presence. The walls of my room are too thick for any sound to permeate. My voice cannot escape to You, unless You reach in Your hand and lift my words upon Your finger, as a bird is lifted upon its perch.
I cannot hear You, Lord, unless You Yourself place Your voice within my walls. Open a long and deep passageway, Lord, to Your presence by means of Your word, Lord, that I might quickly and readily pass through.
Oh Lord, You have not neglected Your children! How great is Your love, Lord, that You have given us the gift of Your word. Your name, Lord, is engraved on its every page, and with the understanding You give us, we trace the lines of Your mouth.
Lord, You have not kept Yourself hidden from our sight, but You have freely shared Yourself with us in Your law.
Your law is my delight, Lord, because it speaks of You. I long for Your salvation, Lord, as I long for water in the day of fasting.
All my hopes are placed on You. I have sold all I have, Lord, and I lay it at Your feet. Nothing has been held back. You are all my hope. Do not leave me, Lord. You are the breath of my life.
175 Let my soul live that it may praise You, And let Your ordinances help me.
My soul is in Your hand, Lord. You order and establish all my ways. My life is a long cord stretched from You to me, and were it to break, I would be cast out into outer darkness.
Lord, I need You. I cannot take one step without You. This I know full well, my Lord. Very soon I fall on my face without Your hand of grace upon me.
Lord, I want to live. I claw for air. May my soul find its delight in praising Your name. May my praise of You escape my heart and move freely upon the wings of a dove to bless the souls of others. I love you, Lord. May others know of Your great love for me and praise Your name.
Lord, grant me to live, that I may praise You. May Your ordinances help me, Lord. May I live my life by faith in Your statutes. May Your ordinances strengthen me. May they be the rock on which I stand.
Anchor me, Lord, in Your word, that I may stand firm against all the storms that come my way. Lord, may I not go to my grave in silence. Open my mouth to praise Your name.
Death has no voice. No songs of joy come forth from the tomb to greet the ears of men. Glad singing does not rise from the clods of earth that settle over men's decayed remains.
Lord, the living praise You; the living hear their songs of praise. Let me live, Lord, that the joy You have placed in my heart may fly on the wings of many flocks of birds. May others see and hear them and be glad. May our voices rise together in loud shouts of harmonious praise to your glorious name.
Make Your word real to me, Lord. Quicken Your word in my heart. Engrave it in the folds of my mind, and may I wear it across my forehead. I will write it on the palm of my hand, that I may be fortified in the day of battle.
Lord, visit me with Your word. Comfort me with Your presence in my heart. Let me hear Your voice of love again, Lord, before I die. Don't leave me in the barren field.
Send forth Your word in my heart, Oh my Lord, and may it bear fruit tenfold within me and through me.
Nothing, Oh God, nothing pleases me like Your word, like the word of Your very own voice within my heart.
Visit me again, Lord, and redeem my soul from the pit, that I may know and swallow in its entirety the joy that You give.
Lord, I am dead without You. You are my life, and Your ordinances are my food.
176 I have gone astray like a lost sheep; seek Your servant, For I do not forget Your commandments.
Hear my cry, Oh Lord! Attend unto the voice of my prayer! I have gone astray like a lost sheep; seek Your servant, for I do not forget Your commandments.
As a sheep walks with its nose towards the ground, searching out every green blade, so go I, unmindful of the path that vanishes beneath my feet. Silently, the stray sheep places one hoof in front of the other, until quite by chance, lifting its head, it finds itself alone. Raising its voice in alarm, it bleats, an invitation for both its master and the wolf.
Lord, how does it happen so quickly, so suddenly, like a wildfire in the dry grasses of autumn on a blustery, windy day?
I lift my head, and behold, I am lost, alone, like a dumb sheep following its own hooves into a thicket of brambles and thorns.
Lord, I am old. I am not young. Yet here I am again, Lord, lifting my head, casting about me for a familiar landscape, a marker I might recognize. I listen intently for my shepherd's horn; but alas, Lord, I am alone. I have wandered off--again! I am lost.
Lord, You never created me ever to be the captain of my own ship. Young children grow up and leave their parents, but not so with you, my Lord. You are forever and always the shepherd, and I the sheep. You are forever and always the leader, the guide, and my role is to follow.
Such is good, Lord, for my heart is not proud within me. There is nothing I seek that You do not have to give. Why would I want to leave Your side to strike out on my own? I have done that already, and at great pain to myself, until I once more found the road back home and heard Your voice calling me to guide me again.
Lord, it's all You. It has always been You. I am nothing, nor will I ever be anything apart from You. The best I can ever hope to be is a vessel filled with You! But Lord--that is everything! I, a creature, one created by Your hand, a pot designed to hold You. Lord, You are who I want! You are the satisfaction of all my desires, desires which You Yourself placed in me.
Be patient with me, Lord, and seek Your servant again, for the fifty millionth time. If I knew a larger number, Lord, I would say it here. Teach my soul like a baby's, Lord. Show me how to walk all over again, how it is that I should place one foot before the other in the light of Your word.
Like an old person who has had many strokes, I need to be taught again and again what I thought I once knew so very well.
I have not left Your word, my Lord, nor have I forgotten the blessing You have been to me all the days of my life. Your word is irrevocably hidden in my heart. I have not forsaken Your commandments.
I do not forget Your statutes. They are my rudder, my ship's compass in the night, the fixed star on which I set my course.
It's just that I am a silly, foolish woman, Lord.
You never intended me to lead myself. Your thought from the beginning, Lord, was to have me follow.
Oh Lord, be the shepherd of my soul. Like a lost sheep, Your servant stands on the highest hillock she can find, bleating out Your name in mournful delight. Lord. Lord. Lord. Lord. Lord.
Ah, Lord, You are so good, so very, very awesomely good; so tenderly, lovingly, beautifully good to this wretched bag of wrinkled flesh and dried out bones.
How often, Lord, have I said in my heart, "This surely is too much. Surely the Lord has rejected me now. This time I have turned my back upon Him once too often and for too long. Surely He has rejected me forever."
But not so, Lord. Indeed, Lord, You go out of Your way to show me in a multitude of small but important ways Your love for me. You take my face in Your hand and turn me around in the midst of my gloom to show me the light of Your eyes smiling down upon me. Such love is too wonderful for me, Lord. Such goodness is too majestic to behold.
Oh Lord, bless the day You made me Your own. Bless the day You created me, Lord, for Your pleasure alone. Bless the day you covered me in Your own garment of salvation, Lord; yes, Your very own blood. You feed me with Your own flesh.
You are big, and I am small. Your servant is a pauper, Lord, and a leper.
But this one thing I have.
This I have because You have given me this great gift, this priceless jewel, this commandment You have placed in my heart forever--that I do not forget Your law.
Your commandments are mine to keep. You have commanded me to keep them, and You have given me power to keep them. You have given Your commandments to me. I have willingly received them from You.
I am satisfied, Lord. Even when I am lost and alone, gone astray like a lost sheep, even then, Lord, I am very well-fed and very, very rich. For I am Your child and Your servant.
I have no complaints, Lord, for You are my keeper, and You have called me Your friend.
All is well, Lord.
Yet this one thing I ask, and this one thing will I seek after, that I may dwell in the house of the Lord forever.
Seek Your servant, Lord, for I am Your possession. I am the handmaiden of Your love. You died for me, that I might take Your life and Your righteousness as my own.
Seek me and save me, Lord, for I am lost, and I do not forget Your commandments.
Thank You, my great and good, all wise Savior, my Lord, my King. I know no one but You.
From your daughter in grace, the daughter of your love,
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- Christina
- married with children, married 42 years, Christian 32, non-believing husband, member of First Baptist Church;