Quiet Times Journal

QUIET TIMES JOURNAL: Mostly meditative writings and prayers on particular Bible passages; a few book reviews; photographs taken by the author.

Friday, August 21, 2009

Water from the Rock

When the Israelites were wandering through the desert, they became thirsty but had no water to drink. Moses prayed to the Lord, and the Lord granted Moses' request--when Moses struck a rock, water came gushing forth (Exodus 17:6).

The Israelites knew that this was a miracle; we know it, too. We know that it was a miracle because never, ever have we seen anyone strike a rock with a stick, and water came gushing out.

Psalm 78:15 He split the rocks in the desert and gave them water as abundant as the seas; 16 he brought streams out of a rocky crag and made water flow down like rivers.

Do you have a rocky crag in your life? I know I do. Often in the course of my wanderings through the years, I have been in desert places, spiritually speaking: places of dryness, barrenness, miserable heat, hard pressing, no relief in sight, a rocky crag, a rock.

And then the Lord would open the very rock that was causing me misery, and fountains of water would come gushing forth! Within the very situation that was causing me pain, the Lord would bring forth fountains of living water as refreshing as a mountain stream! At these times, I knew that it was the Lord doing a miracle, because I had no water in me, just hard rock!

As I read through Psalm 78 recently, my heart became convicted of the sin of doubt, the same sin with which the Israelites vexed God in the wilderness. I know the Lord has saved me again and again, but when faced with
this situation, I cave in and murmur and complain, not expecting His miracle of water to come forth yet again. What a short spiritual memory I have!


Praise You Father! Your goodness and faithfulness are well known among Your people. We have all received from Your hand countless salvations and blessings. Forgive me, Lord, when I behave towards You so much the same as the Israelites with whom You were angry in the wilderness. Lord, I need Your strength yet again! Please, Lord, bring forth Your waters from this rocky crag where I am camped! In Jesus' precious name, Amen.

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married with children, married 42 years, Christian 32, non-believing husband, member of First Baptist Church; auntpreble_blog@yahoo.com

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