Quiet Times Journal

QUIET TIMES JOURNAL: Mostly meditative writings and prayers on particular Bible passages; a few book reviews; photographs taken by the author.

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Grannies in Granny_4b

I can't believe it! I had this overwhelming urge to go out bicycling again today, so I did! One of my goals is this beautiful, country valley road, but to get there, I have to go up a fairly steep, long hill. That's where I decided to go this afternoon.

It was a contest of my lungs. I don't have great lungs. I tried standing on the pedals for quite a way, but I found out that is more taxing on the lungs than sitting in low, low. So I sat in low, low, so low that I kind of wobbled my way up the hill. The muscles were okay, but the lungs were really working. Finally, I made it to the top.

Not wanting to have to come back that same elevation, I turned back down the same side, saving the beautiful valley for an earlier time of day.

I tooled around for another half an hour or so, exploring little retirement communities I'd seen but never driven through.

Now, I really am spent and content to call it a day. Thank-You, Lord.


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married with children, married 42 years, Christian 32, non-believing husband, member of First Baptist Church; auntpreble_blog@yahoo.com

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